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Created May 12, 2009 14:19
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#This is the form tag I normally have to do
<% #form_for game_player,:url => game_player_path(params[:slug], game_player) do |f| %>
#This is what I was trying
# This form submits to http://localhost:3000/game_players/update_all, I need the team slug in front
<% form_tag (:controller => "game_players", :action => "update_all") do %>
<% for game_player in @game_players %>
<% fields_for "game_player_#{}" do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>
<%=, [['1', 1], ['2', 2], ['3', 3], ['4', 4], ['5', 5], ['6', 6], ['7', 7], ['8', 8], ['9', 9], ['10', 10], ['11', 11], ['12', 12], ['13', 13], ['14', 14], ['15', 15], ['16', 16], ['17', 17], ['18', 18], ['19', 19], ['20', 20]], {:value => game_player.batting_order}) %></td>
<% @player = Player.first(:conditions => ["id = ?", game_player.player_id]) %>
<%= @player.name_with_initial %>
<% @position = FieldPosition.first(:conditions => ["id = ?", game_player.field_position_id]) %>
<%= f.collection_select(:field_position_id, FieldPosition.all, :id, :short_name, {:value => @position})%>
<%=h game_player.batting_avg %>
<%=h game_player.on_base_percentage %>
<%= link_to 'Destroy', game_player_path(params[:slug], game_player), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Update Stats" %></td>
<% end %>
#Update Multiple Game_players
def update_all
keys = params.keys.find_all{ |k| k =~ /game_player_\d+/ }
keys.each do |key|
id = key.split("_").last
@game_player = GamePlayer.find(id)
@game_id = @game_player.game_id
@game = Game.find(@game_id.game_id)
format.html { redirect_to("/#{@team.slug}/games/#{@game.to_param}/edit_stats") }
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