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Last active September 26, 2017 18:47
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  • Save abresler/b7e6528ecc4bcb1afd9276ae307206e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# devtools::install_github("abresler/fundManageR")
gdeltr2::load_needed_packages(c("dplyr", "fundManageR", "tidyr", "stringr", "purrr", "glue"))
kris_managers <-
c("Quantam Utility",
"First Reserve",
"EIG Partners",
"Energy Capital")
df_kk <-
get_data_adv_managers_filings(entity_names = kris_managers, all_sections = TRUE)
funds <-
section7BPrivateFundReporting %>%
distinct(nameFundClean) %>%
pull() %>%
str_trim() %>%
str_replace_all(" ", " ")
targeted_google_search <-
function(funds, hitwords = c('IRR', '"PPM"', '"Private Placement"'), file_type = "PDF", sleep = 5) {
google <-
funds %>%
name_specific <-
if (!file_type %>% purrr::is_null()) {
file_slug <- glue::glue("filetype:{file_type}")
} else {
file_slug <- ""
urls <-
glue::glue("{google}{name_specific} {hitwords} {file_slug}")
urls <- urls %>% as.character() %>% map(URLencode) %>% flatten_chr()
urls %>%
x %>% browseURL()
Sys.sleep(time = sleep)
targeted_google_search(funds = funds)
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