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Last active August 26, 2020 15:35
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Being silly with Shpadoinkle
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Shpadoinkle as S
import Shpadoinkle.Backend.ParDiff
import Shpadoinkle.Html as H
import Data.Text
data Model = Model
{ currentCount :: Int
, inputText :: String
, congrats :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
initialModel :: Model
initialModel = Model 0 "Hello There" False
handleCounterExtMsg :: Maybe ExtMsg -> Model -> Model
handleCounterExtMsg extMsg model =
case extMsg of
Just OverTen -> model { congrats = True }
Just TenOrUnder -> model { congrats = False }
_ -> model
data ExtMsg
= OverTen
| TenOrUnder
counter :: Int -> Html (Int, Maybe ExtMsg)
counter model =
[ H.button
[ onClick
$ (\nextModel -> (nextModel, if nextModel == 10 then Just TenOrUnder else Nothing))
$ model - 1
[ S.text "--"
, H.button
[ onClick
$ (\nextModel -> (nextModel, if nextModel == 11 then Just OverTen else Nothing))
$ model + 1
[ S.text "++"
, H.h3
[ S.text $ pack . show $ model
view :: Model -> Html Model
view model =
[ H.input
[ type' "text"
, H.onInput $ (\t -> model { inputText = show t })
, H.h3 [] [ S.text $ pack . inputText $ model ]
, (\(c,extMsg) -> handleCounterExtMsg extMsg $ model { currentCount = c } )
<$> counter (currentCount model)
, if congrats model then
[ S.text "You're good at counting!" ]
[ S.text "Not there yet"]
main :: IO ()
main = runJSorWarp 8080 $
simple runParDiff initialModel (constly' . view) getBody
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