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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Custom select-component using ember-cli-auto-complete
import AutoComplete from 'ember-cli-auto-complete/components/auto-complete';
import Ember from 'ember';
import lodash from "npm:lodash";
export default AutoComplete.extend({
noMesssagePlaceHolderText: Ember.computed.alias('emptyResult'),
valueProperty: Ember.computed.alias('optionLabelPath'),
placeHolderText: Ember.computed.alias('prompt'),
prompt: '',
selectedValue: '',
inputClass: '',
inputClazz: Ember.computed(function() {
return `typeahead text-input ${this.get('inputClass')}`;
focusOut: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (Ember.isEmpty(this.get('selectedValue'))) {
this.set('selection', null);
return true;
init: function() {
setSelectedValue: function() {
let optionLabelPath = this.get('optionLabelPath');
let value = this.get('selection');
if (value) {
if (optionLabelPath) {
value = Ember.get(value, optionLabelPath) || '';
this.set('selectedValue', value);
suggestions: Ember.computed('inputVal', 'content.[]', function() {
let inputVal = this.get('inputVal') || '';
let optionLabelPath = this.get('optionLabelPath');
let filter = new RegExp('^'+inputVal.toLowerCase(), 'i');
let results = this.get('content').filter(function(item) {
let value = item;
if (optionLabelPath) {
value = Ember.get(item, optionLabelPath);
return filter.test(value);
results = {
return Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
content: item,
highlight: false
if (this.get('optionGroupPath')) {
results = this.groupedsuggestions(results);
return results;
groupedsuggestions: function(suggestions) {
let grouped = lodash.groupBy(suggestions, (suggestion) => {
return Ember.get(suggestion, this.get('optionGroupPath'));
grouped = Ember.keys(grouped).map(function(group) {
return Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
content: group,
name: group,
suggestions: grouped[group]
return grouped.sortBy('content');
optionsToMatch: Ember.computed('content.[]', function() {
let caseInsensitiveOptions = [];
this.get('content').forEach(function(item) {
let value = this.getValue(item);
}, this);
return caseInsensitiveOptions;
getValue: function(object) {
let value = object;
if (this.get('optionLabelPath')) {
value = Ember.get(object, this.get('optionLabelPath'));
return value;
actions: {
selectItem: function(item) {
let optionLabelPath = this.get('optionLabelPath');
this.set('selectedFromList', true);
let value = Ember.get(item, 'content');
let selectedValue = Ember.get(item, 'content');
// Text that will be bound to input
if (this.get('optionLabelPath')) {
selectedValue = Ember.get(item, optionLabelPath);
this.set('selectedValue', selectedValue);
// Actual value bound to selection
if (this.get('optionValuePath')) {
value = Ember.get(item, this.get('optionValuePath'));
this.set('selection', value);
this.sendAction('selectItem', value);
<div class="typeahead-wrap">
{{input class=inputClazz
<span class="tt-dropdown-menu" style={{visibility}}>
<div class="tt-dataset-states">
<span class="tt-suggestions">
{{#if optionGroupPath}}
{{#each suggestions as |group|}}
<div class="dropdown-header">
{{#each group.suggestions as |result|}}
<div class="tt-suggestion {{if result.highlight
"tt-cursor"}}" {{action "selectItem" result bubbles=false}}>
{{select-item-component item=result optionLabelPath=valueProperty}}
<div class="message">
{{#each suggestions as |result|}}
<div class="tt-suggestion {{if result.highlight
"tt-cursor"}}" {{action "selectItem" result bubbles=false}}>
{{select-item-component item=result optionLabelPath=valueProperty}}
<div class="message">
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