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Created December 11, 2020 16:19
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day-10 (not working edition)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
type Input = [Int]
data ProcessTree = ProcessTree
{ processed :: [Int],
nextProcessed :: Either Bool [ProcessTree]
deriving (Show)
checkPossible :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
checkPossible maxJolt maxApplied items = maxApplied + (length comparableItems * 3) >= maxJolt
comparableItems = filter (> maxApplied) items
countTree :: ProcessTree -> Int
countTree tree =
case nextProcessed tree of
(Left True) -> 1
(Left False) -> 0
(Right children) -> getSum $ mconcat (fmap (Sum . countTree) children)
maximum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a
maximum ne = foldr max (head ne) ne
extractItem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
extractItem predicate =
(\(match, list) -> (,list) <$> match)
. foldr
( \cur (found, rest) ->
if cur == predicate then (Just cur, rest) else (found, cur : rest)
(Nothing, [])
getConnectors :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> [(a, [a])]
getConnectors prevValue inputs =
foldr (\cur acc -> maybe acc (: acc) cur) [] $ (`extractItem` inputs) . (+) prevValue <$> [1, 2, 3]
getConnector :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Maybe (Int, [Int])
getConnector prevValue inc inputs =
if inc > 3
then Nothing
else case extractItem (prevValue + inc) inputs of
Just result -> Just result
Nothing -> getConnector prevValue (inc + 1) inputs
evaluateProcessed :: [Int] -> (Int, Int) -> Int
evaluateProcessed [_] (delta1, delta3) = delta1 * delta3
evaluateProcessed (x : y : xs) (delta1, delta3) =
case abs $ x - y of
1 -> evaluateProcessed (y : xs) (delta1 + 1, delta3)
3 -> evaluateProcessed (y : xs) (delta1, delta3 + 1)
_ -> evaluateProcessed (y : xs) (delta1, delta3)
solvePartOne :: Input -> [Int] -> Int -> IO ()
solvePartOne [] processed maxJolt = print $ evaluateProcessed (maxJolt : processed) (0, 0)
solvePartOne inputs processed maxJolt =
let processedMax = maybe 0 maximum (nonEmpty processed)
in case getConnector processedMax 1 inputs of
Nothing -> print "Failed to process next connector"
Just (nextProcessed, nextInputs) -> solvePartOne nextInputs (nextProcessed : processed) maxJolt
solvePartTwo :: Input -> [Int] -> Int -> ProcessTree
solvePartTwo inputs processed maxJolt =
let processedMax = maybe 0 maximum (nonEmpty processed)
next = getConnectors processedMax inputs
remaining =
( \(nextProcessed, nextInputs) -> solvePartTwo nextInputs (nextProcessed : processed) maxJolt
<$> filter (uncurry (checkPossible maxJolt)) next
in ProcessTree
{ processed = processed,
nextProcessed =
if null remaining
then Left $ maybe False ((== maxJolt) . (3 +)) (processed !!? 0)
else Right remaining
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawInput <- readFile "./input.txt"
_ <- putStrLn "Part (1) or (2)?"
part <- getLine
case (part, P.parse inputParser "input.txt" rawInput) of
("1", Right (maxJolt, input)) -> solvePartOne input [0] maxJolt
("2", Right (maxJolt, input)) -> print $ countTree $ solvePartTwo input [0] maxJolt
(_, Right _) -> putStrLn "Invalid part, enter '1' or '2'"
(_, Left err) -> print err
inputParser :: P.Parser (Int, [Int])
inputParser = do
x <- P.many P.digit >>= maybe (fail "Invalid int found") pure . readMaybe
xs <- (P.newline >> snd <$> inputParser) <|> return []
return ((3 +) . maximum $ x :| xs, x : xs)
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