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Created June 12, 2009 18:42
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Combining Tony Wright's post on startup acquisition rate (
and Evan Miller's post on statistical significance in percentage ratings
{"CA"=>[2739, 188, "5.98%"],
"NY"=>[692, 34, "3.54%"],
"MA"=>[386, 20, "3.38%"],
"TX"=>[323, 19, "3.80%"],
"WA"=>[317, 26, "5.66%"],
"FL"=>[254, 3, "0.40%"],
"NJ"=>[227, 8, "1.80%"],
"IL"=>[180, 9, "2.65%"],
"VA"=>[164, 7, "2.08%"],
"CO"=>[133, 7, "2.57%"],
"PA"=>[131, 2, "0.42%"],
"GA"=>[117, 2, "0.47%"],
"MD"=>[94, 4, "1.67%"],
"NC"=>[80, 1, "0.22%"],
"AZ"=>[77, 1, "0.23%"]}
Script to calculate these results:
NB: script requires statistics2 gem, which can be found at and installed like so:
$ gem sources -a (you only have to do this once)
$ sudo gem install abscondment-statistics2
require 'pp'
require 'statistics2'
def ci_lower_bound(pos, n, power=0.05)
if n == 0
return 0
z = Statistics2.pnormaldist(1-power/2)
phat = 1.0*pos/n
(phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n)
results = %{
CA 2739 41.2% 188 53.3% 6.9%
NY 692 10.4% 34 9.6% 4.9%
MA 386 5.8% 20 5.7% 5.2%
TX 323 4.9% 19 5.4% 5.9%
WA 317 4.8% 26 7.4% 8.2%
FL 254 3.8% 3 0.8% 1.2%
NJ 227 1.8% 8 2.3% 6.6%
IL 180 2.7% 9 2.5% 5.0%
VA 164 2.5% 7 2.0% 4.3%
CO 133 2.0% 7 2.0% 5.3%
PA 131 2.0% 2 0.6% 1.5%
GA 117 1.8% 2 0.6% 1.7%
MD 94 1.4% 4 1.1% 4.3%
NC 80 1.2% 1 0.3% 1.2%
AZ 77 1.2% 1 .3% 1.3%
}.split(/\n/).reject!{|l| l.gsub(/[\s]+/,'').empty?}
results = results.inject({}) {
l = l.split
h[l[0]] = [l[1].to_i, l[3].to_i, sprintf("%.2f%%", 100.0 * ci_lower_bound(l[3].to_f, l[1].to_f))]
pp results
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