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Created December 3, 2020 15:08
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
data InputLine = InputLine
{ range :: (Int, Int),
charRequirement :: Char,
content :: String
deriving (Show)
countCharacters :: Char -> [Char] -> Int
countCharacters _ [] = 0
countCharacters c (x : xs) = countCharacters c xs + if x == c then 1 else 0
countPositions :: Char -> [Char] -> [Int] -> Int
countPositions _ _ [] = 0
countPositions char str (pos : next) =
countPositions char str next + if maybe False (== char) (str !!? (pos - 1)) then 1 else 0
validateInput :: InputLine -> Bool
validateInput input =
let c = countCharacters (charRequirement input) (content input)
range_ = range input
in and [c >= fst range_, c <= snd range_]
validateInputPartTwo :: InputLine -> Bool
validateInputPartTwo input =
let range_ = range input
c = countPositions (charRequirement input) (content input) [fst range_, snd range_]
in c == 1
solvePartOne :: [InputLine] -> IO ()
solvePartOne =
print . show . length . filter id . fmap validateInput
solvePartTwo :: [InputLine] -> IO ()
solvePartTwo =
print . show . length . filter id . fmap validateInputPartTwo
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawInput <- readFile "./input.txt"
putStrLn "Part (1) or (2)?"
dayNum <- getLine
case (dayNum, P.parse inputParser "input.txt" rawInput) of
("1", Right input) -> solvePartOne input
("2", Right input) -> solvePartTwo input
(_, Right _) -> putStrLn "Invalid part, enter '1' or '2'"
(_, Left err) -> putStrLn $ "Failed to parse input: " <> show err
lineParser :: Parser InputLine
lineParser = do
range_ <-
( do
min_ <- P.many P.digit >>= maybe (fail "Failed to parse int") pure . readMaybe
P.char '-'
max_ <- P.many P.digit >>= maybe (fail "Failed to parse int") pure . readMaybe
return (min_, max_)
charRequirement_ <- P.noneOf ":"
P.many $ P.oneOf " :"
content_ <- P.many1 $ P.noneOf "\n"
return $ InputLine range_ charRequirement_ content_
inputParser :: Parser [InputLine]
inputParser = do
x <- lineParser
xs <- (P.char '\n' >> inputParser) P.<|> return []
return (x : xs)
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