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NeoCat / esp8266-amg8833.ino
Last active December 15, 2023 15:11
ESP8266 + AMG8833 WebSocket-based Viewer
// ESP8266 Pins
// 4(SDA) --- AMG8833 SDA
// 5(SCL) --- AMG8833 SCL
// 13 --- LED (Anode) via 100ohm
#include <pgmspace.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
nikolay-pshenichny / Repository.cs
Created October 2, 2015 00:16
Bulk Insert with LINQ to SQL
using DataAccess.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DataAccess.Repositories
public class Repository : IRepository
private readonly System.Data.Linq.DataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(System.Data.Linq.DataContext dataContext)
katmitchell / AndroidManifest.xml
Created January 13, 2014 18:25
Background Location Updates in Android - a fix for
<receiver android:name=".LocationReceiver" />
levymetal / direct_parent.php
Last active November 27, 2023 04:17
Custom Wordpress function which uses a nav walker to display a list of child pages from a common parent, which can be called from either the parent page (displays children) or any of the child pages (displays siblings). Detailed instructions available on my blog post here:…
wp_nav_menu( array(
'menu' => 'Menu Name',
'sub_menu' => true,
'direct_parent' => true
) );
omurphy27 / transparent background image pattern overlay.css
Created March 26, 2013 04:59
CSS Transparent Background Image Pattern Overlay
/*Transparent pattern placed over an image, like we see on the bootstrap homepage:*/
div {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
display: block;
position: relative;
background: url(images/background-image.png);