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Last active April 5, 2016 21:38
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Now FUNCTIONing (get it?!)
$ClusteredVMs = Get-ClusterResource | ? ResourceType -eq 'Virtual Machine' | Select Name
$VMs = Get-VM -ComputerName node01,node02 | Select Name
Compare-Object $VMs $ClusteredVMs -IncludeEqual
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Name Memory (GB) Processor Count VM Root Path VHD VHDType Used (GB) Total (GB) Percent Free Virtual Switch IP VLAN
BGS-APPS01 4 2 C:\ClusterStorage\VMs\BGS-APPS01 BGS-APPS01.VHDX Dynamic 50 100 50 B******** School 100
BGS-APPS01 4 2 C:\ClusterStorage\VMs\BGS-APPS01 BGS-APPS01-Ddrive.VHDX Dynamic 50 100 50 B******** School 100
Function Quick-VMAudit {
process {
ForEach ($VM in $VMs) {
# NICs
# This is in every entry
$NICSwitches = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$NICIPs = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$NICVLans = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach ($NIC in $VM.NetworkAdapters) {
$NICSwitches.Add($NIC.SwitchName) | Out-Null
$NICIPs.Add($NIC.IPAddresses -Join(', ')) | Out-Null
$NICVLans.Add($NIC.VlanSetting.VLANList) | Out-Null
# VHDs
# Each entry for each VHD
$VHDs = Get-VHD $VM.HardDrives.Path -ComputerName $VM.ComputerName | Where VHDType -ne 'Differencing'
ForEach ($VHD in $VHDs) {
# Write-Host $VHD.Path
'Name' = $VM.Name
'Memory (GB)' = ([math]::Round($VM.MemoryAssigned / 1Gb,1))
'Processor count' = $VM.ProcessorCount
'VM Root Path' = $VM.Path
'VHD Path' = $VHD.Path
'VHD Type' = $VHD.VHDType
'VHD Used (GB)' = ([math]::Round($VHD.FileSize / 1Gb))
'VHD Total Size (GB)' = ($VHD.Size / 1Gb)
'VHD Percent Free' = ([math]::Round(($VHD.FileSize / $VHD.Size) * 100))
'Virtual Switch' = $NICSwitches -Join "`r`n"
'IP' = $NICIPs -Join "`r`n"
'VLAN' = $NICVLans -Join "`r`n"
} #ForEach ($VHD in $VHDs)
} #ForEach ($VM in $VMs)
} #process
} #function
Get-VM -ComputerName bgsclstr-node01,bgsclstr-node02 | Quick-VMAudit | ft
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