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Created June 6, 2020 16:41
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Learning F#
// F# is Microsofts functional language
// It provides a way to develop predictable
// code that is often way shorter
// Functional languages apply functions
// to data rather then focus on state changes
// like most OO languages
// Functional languages are great when you
// must execute multiple processes at once.
// Because all variables are immutable it
// is hard to make changes that will effect
// the execution of other processes
// Whitespace is used to define code blocks
// Allows you access to ReadLine, WriteLine, etc.
open System
// ----- INTRODUCTION -----
// Let binds a name to a value or function
let hello() =
// Print to screen without a newline
printf "Enter your name : "
// Read data from the user
// Identifiers must start with an underscore
// or a letter and then numbers
let name = Console.ReadLine()
// printfn is statically typed in regards
// to the parameters %s represents a string
// %i : Integer
// %f : float
// %b : boolean
// %s : string
// %A : Internal representation of things like tuples
// %O : Other objects
printfn "Hello %s" name
// Format floats which default to 6 digits
printfn "PI : %.4f" 3.141592653589793238462643383
// Use M to keep precision to 27 decimals
let big_pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383M
printfn "Big PI : %M" big_pi
// Add padding to right and left
printfn "%-5s %5s" "a" "b"
// Add dynamic padding
printfn "%*s" 10 "Hi"
// ----- BINDING -----
let bind_stuff() =
// By default variables are immutable
// unless marked as mutable
let mutable weight = 175
weight <- 170
printfn "weight : %i" weight
// You can also use reference cells if you
// must change values
let change_me = ref 10
change_me := 50
printfn "change_me : %i" ! change_me
// ----- FUNCTIONS -----
// Functions start with let, the name, parameters,
// optional parameter types, optional return type
let do_funcs() =
let get_sum (x : int, y : int) : int = x + y
printfn "5 + 7 = %i" (get_sum(5,7))
// Calculate the factorial with a recursive
// function
let rec factorial x =
if x < 1 then 1
else x * factorial (x - 1)
printfn "Factorial 4 : %i" (factorial 4)
// 1st : result = 4 * factorial(3) = 4 * 6 = 24
// 2nd : result = 3 * factorial(2) = 3 * 2 = 6
// 3rd : result = 2 * factorial(1) = 2 * 1 = 2
// We use fun to create lambda expressions
// Create a list
let rand_list = [1;2;3]
// Map performs a calculation on every item
// in the list and returns the new list
let rand_list2 = (fun x -> x * 2) rand_list
// %A returns the internal representation
// of a list
printfn "Double List : %A" rand_list2
// We can use the pipeline operator to nest
// function calls
// Filter keeps only items in the list that
// match the condition
|> List.filter (fun v -> (v % 2) = 0)
|> (fun x -> x * 2)
// Once the list has been created print it
|> printfn "Even Doubles : %A"
// Another way to execute multiple functions
let mult_num x = x * 3
let add_num n = n + 5
let mult_add = mult_num >> add_num
let add_mult = mult_num << add_num
printfn "mult_add : %i" (mult_add 10)
printfn "add_mult : %i" (add_mult 10)
// ----- MATH -----
let do_math() =
printfn "5 + 4 = %i" (5 + 4)
printfn "5 - 4 = %i" (5 - 4)
printfn "5 * 4 = %i" (5 * 4)
printfn "5 / 4 = %i" (5 / 4)
printfn "5 %% 4 = %i" (5 % 4)
printfn "5 ** 2 = %f" (5.0 ** 2.0)
// Get the data type
let number = 2
printfn "Type : %A" (number.GetType())
// Cast to another type
printfn "A Float : %.2f" (float number)
printfn "An Int : %i" (int 3.14)
// Math functions
// Also cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan,
// cosh, sinh, tanh
printfn "abs 4.5 : %i" (abs -1)
printfn "ceil 4.5 : %f" (ceil 4.5)
printfn "floor 4.5 : %f" (floor 4.5)
printfn "log 2.71828 : %f" (log 2.71828)
printfn "log10 1000 : %f" (log10 1000.0)
printfn "sqrt 25 : %f" (sqrt 25.0)
// ----- STRINGS -----
let string_stuff() =
// Escape characters
// \n, \\, \", \'
let str1 = "This is a random string"
// Verbatim Strings
let str2 = @"I ignore backslashes"
// Triple Quoted Strings
let str3 = """ "I ignore double quotes and backslashes" """
// Combine strings
let str4 = str1 + " " + str2
// Get length
printfn "Length : %i" (String.length str4)
// Access index
printfn"%c" str1.[1]
// Get a substring with a range
printfn"1st Word : %s" (str1.[0..3])
// Collect executes a function on each character
let upper_str = String.collect (fun c -> sprintf"%c, " c) "commas"
printfn "Commas : %s" upper_str
// Exists checks if any characters meet a condition
printfn "Any Upper : %b" (String.exists (fun c -> Char.IsUpper(c)) str1)
// Check if every character meets condition
printfn "Number : %b" (String.forall (fun c -> Char.IsDigit(c)) "1234")
// Apply function to each index in a string
let string1 = String.init 10 (fun i -> i.ToString())
printfn"Numbers : %s" string1
// Apply function to each item in string
String.iter(fun c -> printfn "%c" c) "Print Me"
// ----- LOOPING -----
let loop_stuff() =
// ----- WHILE LOOP -----
let magic_num = "7"
let mutable guess = ""
while not (magic_num.Equals(guess)) do
printf "Guess the Number : "
guess <- Console.ReadLine()
printfn "You Guessed the Number"
// ----- FOR LOOP -----
for i = 1 to 10 do
printfn "%i" i
// Iterate down
for i = 10 downto 1 do
printfn "%i" i
// Iterate over a range
for i in [1..10] do
printfn "%i" i
// Why loop at all when you can pipe
// a list to any function
[1..10] |> List.iter (printfn "Num : %i")
// Sum a list
let sum = List.reduce (+) [1..10]
printfn "Sum : %i" sum
// ----- CONDITIONALS -----
let cond_stuff() =
// ----- IF ELSE ELIF -----
let age = 8
if age < 5 then
printfn "Preschool"
elif age = 5 then
printfn "Kindergarten"
elif (age > 5) && (age <= 18) then
let grade = age - 5
printfn "Go to Grade %i" grade
printfn "Go to College"
let gpa = 3.9
let income = 15000
printfn "College Grant : %b" ((gpa >= 3.8) || (income <= 12000))
printfn "Not True : %b" (not true)
// ----- MATCH -----
// You can use match and guard statements
// to do the same thing
let grade2: string =
match age with
| age when age < 5 -> "Preschool"
| 5 -> "Kindergarten"
| age when ((age > 5) && (age <= 18)) -> (age - 5).ToString()
| _ -> "College"
printfn "Grade2 : %s" grade2
// ----- LISTS -----
let list_stuff() =
// Define a list literal
let list1 = [1; 2; 3; 4]
// Print list
list1 |> List.iter (printfn "Num : %i")
// Print list
printfn "%A" list1
// Use cons operator
let list2 = 5::6::7::[]
printfn "%A" list2
// Use ranges
let list3 = [1..5]
let list4 = ['a'..'g']
printfn "%A" list4
// Generate a list with init
// Create 5 indexes and multiply the index
// value times 2
let list5 = List.init 5 (fun i -> i * 2)
printfn "%A" list5
// Generate a list with yield
let list6 = [ for a in 1..5 do yield (a * a) ]
printfn "%A" list6
// Generate even list with yield
let list7 = [ for a in 1 .. 20 do if a % 2 = 0 then yield a]
printfn "%A" list7
// Generate a list with yield bang which
// creates multiple lists for each item
// and merges into a final list
// 1 generates 1; 2; 3 for example
let list8 = [for a in 1..3 do yield! [ a .. a + 2 ] ]
printfn "%A" list8
// Get length
printfn "Length : %i" list8.Length
// Check if empty
printfn "Empty : %b" list8.IsEmpty
// Get item at index
printfn "Index 2 : %c" (list4.Item(2))
// Get the 1st item
printfn "Head : %c" (list4.Head)
// Get the tail
printfn "Tail : %A" (list4.Tail)
// Filter out only evens
let list9 = list3 |> List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)
printfn "Evens : %A" list9
// Multiply all values times themselves
let list10 = list9 |> (fun x -> (x * x))
printfn "Squares : %A" list10
// Sort a list
printfn "Sorted : %A" (List.sort [5; 4; 3])
// Sum a list with fold
printfn "Sum : %i" (List.fold (fun sum elem -> sum + elem) 0 [1;2;3])
// ----- ENUMS -----
// You can define enums
type emotion =
| joy = 0
| fear = 1
| anger = 2
let enum_stuff() =
let my_feeling =
match my_feeling with
| joy -> printfn "I'm joyful"
| fear -> printfn "I'm fearful"
| anger -> printfn "I'm angry"
// ----- OPTIONS -----
// Option is used when a function may not return
// a value
let option_stuff() =
// Divide unless they try to divide by 0
let divide x y =
match y with
| 0 -> None
| _ -> Some(x/y)
if (divide 5 0).IsSome then
printfn "5 / 0 = %A" ((divide 5 0).Value)
elif (divide 5 0).IsNone then
printfn "Can't Divide by Zero"
printfn "Something Happened"
// ----- TUPLES -----
// Comma separated list of values of any type
let tuple_stuff() =
let avg (w, x, y, z) : float =
let sum = w + x + y + z
sum / 4.0
printfn "Avg : %f" (avg (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0))
let my_data = ("Derek", 42, 6.25)
// Get data from tuple but ignore height
let (name, age, _) = my_data
printfn "Name : %s" name
// ----- RECORDS -----
// Lists of key value pairs for creating custom types
type customer =
{ Name : string;
Balance : float}
let record_stuff() =
let bob = { Name = "Bob Smith"; Balance = 101.50 }
printfn "%s owes us %.2f" bob.Name bob.Balance
// ----- SEQUENCES -----
// Sequences are infinite data structures that
// aren't defined until needed
let seq_stuff() =
// You can have a list made from a range
let seq1 = seq { 1 .. 100 }
// You can use a range of evens
let seq2 = seq { 0 .. 2 .. 50 }
// Descending sequence
let seq3 = seq { 50 .. 1 }
// If you try to print it is abbreviated
printfn "%A" seq2
// Print the whole list
Seq.toList seq2 |> List.iter (printfn "Num : %i")
// Test if a number is prime
let is_prime n =
let rec check i =
i > n/2 || (n % i <> 0 && check (i + 1))
check 2
// If is_prime returns true then add to the sequence
let prime_seq = seq { for n in 1..500 do if is_prime n then yield n }
printfn "%A" prime_seq
// Print the whole list of primes
Seq.toList prime_seq |> List.iter (printfn "Prime : %i")
// ----- MAPS -----
// Maps are collections of key value pairs
let map_stuff() =
// Create a map
let customers =
// Create empty map
// Add key values to map
Add("Bob Smith", 100.50).
Add("Sally Marks", 50.25)
// Number of customers
printfn "# of Customers %i" customers.Count
// Find Bob Smiths balance
let cust = customers.TryFind "Bob Smith"
match cust with
| Some x -> printfn "Balance : %.2f" x
| None -> printfn "Not Found"
// List customer names and balances
printfn "Customers: %A" customers
// Test if key exists
if customers.ContainsKey "Bob Smith" then
printfn "Bob Smith was Found"
// Get value of key
printfn "Bobs Balance : %.2f" customers.["Bob Smith"]
// Remove an item
let custs2 = Map.remove "Sally Marks" customers
printfn "# of Customers %i" custs2.Count
// ----- GENERICS -----
// Generics allow you to use any data type in a function
let add_stuff<'T> x y =
printfn "%A" (x + y)
let generic_stuff() =
// add_stuff<float> 5.5 2.4
add_stuff<int> 5 2
// Allows use to catch errors
let exp_stuff() =
let divide x y =
printfn "%.2f / %.2f = %.2f" x y (x / y)
| :? System.DivideByZeroException -> printfn "Can't Divide by Zero"
divide 5.0 4.0
// ----- STRUCTS -----
// Structs allow you to create data types
type Rectangle = struct
val Length : float
val Width : float
new (length, width) =
{Length = length; Width = width}
let struct_stuff() =
let area(shape: Rectangle) =
shape.Length * shape.Width
let rect = new Rectangle(5.0, 6.0)
let rect_area = area rect
printfn "Area : %.2f" rect_area
// ----- CLASSES -----
// Classes model real world objects by
// defining their attributes (fields) and
// capabilities (methods)
type Animal = class
val Name : string
val Height : float
val Weight : float
new (name, height, weight) =
{ Name = name; Height = height; Weight = weight;}
member x.Run =
printfn "%s Runs" x.Name
// ----- INHERITANCE -----
// Define the subclass Dog
type Dog(name, height, weight) =
inherit Animal(name, height, weight)
member x.Bark =
printfn "%s Barks" x.Name
let class_stuff() =
let spot = new Animal("Spot", 20.5, 40.5)
let bowser = new Dog("Bowser", 20.5, 40.5)
// Subclasses get every field and method
// in the super class plus new ones
// Keeps the console open
// Ignore says to ignore the input
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
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