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abubelinha /
Created January 23, 2021 17:48 — forked from methane/
Benchmarking MySQL drivers (Python 3.4)
from __future__ import print_function
import time
def query_10k(cur):
t = time.time()
for _ in range(10000):
cur.execute("SELECT 1,2,3,4,5")
res = cur.fetchall()
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0] == (1,2,3,4,5)
abubelinha / Makefile
Last active February 4, 2021 10:11 — forked from guss77/Makefile
MariaDB update table with UUID (reproduction of the issue using docker-compose)
COMPOSE := docker-compose -p demouuid
$(COMPOSE) up -d
sleep 3
while $(COMPOSE) ps | grep -q database; do \
$(COMPOSE) logs 2>/dev/null| grep -q 'MySQL init process done.' && break;\
$(COMPOSE) logs 2>/dev/null| grep -i error && break;\
$(COMPOSE) ps | grep -q Exit && break;\
import requests
params = {'access_token': '<your-access-token>'}
# Create the deposit resource
url = ""
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
res =
abubelinha /
Created October 29, 2021 18:04 — forked from avullo/
Push file update to GitHub repository using GitHub API in Python
import requests
import base64
import json
import datetime
def push_to_repo_branch(gitHubFileName, fileName, repo_slug, branch, user, token):
Push file update to GitHub repo
abubelinha /
Last active November 7, 2021 09:15 — forked from jplsightm/
Convert a Pandas Dataframe to Markdown
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
def pandas_df_to_markdown_table(df):
# Dependent upon ipython
# shamelessly stolen from
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
fmt = ['---' for i in range(len(df.columns))]
df_fmt = pd.DataFrame([fmt], columns=df.columns)
df_formatted = pd.concat([df_fmt, df])
abubelinha /
Last active February 26, 2022 19:13 — forked from trafficinc/
Python script for taking mysqldump
Will backup all the databases listed, will put files in same DIR as script'
To run: $ python
import configparser
import os
import time
abubelinha /
Created January 3, 2022 18:56 — forked from cwebber314/
Reportlab hello world with an image, bulleted list, and enumerated list.
Reportlab sandbox.
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, landscape
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer, Image
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
# 2017 monthly
x <- tempfile("col")
download.file("", file.path(x, ""))
unzip(file.path(x, ""), exdir = x)
taxa <- readr::read_tsv(file.path(x, "taxa.txt"), guess_max=1e6, quote="", col_types = readr::cols(.default = "c"))
taxa %>% filter(specificEpithet == "sapiens", taxonomicStatus == "accepted name", genus=="Homo")
abubelinha / iframe-killa.js
Created March 2, 2022 23:07 — forked from rodmcnew/iframe-killa.js
This is a bookmarklet that removes all iframes from the current page. Paste its code into a bookmark URL field. Click the bookmark to remove all iframes. Once started, it also removes newly spawned iframes every 100ms.
javascript:void(function(){setInterval(function(){document.querySelectorAll('iframe').forEach(function(element){console.log('Iframe Killa - Removing Element:', element);element.parentNode.removeChild(element)})},100)}());

Migrate from PHP to Python

Hi all, recently I've decided to move on and learn Python programming. At first, I though that it would be very difficult but in fact... Not that much. So I've decided to write this little gist and show the main differences between both languages.

I will use try to follow the same order used on this website: It was really usefull to improve my understanding of Python programming.

To finish, I'm assuming that you already got basic knowledge in Object Oriented Programming and already got skills and understanding of PHP programming. This is not intended to explain you how to code in PHP but if you're coming from Python programming, then this gist might help you to migrate from Python to PHP.

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