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Created May 21, 2018 21:14
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Xamarin.Interactive
static class RuntimeIdentifier
public static string CurrentProcessRid { get; }
static RuntimeIdentifier ()
string rid;
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform (OSPlatform.Windows))
rid = "win-";
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform (OSPlatform.OSX))
rid = "osx-";
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform (OSPlatform.Linux))
rid = "linux-";
rid = "any-";
CurrentProcessRid = rid + RuntimeInformation
.ToString ()
.ToLowerInvariant ();
static Lazy<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>> allRids
= new Lazy<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>> (() => {
var rids = new Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> ();
using (var stream = typeof (RuntimeIdentifier)
.GetManifestResourceStream ("netcore-rids.json"))
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader (stream))
using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader (streamReader)) {
var root = JObject.Load (jsonReader);
if (root ["runtimes"] is JObject runtimes) {
foreach (var rid in runtimes) {
List<string> imports = null;
if (rid.Value is JObject ridObject &&
ridObject ["#import"] is JArray importsArray) {
imports = importsArray.ToObject<List<string>> ();
rids [rid.Key] = imports;
return rids;
static readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim expansionCacheLock
= new ReaderWriterLockSlim ();
static readonly Dictionary<string, List<string>> expansionCache
= new Dictionary<string, List<string>> ();
public static IReadOnlyList<string> Expand (string rid)
expansionCacheLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock ();
try {
if (!expansionCache.TryGetValue (rid, out var expandedRids)) {
expansionCacheLock.EnterWriteLock ();
try {
var ridEnum = CoreExpand (rid);
expandedRids = new List<string> (ridEnum);
expansionCache [rid] = expandedRids;
} finally {
expansionCacheLock.ExitWriteLock ();
return expandedRids;
} finally {
expansionCacheLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock ();
static IEnumerable<string> CoreExpand (string rid)
yield return rid;
var visitedRids = new HashSet<string> ();
var expandedRids = new List<string> ();
visitedRids.Add (rid);
expandedRids.Add (rid);
for (var i = 0; i < expandedRids.Count; i++) {
if (allRids.Value.TryGetValue (expandedRids [i], out var imports) && imports != null) {
foreach (var importedRid in imports) {
if (visitedRids.Add (importedRid)) {
yield return importedRid;
expandedRids.Add (importedRid);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit;
namespace Xamarin.Interactive
public class RuntimeIdentifierTests
[MemberData (nameof (GetTestCases))]
public void Expand (string [] expectedExpansion)
=> Assert.Equal (expectedExpansion, RuntimeIdentifier.Expand (expectedExpansion [0]));
// sampling of
public static IEnumerable<object []> GetTestCases ()
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
yield return new [] {
new [] {
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