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Last active December 9, 2020 12:52
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
data Program = Program {total :: Int, visited :: [Int], lastToggle :: Int} deriving (Show)
type InputLine = (String, Int)
data Zipper a = Zipper {current :: (Int, a), whole :: [a]} deriving (Show)
setItem :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
setItem idx item list =
let (front, back) = splitAt idx list
in front <> [item] <> drop 1 back
nextToggle :: Program -> Zipper InputLine -> Maybe (Program, Zipper InputLine)
nextToggle program zipper =
let lastToggle_ = lastToggle program
nProgram = program {lastToggle = lastToggle_ + 1, total = 0, visited = []}
in case whole zipper !!? lastToggle_ of
Just (instruction, value) ->
case instruction of
"nop" -> Just (nProgram, zipper {whole = setItem lastToggle_ ("jmp", value) (whole zipper)})
"jmp" -> Just (nProgram, zipper {whole = setItem lastToggle_ ("nop", value) (whole zipper)})
_ -> nextToggle nProgram zipper
Nothing ->
zipRight :: Int -> Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
zipRight delta z = createZipper (whole z) (fst (current z) + delta)
createZipper :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe (Zipper a)
createZipper l idx =
let (left_, right_) = splitAt idx l
in (\a -> Zipper (idx, a) l) <$> l !!? idx
runInstruction :: Program -> Zipper InputLine -> (String, Int) -> Maybe (Program, Zipper InputLine)
runInstruction program zipper (instruction, value) =
case instruction of
"nop" -> (program,) <$> zipRight 1 zipper
"acc" -> (program {total = total program + value},) <$> zipRight 1 zipper
"jmp" -> (program,) <$> zipRight value zipper
lineValue :: InputLine -> Int
lineValue (instruction, value) =
case instruction of
"acc" -> value
_ -> 0
runPartTwo :: [InputLine] -> Program -> Zipper InputLine -> IO ()
runPartTwo input program zipper =
let current_ = current zipper
(idx, instruction) = current_
nProgram = program {visited = idx : visited program}
in if idx `elem` visited program
(print "cannot toggle to next instruction")
(uncurry $ runPartTwo input)
(createZipper input 0 >>= nextToggle program)
((print $ nProgram { total = total nProgram + lineValue instruction }) >> print zipper)
(uncurry $ runPartTwo input)
(runInstruction nProgram zipper instruction)
runPartOne :: Program -> Zipper InputLine -> IO ()
runPartOne program zipper =
let current_ = current zipper
(idx, instruction) = current_
nProgram = program {visited = idx : visited program}
in if idx `elem` visited program
then print program
(putStrLn $ mconcat ["Failed to evaluate instruction at ", show idx])
(uncurry runPartOne)
(runInstruction nProgram zipper instruction)
solvePartTwo :: [InputLine] -> IO ()
solvePartTwo input =
(putStrLn "Could not create zipper")
(runPartTwo input (Program 0 [] 0))
(createZipper input 0)
solvePartOne :: [InputLine] -> IO ()
solvePartOne input =
(putStrLn "Could not create zipper")
(runPartOne (Program 0 [] 0))
(createZipper input 0)
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawInput <- readFile "./input.txt"
_ <- putStrLn "Part (1) or (2)?"
part <- getLine
case (part, P.parse parseInput "input.txt" rawInput) of
("1", Right input) -> solvePartOne input
("2", Right input) -> solvePartTwo input
(_, Right _) -> putStrLn "Invalid part, enter '1' or '2'"
(_, Left err) -> print err
parseInput :: Parser [InputLine]
parseInput = do
x <- do
command <- P.many1 P.alphaNum
modifier <- P.oneOf "-+"
value <- P.many1 P.alphaNum >>= maybe (fail "Not a valid Int") pure . readMaybe
return (command, value * (if modifier == '-' then -1 else 1))
xs <- (P.eof >> return []) P.<|> (P.newline >> parseInput)
return (x : xs)
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