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Created May 9, 2014 01:56
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Save abreckner/110e28897d42126a3bb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jasmine 2 plug in to re-enable waitsFor and runs functionality
// This is the equivalent of the old waitsFor/runs syntax
// which was removed from Jasmine 2
waitsForAndRuns = function(escapeFunction, runFunction, escapeTime) {
// check the escapeFunction every millisecond so as soon as it is met we can escape the function
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (escapeFunction()) {
}, 1);
// in case we never reach the escapeFunction, we will time out
// at the escapeTime
var timeOut = setTimeout(function() {
}, escapeTime);
// clear the interval and the timeout
function clearMe(){
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This is great. Just upgraded to Jasmine 2.0 and this helped a lot. Thanks!

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Yes this is great... saved my day!

(I'm testing a component that uses another component (that I not control) that makes in its inside an ajax call and then acts (the results being tested) on the component ... and simple the tests/expectations were evaluated too soon...)

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SimenB commented Aug 10, 2015

@abreckner Could you publish this to npm (with a module wrapping)?

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Thanks for this. This got me started and I reworked it to my liking. Here's another variation if anyone is interested:

 * Polls an escape function. Once the escape function returns true, executes a run function.
 * @param {Function} escapeFunction A function that will be repeatedly executed and should return
 * true when the run function should be called.
 * @param {number} checkDelay Number of milliseconds to wait before checking the escape function
 * again.
 * @returns {{then: Function}} The run function should be registered via the then method.
window.waitUntil = function(escapeFunction, checkDelay) {
  var _runFunction;

  var interval = setInterval(function() {
    if (escapeFunction()) {

      if (_runFunction) {
  }, checkDelay || 1);

  return {
    then: function(runFunction) {
      _runFunction = runFunction;


waitUntil(function() { return true }).then(function() { // do my thing });

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SimenB commented Mar 2, 2016

I published a module doing this. Quickly hacked together, but it works 😄

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This is really useful for testing a Promise library.

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kumar155 commented Dec 20, 2017

@SimenB, @RoyTinker
i'm getting this error 'expect' was used when there was no current spec, this could be because an asynchronous test timed out

it('validate target view data for application option auto gaps', () => {
	// component mount
        const Component = mount(
            h(Provider, { store }, [
                h(IntlProvider, { locale: 'en' },
     waitUntil(function () {
            // update the component
            return Component.find('.targetView').length > 0
        }).then((result) => {
            const TargetComponent = RDSMComponent.find(TargetView);
            expect(TargetComponent.instance().state.applications.length > 0).toBe(true);

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