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Last active September 24, 2020 22:44
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import time
import requests
import sys
import random
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
if '--proxyfile' in sys.argv:
p = open('proxies.txt')
proxyList = p.readlines()
proxyReq = requests.get('')
if proxyReq.status_code == 200:
proxyList = proxyReq.text.splitlines()
print('Failed to retreive proxies via URL.. please load from file')
def make_req():
if len(proxyList) == 0:
return 'No proxies remaining'
proxy = get_proxy(proxyList)
req = None
while req == None:
req ='{}'.format(email), data={
'newGUID': email,
'newPassword': password,
'gameClientVersion': '',
'ignore': '123456',
'entrytag': '',
'name': '',
'isAgeVerified': '1',
'signedUpKabamEmail': '0'
}, proxies=proxy)
return req.text
except Exception as e:
print('\nProxy failed, switching')
if len(proxyList) == 0:
return 'No proxies remaining'
proxy = get_proxy(proxyList)
def get_proxy(proxyList):
proxyCount = len(proxyList)
proxyIndex = random.randint(0, proxyCount-1)
newProxy = proxyList[proxyIndex].split(':')
proxyHost = newProxy[0]
proxyPort = newProxy[1]
proxy = {
'http': 'socks4://{}:{}'.format(proxyHost, proxyPort),
'https': 'socks4://{}:{}'.format(proxyHost, proxyPort)
return proxy
email = ''
password = 'loldongs'
used_indexes = []
count = 0
result = None
while result is None:
req = make_req()
count = count+1
if req == 'No proxies remaining':
if req == '<Error>Error.nameAlreadyInUse</Error>':
print('Failed to create, attempt: {}'.format(count))
elif req[0:6] == '<Error>':
print('Failed to create with error: {} - attempt: {}'.format(req, count))
elif req == None:
print('Failed to create, connection failed - attempt: {}'.format(count))
elif req[0:8] == '<Success>':
print('SUCCESS at time {} with attempt {}\n\nEmail: {}\nPassword: {}'.format(time.time(), count, email, password))
result = True
print('Failed to create with error: {} - attempt: {}'.format(req, count))
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