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Last active May 20, 2017 19:02
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Stacked Bar Chart with Tooltip by D3 v4
license: mit
Age_Group Male Female
Under 5 years 0.064 0.059
5 to 9 years 0.066 0.062
10 to 14 years 0.067 0.062
15 to 19 years 0.069 0.064
20 to 24 years 0.073 0.067
25 to 29 years 0.071 0.067
30 to 34 years 0.069 0.066
35 to 39 years 0.065 0.063
40 to 44 years 0.064 0.063
45 to 49 years 0.065 0.064
50 to 54 years 0.069 0.07
55 to 59 years 0.066 0.068
60 to 64 years 0.058 0.062
65 to 69 years 0.048 0.052
70 to 74 years 0.034 0.038
75 to 79 years 0.023 0.028
80 to 84 years 0.015 0.021
85 years and over 0.013 0.025
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