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Last active January 26, 2021 17:57
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Functional Programming 101
//Immutable state:
const state = Object.freeze({ })
//Pure functions:
const fn = (val, dependencies = [ ]) => val+1
//Higher-order functions:
const decorate = (x, fn) => {
return fn(x)
const make = (x) => {
return (y) => x+y
const make = (x) => {
return (y) => x+y
make(1)(2) //=> 3
const executeLater = make(5)
executeLater(6) //=> 11
const do = (options) => {
const private = options
return { }
'use strict'
const do = (x) => i < 3 && do(x++)
//Object composition:
const doesSomething = (state) => {
return { } // has-a, uses-a, can-do
const do = () => {
const state { }
return Object.assign(
{ },
//Function composition:
const accumulator = (val, fn) => fn(val)
const pipe = (...fns) => value => fns.reduce(accumulator, value)
const compose = (...fns) => value => fns.reduceRight(accumulator, value)
const lower = s => s.toLowerCase()
const reverse = s => s.split('').reverse().join('')
const question = s => s + '?'
const piped = pipe(lower, reverse, question)
piped('cat') //=> tac?
const composed = compose(lower, reverse, question)
composed('cat') //=> ?tac
//Class (Prototype Delagate) using factories instead of new keyword & constructor:
// Class Person
const Person = ({name, type = 'robot'}) => {
const age = 27 // private
return Object.freeze({ // immutable
describe () {
return `${name}, a ${this.type}, is a ${this.mood} ${age} year old.`
getName() { return name },
getAge() { return age }
// Worker extends Person()
const Worker = (props) => {
return Object.assign(
Object.create(Person(props)), {
mood: 'happy',
/*type: 'frog'*/ //=> No no :/
// Dude is a new Worker
const Dude = Worker({name: 'Joe'})
Dude.describe() //=> 'Joe, a robot, is a happy 27 year old.' :)
/*Dude.type = 'bird'*/ //=> No no :/
/*Dude.age */ //=> undefined :O
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