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Last active January 15, 2019 12:18
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Get email items from shared Exchange mailbox through Outlook. Can be modified to also output body (and other properties) of messages.
Param (
# Define constants
Add-Type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
$Outlook = New-Object -comobject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $Outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
# Open shared mailbox
$recipient = $namespace.CreateRecipient($SharedMailboxEmailAddress)
$recipient.Resolve | Out-Null
If ($Subfolder) {
$MailboxFolder = $namespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($recipient,
} Else {
$MailboxFolder = $namespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($recipient,
# Parse mail items
$Items = $MailboxFolder.Items | Select ReceivedTime, Subject,
@{N='SenderEmailAddress'; E={If ($_.SenderEmailAddress -like '*@*') {$_.SenderEmailAddress} Else {$_.SenderName}}},
@{N='ToEmailAddress'; E={($_.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty($PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS) -split "`n" |
Select-String '^To:\s+(.*)' | ForEach {$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}) -split ',' |
Select-String '<(.*@.*)>' | ForEach {$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}}},
@{N='CCEmailAddress'; E={($_.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty($PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS) -split "`n" |
Select-String '^CC:\s+(.*)' | ForEach {$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}) -split ',' |
Select-String '<(.*@.*)>' | ForEach {$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}}}
# Return
Return $Items
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