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Forked from bwrsandman/
Last active August 26, 2021 15:51
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CodeWarrior C++ Symbol Demangler
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Changes in this fork by aboood40091:
# - Added support for arrays and functions as parameters.
# - Added support for static local variables.
# - Properly show the return type of function if applicable.
# - Added different modes. (File reading, passing symbol as argument, console)
# - Added overriding known function names.
# - Fixed several bugs.
import os
import sys
def demangleNamespaces(node):
if node[0] == 'Q':
compCount = int(node[1])
node = node[2:]
while node.startswith('_'):
node = node[1:]
compCount = 1
namespaces = []
for _ in range(compCount):
counter = 0
while counter < len(node) and node[counter].isdigit():
counter += 1
length = int(node[:counter])
if compCount == 1 and (counter >= len(node) or node[counter] == '>' or node[counter] == ','):
return None, '%d' % length, node[counter:]
node = node[counter+length:]
return namespaces, '', node
def demangleNode(node):
signedness = []
qualifiers = []
while node:
if node[0] == 'P':
elif node[0] == 'R':
elif node[0] == 'C':
elif node[0] == 'U':
elif node[0] == 'S':
node = node[1:]
qualifiers = ''.join(reversed(qualifiers))
if node[0] == 'F':
returnType, post, args, node = demangleFuncNode(node[1:], qualifiers)
return '%s%s(%s)' % (returnType, post, args), node
pre = ''
while qualifiers.startswith('C'):
pre += 'const '
qualifiers = qualifiers[1:]
post = ''
for c in qualifiers:
if c == 'P':
post += '*'
elif c == 'R':
post += '&'
else: # c == 'C'
post += 'const'
if signedness:
pre += ' '.join(signedness) + ' '
if node[0] == 'i':
return pre + 'int' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'b':
return pre + 'bool' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'c':
return pre + 'char' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 's':
return pre + 'short' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'l':
return pre + 'long' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'x':
return pre + 'long long ' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'f':
return pre + 'float' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'd':
return pre + 'double' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'w':
return pre + 'wchar_t' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'v':
return pre + 'void' + post, node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'e':
return '...', node[1:]
elif node[0] == 'A':
array = ''
while node[0] == 'A':
counter = 1
while counter < len( node) and node[counter].isdigit():
counter += 1
array += '[%s]' % node[1:counter]
node = node[counter:]
if node.startswith('_'):
node = node[1:]
arrayType, node = demangleNode(node)
if not arrayType.endswith(' '):
arrayType += ' '
if post:
post = '(%s)' % post
return '%s%s%s%s' % (arrayType, pre, post, array), node
elif node[0] not in 'Q0123456789':
return node, ''
namespaces, num, node = demangleNamespaces(node)
if namespaces is None:
return num, node
return pre + '::'.join(namespaces) + post, node
def demangleFuncNode(node, qualifiers=''):
returnType = ''
args = ''
while node and node[0] != '_':
if len(args):
args += ', '
arg, node = demangleNode(node)
args += arg
node = node[1:]
if node:
returnType, node = demangleNode(node)
if returnType:
returnType += ' '
post = ''
if qualifiers:
post = ''
while qualifiers.startswith('C'):
post += ' const'
qualifiers = qualifiers[1:]
post = ''
for c in qualifiers:
if c == 'P':
post += '*'
elif c == 'R':
post += '&'
else: # c == 'C'
post += 'const '
if post:
post = '(%s)' % post
return returnType, post, args, node
def findSepIdx(name, idx):
count = 0
retval = 0
for ch in name:
if ch == '<' or ch == ',':
if idx == count:
return retval
count += 1
retval += 1
return -1
def demangleTemplates(name):
token = 0
accum = name
while True:
tidx = findSepIdx(accum, token)
token += 1
if tidx < 0:
return accum
sidx = tidx + 1
toDem = accum[sidx:]
accum = accum[:sidx]
dem, rem = demangleNode(toDem)
accum += dem + rem
def demangle(sym):
sym = sym.strip()
if ' ' in sym:
return sym
variable = ''
guard = ''
if sym.startswith('@LOCAL@') or sym.startswith('@GUARD@'):
if sym.startswith('@GUARD@'):
guard = ' guard variable'
sym = sym[7:]
variableStart = sym.rfind('@')
if variableStart != -1 and sym[variableStart+1:].isdecimal():
sym = sym[:variableStart]
variableStart = sym.rfind('@')
if variableStart != -1:
variable = '::' + sym[variableStart+1:]
sym = sym[:variableStart]
typeSplit = 0
while sym.startswith('_', typeSplit):
typeSplit += 1
if typeSplit == len(sym):
return sym
while True:
typeSplit = sym.find('__', typeSplit)
if typeSplit == -1:
return sym
while sym.startswith('___', typeSplit):
typeSplit += 1
typeSplit += 2
if typeSplit == len(sym):
return sym
if sym[typeSplit] in 'FQ0123456789':
if typeSplit == 2:
return sym
funcName = demangleTemplates(sym[:typeSplit-2])
rem = sym[typeSplit:]
pre = ''
post = ''
funcTypes = []
if rem[0] in 'Q0123456789':
funcTypes, _, rem = demangleNamespaces(rem)
objType = rem[0] if rem else ""
if objType == 'S':
pre = 'static '
objType = rem[1]
rem = rem[1:]
elif objType == 'C':
post = ' const'
objType = rem[1]
rem = rem[1:]
rem = rem[1:]
funcReturnType, _, funcArgs, rem = demangleFuncNode(rem)
if funcName.startswith('__'):
if funcName == "__nw": funcName = "operator new"
elif funcName == "__nwa": funcName = "operator new[]"
elif funcName == "__dl": funcName = "operator delete"
elif funcName == "__dla": funcName = "operator delete[]"
elif funcName == "__pl": funcName = "operator+"
elif funcName == "__mi": funcName = "operator-"
elif funcName == "__ml": funcName = "operator*"
elif funcName == "__dv": funcName = "operator/"
elif funcName == "__md": funcName = "operator%"
elif funcName == "__er": funcName = "operator^"
elif funcName == "__ad": funcName = "operator&"
elif funcName == "__or": funcName = "operator|"
elif funcName == "__co": funcName = "operator~"
elif funcName == "__nt": funcName = "operator!"
elif funcName == "__as": funcName = "operator="
elif funcName == "__lt": funcName = "operator<"
elif funcName == "__gt": funcName = "operator>"
elif funcName == "__apl": funcName = "operator+="
elif funcName == "__ami": funcName = "operator-="
elif funcName == "__amu": funcName = "operator*="
elif funcName == "__adv": funcName = "operator/="
elif funcName == "__amd": funcName = "operator%="
elif funcName == "__aer": funcName = "operator^="
elif funcName == "__aad": funcName = "operator&="
elif funcName == "__aor": funcName = "operator|="
elif funcName == "__ls": funcName = "operator<<"
elif funcName == "__rs": funcName = "operator>>"
elif funcName == "__ars": funcName = "operator>>="
elif funcName == "__als": funcName = "operator<<="
elif funcName == "__eq": funcName = "operator=="
elif funcName == "__ne": funcName = "operator!="
elif funcName == "__le": funcName = "operator<="
elif funcName == "__ge": funcName = "operator>="
elif funcName == "__aa": funcName = "operator&&"
elif funcName == "__oo": funcName = "operator||"
elif funcName == "__pp": funcName = "operator++"
elif funcName == "__mm": funcName = "operator--"
elif funcName == "__cm": funcName = "operator,"
elif funcName == "__rm": funcName = "operator->*"
elif funcName == "__rf": funcName = "operator->"
elif funcName == "__cl": funcName = "operator()"
elif funcName == "__vc": funcName = "operator[]"
elif funcName.startswith("__op"):
mangledReturnType = funcName[4:]
returnType, returnTypeRem = demangleNode(mangledReturnType)
if returnType != mangledReturnType and not returnTypeRem:
funcName = "operator %s" % returnType
funcType = '::'.join(funcTypes)
if funcType:
if funcName == '__vt':
funcName = " virtual table"
funcType = "%s::" % funcType
if funcName in ("__ct", "__dt"):
funcName = ('~' + funcTypes[-1]) if funcName == "__dt" else funcTypes[-1]
templateStart = funcName.find('<')
if templateStart != -1:
funcName = funcName[:templateStart]
if funcArgs:
if funcArgs == 'void':
funcArgs = '()'
funcArgs = '(%s)' % funcArgs
return '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (pre, funcReturnType, funcType, funcName, funcArgs, post, variable, guard, rem)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
while True:
sym = input()
arg = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isfile(arg):
with open(arg, 'r') as inputFile:
lines = tuple(line for line in inputFile)
for line in lines:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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