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Created February 25, 2020 20:17
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Notify EPS drivers
function locale(x) { return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(x), 'PST', 'EEE MMM d, yyyy') }
function constants() {
return {
spreadsheetId: '1RTKJTvzfst_ZVQHUyEy2PnB4P075verlDJLKMgb0UFU',
sheetId: 16057777,
startRow: 2,
startCol: { letter: 'A', num: 1 },
endCol: { letter: 'E', num: 5 }
function getSheetById(spreadsheet, sheetId) {
return spreadsheet.getSheets().filter(sheet => sheet.getSheetId() === sheetId)[0]
function getSheet() {
const ss = constants()
const { spreadsheetId } = ss
const { sheetId } = ss
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheetId)
const sheet = getSheetById(spreadsheet, sheetId)
return sheet
function email(recipent, content, subject) {
return GmailApp.sendEmail(
`Reminder: your ${subject} will expire soon`,
htmlBody: content,
name: 'BEES Admin',
cc: ''
// trigger weekly on Tuesday
function driverExpired() {
function days(x) {
const daysInMilliSeconds = 86400000
return x * daysInMilliSeconds
const ss = constants()
const { startRow } = ss
const { letter: startColLetter } = ss.startCol
const { letter: endColLetter } = ss.endCol
const sheet = getSheet()
const endRow = sheet.getRange('!A1:A').getValues().filter(String).length+1
const rangeString = `${startColLetter}${startRow}:${endColLetter}${endRow}`
const range = sheet.getRange(rangeString)
const data = range.getValues()
// users sheet
const usersSheet = getSheetById(SpreadsheetApp.openById(ss.spreadsheetId), 972991645)
const userseEndRow = usersSheet.getRange('!A1:A').getValues().filter(String).length+1
const usersRangeString = `A1:B${userseEndRow}`
const usersRange = usersSheet.getRange(usersRangeString)
const usersData = usersRange.getValues()
for (const i in data) {
const currentRowNum = (Number(i)+startRow).toFixed(0)
const name = data[i][0]
const license = data[i][1]
const insurance = data[i][2]
const licenseDate = license != '' ? new Date(license).valueOf() : ''
const insuranceDate = insurance != '' ? new Date(insurance).valueOf() : ''
const today = new Date().valueOf()
const notify = data[i][4]
const licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth = licenseDate && (licenseDate<(today+days(30)))
const insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth = insuranceDate && (insuranceDate<(today+days(30)))
if (!notify && (!licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth && !insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth)) {
sheet.getRange(`${endColLetter}${currentRowNum}`).setValue('TRUE') // enable notifications
if (notify && (licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth || insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth)) {
sheet.getRange(`${endColLetter}${currentRowNum}`).setValue('FALSE') // disable notifications
const subject = licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth && !insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth ? 'driver\'s license' :
insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth && !licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth ? 'auto insurance' :
licenseExpiresWithinOneMonth && insuranceExpiresWithinOneMonth ? 'driver\'s license & auto insurance':
'driver authorization'
const content =
`Hi there, your ${subject} will expire soon. To renew your Earth & Planetary Science Driver Authorization, please show your renewed ${subject} at 2460A Geology.
<br><strong>Name</strong>: ${name}
<br><strong>License Expires</strong>: ${locale(licenseDate)}
${new Date(insurance).valueOf() != new Date('1/1/2100').valueOf() ? `<br><strong>Auto Insurance Expires</strong>: ${locale(insuranceDate)}`: ''}
<br>-BEES Admin Auto Emailer`
const userEmail = usersData.filter(row => row[0] == name )[0][1] // filter matching name and get email
// notify
email(userEmail, content, subject)
return console.log('success') // notify total notifies
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