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Created May 17, 2012 18:25
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Cloning Web/HttpRequests in .Net
public static class WebRequestExtensions
public static HttpWebRequest CloneRequest(this HttpWebRequest originalRequest, Uri newUri)
return CloneHttpWebRequest(originalRequest, newUri);
public static WebRequest CloneRequest(this WebRequest originalRequest, Uri newUri)
var httpWebRequest = originalRequest as HttpWebRequest;
if (httpWebRequest != null) return CloneHttpWebRequest(httpWebRequest, newUri);
return CloneWebRequest(originalRequest, newUri);
private static HttpWebRequest CloneHttpWebRequest(HttpWebRequest old, Uri newUri)
var @new = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(newUri);
CopyWebRequestProperties(old, @new);
CopyHttpWebRequestProperties(old, @new);
CopyHttpWebRequestHeaders(old, @new);
return @new;
private static WebRequest CloneWebRequest(WebRequest old, Uri newUri)
var @new = WebRequest.Create(newUri);
CopyWebRequestProperties(old, @new);
CopyWebRequestHeaders(old, @new);
return @new;
private static void CopyWebRequestProperties(WebRequest old, WebRequest @new)
@new.AuthenticationLevel = old.AuthenticationLevel;
@new.CachePolicy = old.CachePolicy;
@new.ConnectionGroupName = old.ConnectionGroupName;
@new.ContentType = old.ContentType;
@new.Credentials = old.Credentials;
@new.ImpersonationLevel = old.ImpersonationLevel;
@new.Method = old.Method;
@new.PreAuthenticate = old.PreAuthenticate;
@new.Proxy = old.Proxy;
@new.Timeout = old.Timeout;
@new.UseDefaultCredentials = old.UseDefaultCredentials;
if (old.ContentLength > 0) @new.ContentLength = old.ContentLength;
private static void CopyWebRequestHeaders(WebRequest old, WebRequest @new)
string[] allKeys = old.Headers.AllKeys;
foreach (var key in allKeys)
@new.Headers[key] = old.Headers[key];
private static void CopyHttpWebRequestProperties(HttpWebRequest old, HttpWebRequest @new)
@new.Accept = old.Accept;
@new.AllowAutoRedirect = old.AllowAutoRedirect;
@new.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = old.AllowWriteStreamBuffering;
@new.AutomaticDecompression = old.AutomaticDecompression;
@new.ClientCertificates = old.ClientCertificates;
@new.SendChunked = old.SendChunked;
@new.TransferEncoding = old.TransferEncoding;
@new.Connection = old.Connection;
@new.ContentType = old.ContentType;
@new.ContinueDelegate = old.ContinueDelegate;
@new.CookieContainer = old.CookieContainer;
@new.Date = old.Date;
@new.Expect = old.Expect;
@new.Host = old.Host;
@new.IfModifiedSince = old.IfModifiedSince;
@new.KeepAlive = old.KeepAlive;
@new.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = old.MaximumAutomaticRedirections;
@new.MaximumResponseHeadersLength = old.MaximumResponseHeadersLength;
@new.MediaType = old.MediaType;
@new.Pipelined = old.Pipelined;
@new.ProtocolVersion = old.ProtocolVersion;
@new.ReadWriteTimeout = old.ReadWriteTimeout;
@new.Referer = old.Referer;
@new.Timeout = old.Timeout;
@new.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing = old.UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing;
@new.UserAgent = old.UserAgent;
private static void CopyHttpWebRequestHeaders(HttpWebRequest old, HttpWebRequest @new)
var allKeys = old.Headers.AllKeys;
foreach (var key in allKeys)
switch (key.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
// Skip all these reserved headers because we have to set them through properties
case "accept":
case "connection":
case "content-length":
case "content-type":
case "date":
case "expect":
case "host":
case "if-modified-since":
case "range":
case "referer":
case "transfer-encoding":
case "user-agent":
case "proxy-connection":
@new.Headers[key] = old.Headers[key];
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and where is the stream copy?

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