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Created January 6, 2015 21:34
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Scraper and Visualizer for World War 2 Tanks
c('dplyr','pipeR','data.table','reshape2','tidyr','magrittr') -> packages
lapply(packages,library,character.only = T)
#get table
"" %>%
html %>%
readHTMLTable(header = F) %>>%
(.[2] %>% data.frame %>% tbl_df -> tanks)
"" %>%
html %>%
html_nodes("td a") %>% html_attrs() %>% unlist %>% as.character %>% .[14:89] %>% paste0("",.) -> urls
apply(tanks,2,function(x) substr(x,1,nchar(x)-1)) %>% data.frame -> tanks
tanks$NULL.V4 %>% substr(.,1,nchar(.)-1) -> tanks$NULL.V4
tanks$NULL.V4 %>% substr(.,1,nchar(.)-1) -> tanks$NULL.V4
tanks$NULL.V3 %>% substr(.,1,nchar(.)-1) -> tanks$NULL.V3
tanks$NULL.V3 %>% substr(.,1,nchar(.)-1) -> tanks$NULL.V3
tanks$NULL.V1 %>% substr(.,1,nchar(.)-1) -> tanks$NULL.V3
c('tank_name','role','manufacturer','country') -> names(tanks)
items %in% c("Machinery","Suspension","Armament",
"Armor",'Crew','Length','Width','Height','Weight','Speed','Range') -> items
c('Crew','Length','Width','Height','Weight','Speed','Range') -> item_vals
urls -> tanks$url
#Build Scraper
tanks$url -> urls
data.frame() %>% tbl_df -> all_tanks
for(url in urls){
url %>%
html() %>% html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%"rbind_list",.) %>% tbl_df -> dfs
url %>% html %>% html_nodes("b i") %>% html_text -> tanks_id
c('item','value') -> names(dfs)[c(1:2)]
if(dfs %>% filter(item %in% items) %>% select(item,value) %>% tbl_df %>% nrow == 0){
data.frame() %>% tbl_df -> df
} else{
dfs %>% filter(item %in% items) %>% select(item,value) %>% tbl_df -> df
if(df %>% nrow >= 5 ){
c('item','value') -> names(df)
url -> df$url
df$value %>% reshape2::colsplit(.,'\\;',c('value','b')) %>% .$value -> df$value
df[df$item %in% item_vals,'value'] -> v
v$value %>% extract_numeric() -> df[df$item %in% item_vals,'value']
'' -> df$tank
1:nrow(df) -> df$id
df %>% data.table(key = 'id') -> df
if(tanks_id %>% length > 1){
seq(1,df %>% nrow,by = (df %>% nrow)/tanks_id %>% length) -> label_rows
data.frame(id = label_rows, tank = tanks_id) %>% data.table(key = 'id') -> tank_id
tank_id[df, roll=T] -> df
df$i.tank = NULL
df$id = NULL
df %>% tbl_df -> df
} else{
tanks_id -> df$tank
df$id = NULL
tanks[tanks$url == url,'country']
df[,c('tank','item','value','url')] -> df
} else{
'' -> df$item
'' -> df$value
url -> df$url
tank_id -> df$tank
all_tanks %<>% rbind_list(df)
all_tanks %>% left_join(tanks, by = 'url') -> all_tanks
all_tanks[,c('tank','item','value','country','role')] %>% data.frame %>% reshape(idvar = c('tank','country','role'),timevar = 'item', direction = 'wide') %>% tbl_df -> wide_df
names(wide_df) %>% gsub('value.','',.) %>% tolower -> names(wide_df)
wide_df[,8:14] %<>% apply(2,as.numeric)
#Plot In Metrics Graphs
#devtools::install_github(hrbrmstr/metricsgraphics) #install if you don't have it
wide_df %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(speed > 0) %>%
mjs_plot(x=weight, y=speed, width=600, height=500) %>%
mjs_point(least_squares=TRUE,color_type = 'category',x_rug = T,y_rug = T,
color_accessor = country,size_accessor = crew,
color_range=c("#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582", "#FDDBC7", "#F7F7F7", "#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE", "#4393C3", "#2166AC")
mjs_labs(x="Weight in Tons", y="Speed in Kilometers Per Hour") %>%
mjs_add_marker(42.13, "Mean Heavy Tank") %>%
mjs_add_marker(7.83, "Mean Light Tank") %>%
mjs_add_marker(30.78, "Mean Medium Tank")
all_tanks[,c('tank_name','item','value','country','role','url')] %>% data.frame %>% reshape(idvar = c('tank_name','country','role','url'),timevar = 'item', direction = 'wide') %>% tbl_df -> wide_df2
names(wide_df2) %>% gsub('value.','',.) %>% tolower -> names(wide_df2)
#devtools::install_github(rstudio/DT) #install if you don't have it
paste0("<a href ='",
"' target = '_blank'>",
wide_df2$tank_name,"</a>") -> wide_df2$tank_name
wide_df2$url = NULL
wide_df2 %>%
filter(! %>%
filter(speed > 0) %>% datatable(options = list(
lengthMenu = c(5,10,15,20),
autoWidth = FALSE
),escape = F)
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