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Created October 9, 2017 19:08
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JS transducers
/** Implementing transformations (like map and filter) with reducers. **/
// take all evens, multiply by 2, log that.
const arr = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
console.log('Chaining map and filter.')
const arred = arr.filter((elem, index) => {
return parseInt(elem) % 2 === 0
}).map(elem => {
return elem * 2;
arred.forEach(console.log, console) // 4 8 12
console.log('Implement map with reduce.')
const mapReducerOld = (result, input) => {
result.push(input * 2)
return result
const mapped = arr.reduce(mapReducerOld, [])
mapped.forEach(console.log, console)
// 2 4 6 8 10 12
console.log('Same stuff, but passing in mapping function from outside.')
const mapReducer = (f) => (result, input) => {
return result
// code above is the ES6 equivalent to:
const mapReducerNoES6 = function(f) {
return function(result, input) {
return result
const mappedIt = arr.reduce(mapReducer((f) => f * 2), [])
mappedIt.forEach(console.log, console)
// 2 4 6 8 10 12
console.log('With this new syntax, we can filter too!')
const filterReducer = (predicate) => (result, input) => {
if (predicate(input)) {
return result
const filteredIt = arr.reduce(filterReducer((x) => x <= 4), [])
filteredIt.forEach(console.log, console)
// "1" "2" "3" "4"
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