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Async CSS and Fonts DOM injection ES6 library
* Whole module based on library
* Object with all css file hrefs with proper hash for cache invalidation,
* for all pages, made by Gulp from manifest.json at build time.
import { css } from "./manifest-json/css.js";
* Object with css font hrefs with proper hash for cache invalidation,
* made by Gulp from manifest.json at build time.
import { fonts } from "./manifest-json/fonts.js";
* Parse objects, imported above.
const parseCssManifest = string =>
`css/${css.filter(item =>
const parseFontsManifest = string =>
.filter(font =>
* Type checking.
const isUndefined = (o) => typeof o === "undefined";
* Debounce function. In this case it executes a wrapped function immediate,
* and do not allow function to execute again, until provided delay is finished.
const debounce = function (func, wait, immediate = true) {
let timeout;
return function() {
const context = this, args = arguments;
const later = function() {
timeout = null;
immediate || func.apply(context, args);
const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
callNow && func.apply(context, args);
* Once function executes wrapped function immediate,
* and swaps it with empty function body.
function once (fn, context, ...args) {
let result;
return function() {
fn && (
result = fn.apply(context || this, args),
fn = () => {}
return result;
* 100% location base, to prefix all parsed css links,
* before it could be compared with stylesheet.href.
const baseLocation = `${location.protocol}//${location.hostname}${location.port ? ":" + location.port : ""}/`,
* Simple browser detection.
let isChromium =,
isOpera = ~window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("OPR");
* returns the Object, with page css file links, to fetch proper one, and choose correct @media.
const responsivePaths = pageName => ({
mobile: `${pageName}-mobile.css`,
tablet: `${pageName}-tablet.css`,
desktop: `${pageName}-desktop.css`
* select proper font name extension for different browsers
const fontTypeSupported = () =>
((isChromium !== null
isChromium !== void 0
window.navigator.vendor === "Google Inc."
isOpera === false)
typeof InstallTrigger !== void 0
? "woff2"
: ("Constructor") > 0
? "svg"
: "woff"
* depends on browser width, choosing proper @media.
const media = width =>
(width <= 767
? "(max-width:767px)"
: (width > 767 && width < 1200)
? "(min-width:768px) and (max-width:1199px)"
: "(min-width:1200px)"
* Check, if link with href already exists in the DOM.
const linkExists = href => Object.keys(sheets).filter(sheet => sheets[sheet].href === href).length ? href : void 0;
* Asynk Appending fonts to the DOM.
* Chrome has a bug, which in case of changing,
* sends a request to the server twice, and running a callback twice.
* This script fights the double callback issue, by wrapping a callback in function "Once".
const appendFontAsync = (link, media , callback) => {
const img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = link.href;
img.onerror = () => isUndefined(callback) || once(callback);
setTimeout(() => = media);
* Font loader function
const fontLoader = (prefix, cls) => {
const link = window.document.createElement("link"),
href = `${baseLocation}${parseFontsManifest(prefix + fontTypeSupported())}`;
link.rel = "preload",
link.href = href, = "all",
appendFontAsync(link, media(window.innerWidth),() => link.rel = "stylesheet"),
window.document.body.className += ` ${cls}`
* Array-like object with all stylesheets appended to the DOM.
const sheets = window.document.styleSheets;
* Function to detect, if <body> tag has been rendered,
* and if it has been renderen, running a callback.
const ready = cb => window.document.body ? cb() : setTimeout(() => ready( cb ));
* This is a callback function for loadCSS modifyed callback.
const firstRun = (firstrun, pageName) => {
&& (
console.log("loadCSS callback fired"),
* applyCss function on window resize.
window.onresize = debounce(() => applyCss(pageName), 500)
//, You should put here all your stuff, which you want
// to be executed, after your CSS has been loaded.
// I personally use it to close the loading screen with spinner.
* based function,
* with enhanced callback, and of course rewritten to ES6.
* Chrome has a bug, which in case of changing,
* sends a request to the server twice, and running a callback twice.
* This script fights the double callback issue, by wrapping a callback in function "Once".
const loadCSS = ( href, before, media, callback ) => {
console.log(`loadCSS fired!
href: ${href} media: ${media} callback: ${typeof callback}
if (linkExists(href)) return;
const ss = window.document.createElement( "link" );
let ref, refs;
? (ref = before)
: (
refs = ( window.document.body || window.document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ] ).childNodes,
ref = refs[ refs.length - 1]
ss.rel = "stylesheet";
ss.href = href; = "only x";
ready(() =>
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(ss, (before ? ref : ref.nextSibling))
function onloadcssdefined (cb) {
if (Object.keys(sheets).filter(sheet => sheets[sheet].href === ss.href).length) return cb();
setTimeout(() => onloadcssdefined( cb ));
function loadCB () {
isUndefined(callback) || once(callback);
&& ss.removeEventListener( "load", loadCB ); = media || "all";
if (ss.addEventListener) ss.addEventListener( "load", loadCB);
ss.onloadcssdefined = onloadcssdefined;
return ss;
* applyCss function takes 2 arguments.
* type "string" : pageName
* type bool : firstrun
const applyCss = (pageName, firstrun) => {
const width = window.innerWidth,
paths = responsivePaths(pageName);
`${baseLocation}${parseCssManifest((width <= 767) ? : (width > 767 && width < 1200) ? paths.tablet : paths.desktop)}`,
void 0,
firstRun(firstrun, pageName)
* Export two functions, to use it as you want.
* In your project, you can import it:
* import { applyCss, fontLoader } from "./path/to/this/file.js";
export { applyCss, fontLoader };
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