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Last active October 6, 2023 16:42
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>W2UI Demo: grid-3</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<section id="tables"></section>
<div id="grid" style="width: 100%; height: 400px; overflow: hidden;"></div>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Header</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Toolbar</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Column Headers</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Footer</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Line Numbers</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Select Column</button>
<button class="w2ui-btn" onclick="var obj = w2ui['grid']; = !; w2ui['grid'].refresh();">Expand Column</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
//get the list of tables from the API
$.get( "api.php", function( scheme_data ) {
if( typeof scheme_data.tags !=="undefined" ){
var tables = scheme_data.tags;
var output = "<ul>";
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
output+="<li><a href='"+tables[i].name+"'>"+tables[i].name+"</a></li>";
//add the table markup
$( '#tables' ).html( output );
//set activate table when clicked
handle_new_api_selection( );
.then( function( scheme_data ){
//make a request to the API
get_api_response( scheme_data );
* Gets the api response via AJAX and renders the result
* @param {Array} scheme_data The database's scheme data
function get_api_response( scheme_data ){
//find the records for the selected table
//harcoded params for now
var params = "?page=1,20";
//what table is selected?
var selected_table = get_selected_table( );
var api_url = "api.php/"+selected_table+"/"+params;
var searches = true;//we want to support searching the data
$.get( api_url, function( table_data ) {
var results = format_for_w2grid( table_data, selected_table, searches );
if( searches && typeof scheme_data!=="undefined"){
//add searches
results[ selected_table ].searches = add_searches_from_column_data( scheme_data, selected_table );
results[ selected_table ].searches = [ ];
console.log(results[ selected_table ].searches);
name: 'grid',
header: 'Barcodes API',
method: 'GET',
show: {
header : true,
toolbar : true,
footer : true,
lineNumbers : true,
selectColumn : true
multiSearch: true,
columns: results[selected_table].columns,
records: results[selected_table].records,
searches: results[ selected_table ].searches
* Format API columns and records data
* @param {Array} data The API data
* @param {string} selected_table The user-selected table
* @return {Array} { Formatted array suitable for w2ui }
function format_for_w2grid( data, selected_table ){
var columns = data[ selected_table ].columns;
var formatted_columns = [ ];
var records = data[ selected_table ].records;
var formatted_records = [ ];
/*Get column names and ids*/
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
formatted_columns[i]={field:columns[i], caption: columns[i]};
/*Column names need to be added to records ( output needs name/value pairs )*/
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
var record = records[ i ];
//for each record, find the column name so we can create name/value JSON pairs
var record_formatted = [ ];
for (var z = 0; z < record.length; z++) {
var column_name = formatted_columns[z].field;
record_formatted[column_name] = record[ z ];
record_formatted['recid'] = i;
formatted_records.push( record_formatted );
data[ selected_table ].records = formatted_records;
data[ selected_table ].columns = formatted_columns;
return data;
* Set a class on the selected table link,
* destroy the current w2ui object,
* get this table's data from API
function handle_new_api_selection( ){
$( '#tables a' ).on( 'click', function( e ){
$( '#tables a' ).removeClass( );
$( this ).addClass( 'selected-table' );
//pass this selection to the API
get_api_response( );
e.preventDefault( );
} );
* Get the user-selected table.
* @return {string} The selected table's link target.
function get_selected_table( ){
var table = $( '#tables li a.selected-table' )
//if there isn't a selected table ( eg on first load ), default to the first
if( table.length === 0 ){
table = $( '#tables li:first-child a');
//find the href, this will be the table name
table = table.attr( 'href' );
return table;
* Map php-crud-api's scheme data to w2ui searches syntax.
* @param {Array} scheme_data The API scheme data
* @param {string} selected_table The selected database table
* @return {Array} { Array of w2ui searches }
function add_searches_from_column_data( scheme_data, selected_table ){
/*Array to return
searches: [
{ type: 'int', field: 'recid', caption: 'ID' },
{ type: 'int', field: 'barcode_number', caption: 'barcode_number' }
//get the columns for this table
var column_properties = scheme_data.paths["/"+selected_table].get.responses[200][selected_table];
var formatted_columns_for_search = [ ];
//iterate over columns changing the values to match w2ui required JSON
Object.keys(column_properties).forEach(function(key,index) {
column_properties[ key ].field = key //add the column name as field name/value
column_properties[ key ].caption = key //duplicate this for the caption
//map data type values as expected by w2ui
if( column_properties[ key ].type === "integer" ){
column_properties[ key ].type = "int";
if( column_properties[ key ].type === "string" ){
column_properties[ key ].type = "text";
//remove stuff we don't need
delete column_properties[ key ]['x-nullable'];
delete column_properties[ key ]['x-dbtype'];
delete column_properties[ key ]['x-primary-key'];
delete column_properties[ key ]['default'];
formatted_columns_for_search.push( column_properties[ key ] );
return formatted_columns_for_search;
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Where the api.php code?

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ablears commented Oct 8, 2021

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