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Created November 28, 2012 14:29
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var config = require('../config')
, bitcoin = new (require('bitcoin').Client)(config('BTC'))
, debug = require('debug')('snow:btc-edge:sender')
, db = require('./db')
, num = require('num')
, util = require('util')
, Q = require('q')
, client
function getBatch() {
debug('getting batch')
var query = ['SELECT * FROM pop_btc_withdraw_requests() AS',
'(request_id int, amount bigint, scale int, address varchar(34));'].join('\n')
return Q.ninvoke(client, 'query', query).get('rows')
function executeBatch(jobs) {
var r = _.reduce(jobs, function(r, i) { r[i.address] = +num(i.amount, i.scale); return r; }, { })
debug('will send ' + jobs.length + ' transactions')
debug('sends to perform: ' + JSON.stringify(r, null, 4))
return Q.ninvoke(bitcoin, 'sendMany', 'credited', r)
function markItemDone(job) {
debug('marking item done ' + job.request_id)
return Q.ninvoke(client, 'query', {
text: 'SELECT confirm_withdraw($1)',
values: [job.request_id]
function markBatchDone(jobs) {
debug('marking ' + jobs.length + ' jobs done')
var ids = _.pluck(jobs, 'request_id')
, d = Q.defer()
text: ['UPDATE withdraw_request SET state = "completed", completed = current_timestamp',
'WHERE request_id IN (' + ids.join(', ') + ')'].join('\n')
}, d.makeNodeCallback())
function send() {
client = db()
return getBatch().then(function(jobs) {
if (!jobs.length) { debug('nothing to do'); return 'success' }
return executeBatch(jobs).then(function() {
return Q.spread(jobs, markItemDone)
.fin(function() {
.fail(function(err) {
module.exports = function() {
var timer
, loop = function() {
send().then(function() {
debug('scheduling next loop')
timer = setTimeout(loop, 10 * 1000)
process.on('exit', function() {
timer && clearTimeout(timer)
if (~process.argv[1].indexOf('bitcoinedge.sender.js')) {
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