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Created March 25, 2013 18:45
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Method and helper method snippet from a quadtree node class. Returns square 2d array representation of the quadtree.
# Just came out of the oven. Unclean and fugly.
# Key observation is that, when walking the array left-to-right
# and top-to-bottom, the "nw"/"ne"/"sw"/"se" attributes for the
# chain of subnodes down to the bottom have simple, power-of-2
# toggle periods.
# For example, to access the top-leftmost cell in a 32x32
# quadtree called foo:
# foo.nw.nw.nw.nw.nw
# The next cell to the right is:
# That rightmost "w"/"e" has a period of 1. Here are the toggle
# periods for the rest:
# 512 16 256 8 128 4 64 2 32 1
# foo. N W . N W . N W . N W . N W
# As you can see, there are math.log(32,2)=5 levels. "e"/"w" periods
# increase from right to left by powers of two, and then "n"/"s" wraps
# around again.
def to_array(self):
raw_array = self._to_array_helper()
size = int(math.sqrt(len(raw_array)))
result = []
while len(raw_array) >= size:
raw_array = raw_array[size:]
return result
def _to_array_helper(self):
class Periodic_Coord():
def __init__(self,letter_pair,period):
self._letters = letter_pair
self._value = 0
self._period = period
self._counter = 0
def get(self):
current = self._letters[self._value]
self._counter = (self._counter + 1) % self._period
if self._counter == 0:
self._value = self._value ^ 1
return current
result = []
level = 1
probe = self
while type(probe.nw) != int:
probe = probe.nw
level += 1
horiz_periods = [2**x for x in xrange(level)]
vert_periods = [2**x for x in xrange(level,level*2)]
horiz_coords = map(lambda p: Periodic_Coord(("w","e"),p), horiz_periods)
vert_coords = map(lambda p: Periodic_Coord(("n","s"),p), vert_periods)
def coord(lev):
h = horiz_coords[lev].get()
v = vert_coords[lev].get()
return v+h
i = 0
iMax = 2**(2*level)
while i <= iMax:
cell = self
L = 0
while type(cell) != int:
cell = getattr(cell,coord(L))
L = (L + 1) % len(horiz_coords)
i += 1
return result
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