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Set up a cloud CLAM Coin Digging/Mining Client on Ubuntu

Cloud CLAM Digger/Miner on Ubuntu

CLAMs are awesome!

Proof of stake, rather than proof of work, allows for everyone who's chipped in to receive a piece of the pie.

Follow the steps below to set up your own cloud CLAM digger (i.e. the equivalent of a bitcoin miner) on Digital Ocean

Setting up Digital Ocean

If you'd like to run this in the cloud:

  • Sign up for Digital Ocean using referral code 9ff7327d7d00. You'll get $10 in credit once you've spent $25.
  • On your local machine, create an SSH key
  • Create a Droplet:
    • Select the latest version of Ubuntu for your distribution image (currently v16.x)
    • Select the cheapest option available that has at least 1GB of memory (currently USD $10/month)
    • Paste the SSH key created above into your Digital Ocean droplet
    • Make a note of your droplet's IP address


  • Connect to your droplet:
    • On OS X or Linux, simply type ssh root@<your droplet's IP address> (e.g. ssh root@ in a terminal window
    • On Windows, use Putty

Install Dependencies

Update the dependencies:

apt-get --assume-yes update
apt-get --assume-yes upgrade

Install build requirements:

sudo apt-get --assume-yes install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev

CLAM (and bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies) rely on Berkeley DB 4.8. Install it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y
sudo apt-get --assume-yes update
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

Install the CLAM client

Digital Ocean may require a temporary swap file for the current session. This will be cleared when the droplet is rebooted

You can skip this step if you're not on Digital Ocean

sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

Create a workspace folder to work out of:

cd ~
mkdir workspace
cd workspace

Clone the latest stable source code for the CLAM client:

git clone

Build the code:

cd clams
make install

Configure CLAM:

  • Run clamd and take note of the password
  • Run sudo nano /root/.clam/clam.conf and paste the following into the file (replacing the password and the email, as appropriate):
rpcpassword=<the password you copied earlier>
alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Clam Alert" <your email address>
  • Make clam.conf owner-readable-only: chmod 600 /root/.clam/clam.conf

Bootstrap the CLAM client

@dooglus created a bootstrap file that can be used to speed up the syncing process:

cd /root/.clam

Run The CLAM client

You're ready to go! Start the CLAM client in daemon mode by typing: clamd

I recommend running the client within a tmux session:

nohup clamd &

This way, if your SSH connection gets terminated, you can get back in with tmux attach

If you'd like to view the progress in another tmux pane:

  • hit ctrl+b followed by % (a percentage sign)
  • enter tail /root/.clam/debug.log

Check that CLAM client is still running:

Not sure if clamd is still running? Type:

ps aux | grep clamd

You should see something like this:

root      6095 99.8 54.3 2091068 1111256 pts/3 SLl  Nov24 1270:34 clamd
root      8605  0.0  0.1  11748  2172 pts/0    S+   01:26   0:00 grep --color=auto clamd

You should see a line like the first one, with 'clamd' on the right end of the line.

Interacting with the CLAM daemon

Run clamd help to see a list of command available for use.

  • clamd getinfo show basic info on your wallet (including total spendable balance)
  • clamd listaddressgroupings - show all addresses with a balance
  • clamd sendtoaddress <recipient_address> <amount> - send a certain amount of clam counts to a particular recipient
  • clamd getaddressesbyaccount '' - list all your receiving accounts

Comments, criticism, feedback? Please let me know

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abmohan commented Jan 24, 2018

@manglematter, @clamcoin - thank you. I may move this to medium.

@tryphe - appreciate it! You've been my CLAM mentor :-) I was MIA for the better half of 2017 but am getting back into the CLAM ecosystem. Hoping to see more of you guys around, soon.

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I'm firing up a node to play with POS. Do I need to buy any Clam coins and send to the node before it can generate coins? If so, what's the minimum, and what is the expected return? @manglematter @clamcoin @tryphe @abmohan

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abmohan commented Jan 25, 2018

@wladston, looks like @tryphe answered you on IRC, but for the sake of anyone else who has the same question:

Do I need to buy any Clam coins and send to the node before it can generate coins?

You need to have CLAMs to stake more CLAMs. You can obtain them initially by either digging or buying

If so, what's the minimum, and what is the expected return?

There's no minimum. At the moment, 1000 CLAMs will lead 1 CLAM to be staked per day, on average.

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@abmohan is there anything we need to setup or this will automatically start mining clams my balance stills says 0.0000000

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you need to buy some clams to stake them, you can't start at zero and expect to receive clams by mining, clams are based on a proof of stake mining method

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