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Last active September 13, 2017 22:55
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Save abresler/2d75bcd91a1ea3c72139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
German Wermacht Dygraph
options(viewer = NULL)
url <- ""
stats <-
html(url) %>%
html_nodes("td td") %>%
html_text() %>>%
stats[!stats == c('|')] %>>% {gsub(pattern = ",",'',.)} %>% as.numeric() -> s
s[] <- 0
killed <- s[c(TRUE,FALSE)]
missing <- s[c(FALSE,TRUE)]
missing[] <- 0
missing %>% round(digits = 0) -> missing
missing/1000 -> missing
killed/1000 -> killed
killed+missing -> total
ts(start = c(1939, 9),end = c(1944,11),frequency = 12,data = total) -> Total
ts(start = c(1939, 9),end = c(1944,11),frequency = 12,data = killed) -> k
ts(start = c(1939, 9),end = c(1944,11),frequency = 12,data = missing) -> m
cbind(Total,k,m) -> ww2_germany
ww2_germany %>% dygraph(main = "German Wehrmacht Self Reported World War II Deaths and Casualties") %>%
dySeries("Total", drawPoints = TRUE, label = "Total Killed or Missing, Thousands") %>%
dySeries("m", drawPoints = FALSE ,label = "Missing in Action, Thousands") %>%
dySeries("k", stepPlot = TRUE, fillGraph = TRUE, label = 'Killed in Action, Thousands') %>%
dyOptions(colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set2")) %>%
dyOptions(axisLabelFontSize = 12,animatedZooms = TRUE,drawGrid = F) %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "Soliders in Thousands",axisLabelFormatter = "function (v) {
return v.toFixed(0);
axisLabelFontSize = 10,
labelHeight = 100) %>%
dyLegend(width = 750,show = "onmouseover") %>%
dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 5,
highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha = 0.2) %>%
#dyLegend(labelsSeparateLines = F,show = 'onmouseover',showZeroValues = F,hideOnMouseOut = T) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 50) %>%
dyRoller(rollPeriod = 1) %>%
dyEvent(date = "1939-09-27", "Warsaw Falls", labelLoc = "top",color = "black") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1940-06-22", "France Capitulates", labelLoc = "top", color = "blue") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1941-06-22", "Hitler Launches Barbarossa", labelLoc = "top", color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1941-08-20", "Siege of Leningrad Begins", labelLoc = "top", color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1941-12-11", "Germany Declares War on U.S.A", labelLoc = "top", color = "blue") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1942-09-13", "Germany Attacks Stalingrad", labelLoc = "top", color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1943-02-02", "6th Army Surrenders at Stalingrad", labelLoc = "top", color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1943-07-05", "Battle of Kursk", labelLoc = "top",color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1943-10-01", "Allies Take Naples", labelLoc = "top", color = "blue") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1944-01-27", "Red Army Frees Leningrad", labelLoc = "top",color = "red") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1944-06-06", "D-Day", labelLoc = "top",color = "blue") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1944-08-25", "Paris Liberated", labelLoc = "top",color = "blue") %>%
dyEvent(date = "1944-10-20", "Red Army Takes Yugoslavia", labelLoc = "top",color = "red")
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