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+_debug_widget-bracketed-paste:3> _zsh_autosuggest_bound_1_bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_bound_1_bracketed-paste:1> _zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify autosuggest-orig-1-bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:1> local -i retval
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:3> _zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset
+_zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:1> typeset -g _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_LAST_HIGHLIGHT
+_zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:3> [[ -n '' ]]
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:5> _zsh_autosuggest_modify autosuggest-orig-1-bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:1> local -i retval
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:4> local -i KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:7> local orig_buffer=''
+_debug_widget:3> _zsh_autosuggest_bound_1_bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_bound_1_bracketed-paste:1> _zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify autosuggest-orig-1-bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:1> local -i retval
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:3> _zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset
+_zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:1> typeset -g _ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_LAST_HIGHLIGHT
+_zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:3> [[ -n '' ]]
+_zsh_autosuggest_widget_modify:5> _zsh_autosuggest_modify autosuggest-orig-1-bracketed-paste
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:1> local -i retval
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:4> local -i KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT
+_zsh_autosuggest_modify:7> local orig_buffer=''
_bash_complete-word -C .complete-word _bash_completions
_bash_list-choices -C .list-choices _bash_completions
_complete_debug -C .complete-word _complete_debug
_complete_help -C .complete-word _complete_help
_complete_tag -C .complete-word _complete_tag
_correct_filename -C .complete-word _correct_filename
_correct_word -C .complete-word _correct_word
_expand_alias -C .complete-word _expand_alias
_expand_word -C .complete-word _expand_word
_history-complete-newer -C .complete-word _history_complete_word
Data_Report Nazione ISO_3166-1 Valore
2023-12-31 Bangladesh BD 12169
2023-12-31 Burkina Faso BF 8414
2023-12-31 Costa d'Avorio CI 16005
2023-12-31 Egitto EG 11072
2023-12-31 Guinea GN 18211
2023-12-31 Mali ML 5938
2023-12-31 Pakistan PK 7642
2023-12-31 Siria SY 9547
2023-12-31 Sudan SD 5834
# esempio di chiamata
curl '' -X POST \
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
-H 'Origin:' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
<table border="0" cellspacing="0"><colgroup span="3" width="406"></colgroup>
<td height="20"><strong>Categoria tematica</strong></td>
<td><strong>Disposizioni Regolamento</strong></td>
<td><strong>Rif. indicazioni LG</strong></td>
<td rowspan="3" height="310"><strong>Dati geospaziali</strong></td>
<td>Le serie di dati sono messe a disposizione per il riutilizzo: <br />&bull; alle condizioni della licenza Creative Commons BY 4.0 o di una licenza aperta equivalente o meno restrittiva; <br />&bull; in un formato aperto leggibile meccanicamente, pubblicamente <br />documentato e riconosciuto dall&rsquo;Unione o a livello internazionale; <br />&bull; tramite interfacce di programmazione delle applicazioni ("API") e download in blocco; <br />&bull; [nella versione pi&ugrave; aggiornata].</td>
Via Maria Gaetana Agnesi 16 - 40138 Bologna (BO)
Via Casarini, 11-      40131 Bologna
Via Augusto Romagnoli 43 - 40137 Bologna (BO)
Via Fonte Castellare 21 - 52011 Bibbiena (AR)
Via Luigi Longo 17 - 40139 Bologna (BO)
Via Camillo Oblach 1 - 40141 Bologna (BO)
Via La Pira 58 - 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO)
Via dell'Arcoveggio 166 - 40129 Bologna
Via Gino Cervi 27 - 40133 Bologna (BO)
Via Ferruccio Parri 38 - 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO)
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id location_id name title email department
3 2 Brenda Brown Director Second Career Services
4 3 Howard Lader Manager Senior Counseling
5 4 Kimberly Pesavento Commercial Director
18 11 Dave Genesy Head of Office
22 14 Andres Espinoza Manager Commanding Officer
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