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Britt Treece abtreece

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Spreedly Senior Database Reliability Engineer Work Sample

Requests to the Spreedly APIs are growing by 100% every year. The merchants and marketplaces that use our platform are expecting low latency and high availability from the services we provide. Additionally, we are always working to enable Product Engineering for rapid development, innovation, and reduced human error.

Our Technical Values

We highly value:

  • pragmatic solutions with an eye toward future, incremental improvements
  • careful attention to detail
  • testing before deployment
  • communicating intent through code, commits, and documentation

Spreedly Systems Engineer Work Sample

Being a company founded by developers, it's in our DNA to automate as much as we can and deploy as often as possible in order to allow for rapid development, innovation, and reduced human error. Spreedly relies on many internal services for its infrastructure. Your role as a Systems Engineer at Spreedly will involve:

  • Understanding how all the pieces that comprise the infrastructure fit together
  • Knowing how best to maintain and secure that infrastructure
  • Automating provisioning, testing, and maintenance as much as possible
  • Measuring and monitoring system fitness
  • Delivering services that other engineering teams can utilize in support of their development efforts
  • Communicating well with the rest of the team and the wider technical community

Spreedly Senior Systems Engineer Work Sample

Being a company founded by developers, it's in our DNA to automate as much as we can and deploy as often as possible in order to allow for rapid development, innovation, and reduced human error. Spreedly relies on many internal services for its infrastructure. Your role as a Systems Engineer at Spreedly will involve:

  • Understanding how all the pieces that comprise the infrastructure fit together
  • Knowing how best to maintain and secure that infrastructure
  • Automating provisioning, testing, and maintenance as much as possible
  • Measuring and monitoring system fitness
  • Delivering services that other engineering teams can utilize in support of their development efforts
  • Communicating well with the rest of the team and the wider technical community
2018-03-08 10:56:35,246 p=13520 u=abtreece | PLAY [default] *****************************************************************
2018-03-08 10:56:35,256 p=13520 u=abtreece | TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
2018-03-08 10:56:37,066 p=13520 u=abtreece | ok: [default]
2018-03-08 10:56:37,073 p=13520 u=abtreece | TASK [Generate sshd host keys] *************************************************
2018-03-08 10:56:37,094 p=13520 u=abtreece | skipping: [default]
2018-03-08 10:56:37,103 p=13520 u=abtreece | TASK [include_vars] ************************************************************
2018-03-08 10:56:37,174 p=13520 u=abtreece | ok: [default]
2018-03-08 10:56:37,181 p=13520 u=abtreece | TASK [Include Packer role-specific variables.] *********************************
2018-03-08 10:56:37,220 p=13520 u=abtreece | ok: [default]
2018-03-08 10:56:37,227 p=13520 u=abtreece | TASK [Manage additional role packages] *****************************************
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
execute pathogen#infect()
" Maintainer:
" Amir Salihefendic
" -
" Version:
" 5.0 - 29/05/12 15:43:36

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am abtreece on github.
  • I am abtreece ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D6CC CD1A 97EA 0611 D74C 4159 FE37 0064 27ED FC3E

To claim this, I am signing this object:

abtreece / gist:87b7fd31941ceb918167f4e7863eb000
Last active July 29, 2016 14:27
.files for Terraform environment variables
Have the following configured in my home dir...
├── aws_eu-central-1
└── aws_us-east-1
Each is configured with the following variables which may or may not be region specific...