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Created August 11, 2015 22:25
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// ViewController.cs
// Author:
// Aaron Bockover <>
// Copyright 2015 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using Foundation;
using JavaScriptCore;
using AppKit;
using WebKit;
namespace JSExportTest
public partial class ViewController : NSViewController
public ViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// ideally we would subscribe to webView.JavaScriptContextCreated, but
// XM does not bind WebKit/JSC-ObjC bridge APIs:
webView.FinishedLoad += (sender, e) => {
var doc = webView.MainFrameDocument;
AttachListener (doc.GetElementById ("broken-button"), new BrokenDomEventListener ());
AttachListener (doc.GetElementById ("working-button"), new DomEventListener ());
webView.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString (
<button id='broken-button'>Broken</button>
<button id='working-button'>Working</button>
void AttachListener (DomElement elem, NSObject listener)
// should just be webView.MainFrame.JavaScriptContext (bug #32975)
var jsContext = JSContext.FromJSGlobalContextRef (webView.MainFrame.GlobalContext);
// should just be elem.JSValue (bug #32975)
var jsButton = JSValue.FromJSJSValueRef (elem.JSObject, jsContext);
jsButton.Invoke ("addEventListener",
JSValue.From ("click", jsContext), // event
JSValue.From (listener, jsContext), // listener
JSValue.From (true, jsContext) // useCapture
// The broken event listener's HandleEvent(JSValue) will not be invoked
// as it appears the XM runtime is blocking trying to convert the JSC
// value to a JSValue (or any NSObject...)
interface IBrokenDomEventListener : IJSExport
[Export ("handleEvent:")]
void HandleEvent (JSValue evnt);
class BrokenDomEventListener : NSObject, IBrokenDomEventListener
public void HandleEvent (JSValue evnt)
Console.WriteLine ("JS -> C# Event: {0}", evnt);
// Luckily a workaround is to export a method to JSC with no arguments
// and access the current invocation's arguments via JSContext
interface IDomEventListener : IJSExport
[Export ("handleEvent")]
void HandleEvent ();
class DomEventListener : NSObject, IDomEventListener
public void HandleEvent ()
Console.WriteLine ("JS -> C# Event: {0}", JSContext.CurrentArguments [0]);
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