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Created June 22, 2021 07:54
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VSCode Snippets for Makefile
"default-makefile": {
"prefix": "help",
"body": [
".PHONY: help deps clean build watch",
"help: ## Display this help",
" @awk 'BEGIN {FS = \":.*##\"; printf \"\\nUsage:\\n make \\033[36m<target>\\033[0m\\n\\nTargets:\\n\"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf \" \\033[36m%-10s\\033[0m %s\\n\", \\$\\$1, \\$\\$2 }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)",
"deps: ## Check dependencies",
" $(info Checking and getting dependencies)",
"clean: ## Cleanup the project folders",
" $(info Cleaning up things)",
"build: clean deps ## Build the project",
" $(info Building the project)",
"watch: clean deps ## Watch file changes and build",
" $(info Watching and building the project)",
"description": "Default makefile",
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