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Last active July 15, 2020 22:11
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def resolve(string)
formated = a.split("[")[1..-1].join("[")
if formated.include?('[')
resolve(formated) * a.split("[").first.to_i
a.split("[").last * a.split("[").first.to_i
}.gsub("]", "")
input1 = "4[ab]"
input2 = "2[b3[a]]"
input3 = "z1[y]zzz2[abc]"
raise "oh oh missing this input #{input1} with the following result #{resolve(input1)}" unless resolve(input1) == 'abababab'
raise "oh oh missing this input #{input2} with the following result #{resolve(input2)}" unless resolve(input2) == 'baaabaaa'
raise "oh oh missing this input #{input3} with the following result #{resolve(input3)}" unless resolve(input3) == 'zyzzzabcabc'
p "all tests pass Yah :D "
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