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#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
from AddressBook import *
import pprint
def addressBookToList():
Read the current user's AddressBook database, converting each person
in the address book into a Dictionary of values. Some values (addresses,
phone numbers, email, etc) can have multiple values, in which case a
list of all of those values is stored. The result of this method is
a List of Dictionaries, with each person represented by a single record
in the list.
# get the shared addressbook and the list of
# people from the book.
ab = ABAddressBook.sharedAddressBook()
people = ab.people()
peopleList = []
# convert the ABPerson to a hash
for person in people:
thisPerson = {}
props = person.allProperties()
for prop in props:
# skip some properties
if prop == "":
elif prop == "":
# How we convert the value depends on the ObjC
# class used to represent it
val = person.valueForProperty_(prop)
if type(val) == objc.pyobjc_unicode:
# Unicode String
thisPerson[prop.lower()] = val
elif issubclass(val.__class__, NSDate):
# NSDate
thisPerson[prop.lower()] = val.description()
elif type(val) == ABMultiValueCoreDataWrapper:
# List -- convert each item in the list
# into the proper format
thisPerson[prop.lower()] = []
for valIndex in range(0, val.count()):
indexedValue = val.valueAtIndex_(valIndex)
if type(indexedValue) == objc.pyobjc_unicode:
# Unicode string
elif issubclass(indexedValue.__class__, NSDate):
# Date
elif type(indexedValue) == NSCFDictionary:
# NSDictionary -- convert to a Python Dictionary
propDict = {}
for propKey in indexedValue.keys():
propValue = indexedValue[propKey]
propDict[propKey.lower()] = propValue
return peopleList
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