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declare namespace xdr {
interface SignedInt {
readonly MAX_VALUE: 2147483647;
readonly MIN_VALUE: -2147483648;
read(io: Buffer): number;
write(value: number, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: number): boolean;
toXDR(value: number): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): number;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): number;
interface UnsignedInt {
readonly MAX_VALUE: 4294967295;
readonly MIN_VALUE: 0;
read(io: Buffer): number;
write(value: number, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: number): boolean;
toXDR(value: number): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): number;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): number;
class Hyper {
low: number;
high: number;
unsigned: boolean;
constructor(low: number, high: number);
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static toXDR(value: Hyper): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Hyper;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Hyper;
static readonly MAX_VALUE: Hyper;
static readonly MIN_VALUE: Hyper;
static read(io: Buffer): Hyper;
static write(value: Hyper, io: Buffer): void;
static fromString(input: string): Hyper;
static fromBytes(low: number, high: number): Hyper;
static isValid(value: Hyper): boolean;
class UnsignedHyper {
low: number;
high: number;
unsigned: boolean;
constructor(low: number, high: number);
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static toXDR(value: UnsignedHyper): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): UnsignedHyper;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): UnsignedHyper;
static readonly MAX_VALUE: UnsignedHyper;
static readonly MIN_VALUE: UnsignedHyper;
static read(io: Buffer): UnsignedHyper;
static write(value: UnsignedHyper, io: Buffer): void;
static fromString(input: string): UnsignedHyper;
static fromBytes(low: number, high: number): UnsignedHyper;
static isValid(value: UnsignedHyper): boolean;
class XDRString {
constructor(maxLength: 4294967295);
read(io: Buffer): Buffer;
readString(io: Buffer): string;
write(value: string | Buffer, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: string | number[] | Buffer): boolean;
toXDR(value: string | Buffer): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Buffer;
class XDRArray {
childType: {
read(io: any): any;
write(value: any, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
length: number
read(io: Buffer): Buffer;
write(value: any[], io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: any[]): boolean;
toXDR(value: any[]): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Buffer;
class VarArray extends XDRArray {}
class Opaque {
constructor(length: number);
read(io: Buffer): Buffer;
write(value: Buffer, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: Buffer): boolean;
toXDR(value: Buffer): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Buffer;
class VarOpaque extends Opaque {}
class Option {
constructor(childType: {
read(io: any): any;
write(value: any, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
read(io: Buffer): any;
write(value: any, io: Buffer): void;
isValid(value: any): boolean;
toXDR(value: any): Buffer;
fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): any;
fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): any;
class ErrorCode {
readonly name: 'errMisc' | 'errDatum' | 'errConf' | 'errAuth' | 'errLoad';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
static errMisc(): ErrorCode;
static errDatum(): ErrorCode;
static errConf(): ErrorCode;
static errAuth(): ErrorCode;
static errLoad(): ErrorCode;
class Error {
constructor(attributes: { code: ErrorCode; msg: string | Buffer });
code(value?: ErrorCode): ErrorCode;
msg(value?: string | Buffer): string | Buffer;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Error;
static write(value: Error, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Error): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Error): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Error;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Error;
class AuthCert {
constructor(attributes: {
pubkey: Curve25519Public;
expiration: Uint64;
sig: Signature;
pubkey(value?: Curve25519Public): Curve25519Public;
expiration(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
sig(value?: Signature): Signature;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AuthCert;
static write(value: AuthCert, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AuthCert): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AuthCert): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AuthCert;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AuthCert;
class Hello {
constructor(attributes: {
ledgerVersion: Uint32;
overlayVersion: Uint32;
overlayMinVersion: Uint32;
networkId: Hash;
versionStr: string | Buffer;
listeningPort: SignedInt;
peerId: NodeId;
cert: AuthCert;
nonce: Uint256;
ledgerVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
overlayVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
overlayMinVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
networkId(value?: Hash): Hash;
versionStr(value?: string | Buffer): string | Buffer;
listeningPort(value?: SignedInt): SignedInt;
peerId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
cert(value?: AuthCert): AuthCert;
nonce(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Hello;
static write(value: Hello, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Hello): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Hello): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Hello;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Hello;
class Auth {
constructor(attributes: { unused: SignedInt });
unused(value?: SignedInt): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Auth;
static write(value: Auth, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Auth): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Auth): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Auth;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Auth;
class IpAddrType {
readonly name: 'iPv4' | 'iPv6';
readonly value: 0 | 1;
static iPv4(): IpAddrType;
static iPv6(): IpAddrType;
class PeerAddressIp {
switch(): IpAddrType;
ipv4(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
ipv6(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
value(): Opaque | Opaque;
static iPv4(value: Opaque): PeerAddressIp;
static iPv6(value: Opaque): PeerAddressIp;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PeerAddressIp;
static write(value: PeerAddressIp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PeerAddressIp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PeerAddressIp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PeerAddressIp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PeerAddressIp;
class PeerAddress {
constructor(attributes: {
ip: PeerAddressIp;
port: Uint32;
numFailures: Uint32;
ip(value?: PeerAddressIp): PeerAddressIp;
port(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
numFailures(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PeerAddress;
static write(value: PeerAddress, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PeerAddress): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PeerAddress): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PeerAddress;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PeerAddress;
class MessageType {
readonly name:
| 'errorMsg'
| 'auth'
| 'dontHave'
| 'getPeer'
| 'peer'
| 'getTxSet'
| 'txSet'
| 'transaction'
| 'getScpQuorumset'
| 'scpQuorumset'
| 'scpMessage'
| 'getScpState'
| 'hello'
| 'surveyRequest'
| 'surveyResponse';
readonly value:
| 0
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15;
static errorMsg(): MessageType;
static auth(): MessageType;
static dontHave(): MessageType;
static getPeer(): MessageType;
static peer(): MessageType;
static getTxSet(): MessageType;
static txSet(): MessageType;
static transaction(): MessageType;
static getScpQuorumset(): MessageType;
static scpQuorumset(): MessageType;
static scpMessage(): MessageType;
static getScpState(): MessageType;
static hello(): MessageType;
static surveyRequest(): MessageType;
static surveyResponse(): MessageType;
class DontHave {
constructor(attributes: { type: MessageType; reqHash: Uint256 });
type(value?: MessageType): MessageType;
reqHash(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): DontHave;
static write(value: DontHave, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: DontHave): boolean;
static toXDR(value: DontHave): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): DontHave;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): DontHave;
class SurveyMessageCommandType {
readonly name: 'surveyTopology';
readonly value: 0;
static surveyTopology(): SurveyMessageCommandType;
class SurveyRequestMessage {
constructor(attributes: {
surveyorPeerId: NodeId;
surveyedPeerId: NodeId;
ledgerNum: Uint32;
encryptionKey: Curve25519Public;
commandType: SurveyMessageCommandType;
surveyorPeerId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
surveyedPeerId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
ledgerNum(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
encryptionKey(value?: Curve25519Public): Curve25519Public;
commandType(value?: SurveyMessageCommandType): SurveyMessageCommandType;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SurveyRequestMessage;
static write(value: SurveyRequestMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SurveyRequestMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SurveyRequestMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SurveyRequestMessage;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): SurveyRequestMessage;
class SignedSurveyRequestMessage {
constructor(attributes: {
requestSignature: Signature;
request: SurveyRequestMessage;
requestSignature(value?: Signature): Signature;
request(value?: SurveyRequestMessage): SurveyRequestMessage;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SignedSurveyRequestMessage;
static write(value: SignedSurveyRequestMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SignedSurveyRequestMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SignedSurveyRequestMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SignedSurveyRequestMessage;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): SignedSurveyRequestMessage;
const EncryptedBody: VarOpaque;
class SurveyResponseMessage {
constructor(attributes: {
surveyorPeerId: NodeId;
surveyedPeerId: NodeId;
ledgerNum: Uint32;
commandType: SurveyMessageCommandType;
encryptedBody: EncryptedBody;
surveyorPeerId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
surveyedPeerId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
ledgerNum(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
commandType(value?: SurveyMessageCommandType): SurveyMessageCommandType;
encryptedBody(value?: EncryptedBody): EncryptedBody;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SurveyResponseMessage;
static write(value: SurveyResponseMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SurveyResponseMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SurveyResponseMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SurveyResponseMessage;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): SurveyResponseMessage;
class SignedSurveyResponseMessage {
constructor(attributes: {
responseSignature: Signature;
response: SurveyResponseMessage;
responseSignature(value?: Signature): Signature;
response(value?: SurveyResponseMessage): SurveyResponseMessage;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SignedSurveyResponseMessage;
static write(value: SignedSurveyResponseMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SignedSurveyResponseMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SignedSurveyResponseMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SignedSurveyResponseMessage;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): SignedSurveyResponseMessage;
class PeerStats {
constructor(attributes: {
id: NodeId;
versionStr: string | Buffer;
messagesRead: Uint64;
messagesWritten: Uint64;
bytesRead: Uint64;
bytesWritten: Uint64;
secondsConnected: Uint64;
uniqueFloodBytesRecv: Uint64;
duplicateFloodBytesRecv: Uint64;
uniqueFetchBytesRecv: Uint64;
duplicateFetchBytesRecv: Uint64;
uniqueFloodMessageRecv: Uint64;
duplicateFloodMessageRecv: Uint64;
uniqueFetchMessageRecv: Uint64;
duplicateFetchMessageRecv: Uint64;
id(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
versionStr(value?: string | Buffer): string | Buffer;
messagesRead(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
messagesWritten(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
bytesRead(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
bytesWritten(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
secondsConnected(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
uniqueFloodBytesRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
duplicateFloodBytesRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
uniqueFetchBytesRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
duplicateFetchBytesRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
uniqueFloodMessageRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
duplicateFloodMessageRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
uniqueFetchMessageRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
duplicateFetchMessageRecv(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PeerStats;
static write(value: PeerStats, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PeerStats): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PeerStats): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PeerStats;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PeerStats;
const PeerStatList: VarArray;
class TopologyResponseBody {
constructor(attributes: {
inboundPeers: PeerStatList;
outboundPeers: PeerStatList;
totalInboundPeerCount: Uint32;
totalOutboundPeerCount: Uint32;
inboundPeers(value?: PeerStatList): PeerStatList;
outboundPeers(value?: PeerStatList): PeerStatList;
totalInboundPeerCount(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
totalOutboundPeerCount(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TopologyResponseBody;
static write(value: TopologyResponseBody, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TopologyResponseBody): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TopologyResponseBody): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TopologyResponseBody;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TopologyResponseBody;
class SurveyResponseBody {
switch(): SurveyMessageCommandType;
topologyResponseBody(value?: TopologyResponseBody): TopologyResponseBody;
value(): TopologyResponseBody;
static surveyTopology(value: TopologyResponseBody): SurveyResponseBody;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SurveyResponseBody;
static write(value: SurveyResponseBody, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SurveyResponseBody): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SurveyResponseBody): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SurveyResponseBody;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): SurveyResponseBody;
class StellarMessage {
switch(): MessageType;
error(value?: Error): Error;
hello(value?: Hello): Hello;
auth(value?: Auth): Auth;
dontHave(value?: DontHave): DontHave;
peers(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
txSetHash(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
txSet(value?: TransactionSet): TransactionSet;
transaction(value?: TransactionEnvelope): TransactionEnvelope;
value?: SignedSurveyRequestMessage
): SignedSurveyRequestMessage;
value?: SignedSurveyResponseMessage
): SignedSurveyResponseMessage;
qSetHash(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
qSet(value?: ScpQuorumSet): ScpQuorumSet;
envelope(value?: ScpEnvelope): ScpEnvelope;
getScpLedgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
| Error
| Hello
| Auth
| DontHave
| VarArray
| Uint256
| TransactionSet
| TransactionEnvelope
| SignedSurveyRequestMessage
| SignedSurveyResponseMessage
| Uint256
| ScpQuorumSet
| ScpEnvelope
| Uint32;
static errorMsg(value: Error): StellarMessage;
static hello(value: Hello): StellarMessage;
static auth(value: Auth): StellarMessage;
static dontHave(value: DontHave): StellarMessage;
static peer(value: VarArray): StellarMessage;
static getTxSet(value: Uint256): StellarMessage;
static txSet(value: TransactionSet): StellarMessage;
static transaction(value: TransactionEnvelope): StellarMessage;
static surveyRequest(value: SignedSurveyRequestMessage): StellarMessage;
static surveyResponse(value: SignedSurveyResponseMessage): StellarMessage;
static getScpQuorumset(value: Uint256): StellarMessage;
static scpQuorumset(value: ScpQuorumSet): StellarMessage;
static scpMessage(value: ScpEnvelope): StellarMessage;
static getScpState(value: Uint32): StellarMessage;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): StellarMessage;
static write(value: StellarMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: StellarMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: StellarMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): StellarMessage;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): StellarMessage;
class AuthenticatedMessageV0 {
constructor(attributes: {
sequence: Uint64;
message: StellarMessage;
mac: HmacSha256Mac;
sequence(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
message(value?: StellarMessage): StellarMessage;
mac(value?: HmacSha256Mac): HmacSha256Mac;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AuthenticatedMessageV0;
static write(value: AuthenticatedMessageV0, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AuthenticatedMessageV0): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AuthenticatedMessageV0): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AuthenticatedMessageV0;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): AuthenticatedMessageV0;
class AuthenticatedMessage {
switch(): Uint32;
v0(value?: AuthenticatedMessageV0): AuthenticatedMessageV0;
value(): AuthenticatedMessageV0;
static 0(value: AuthenticatedMessageV0): AuthenticatedMessage;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AuthenticatedMessage;
static write(value: AuthenticatedMessage, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AuthenticatedMessage): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AuthenticatedMessage): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AuthenticatedMessage;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): AuthenticatedMessage;
const Hash: Opaque;
const Uint256: Opaque;
const Uint32: UnsignedInt;
const Int32: SignedInt;
class Uint64 extends UnsignedHyper {}
class Int64 extends Hyper {}
class CryptoKeyType {
readonly name:
| 'keyTypeEd25519'
| 'keyTypePreAuthTx'
| 'keyTypeHashX'
| 'keyTypeMuxedEd25519';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 256;
static keyTypeEd25519(): CryptoKeyType;
static keyTypePreAuthTx(): CryptoKeyType;
static keyTypeHashX(): CryptoKeyType;
static keyTypeMuxedEd25519(): CryptoKeyType;
class PublicKeyType {
readonly name: 'publicKeyTypeEd25519';
readonly value: 0;
static publicKeyTypeEd25519(): PublicKeyType;
class SignerKeyType {
readonly name:
| 'signerKeyTypeEd25519'
| 'signerKeyTypePreAuthTx'
| 'signerKeyTypeHashX';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2;
static signerKeyTypeEd25519(): SignerKeyType;
static signerKeyTypePreAuthTx(): SignerKeyType;
static signerKeyTypeHashX(): SignerKeyType;
class PublicKey {
switch(): PublicKeyType;
ed25519(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
value(): Uint256;
static publicKeyTypeEd25519(value: Uint256): PublicKey;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PublicKey;
static write(value: PublicKey, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PublicKey): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PublicKey): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PublicKey;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PublicKey;
class SignerKey {
switch(): SignerKeyType;
ed25519(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
preAuthTx(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
hashX(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
value(): Uint256 | Uint256 | Uint256;
static signerKeyTypeEd25519(value: Uint256): SignerKey;
static signerKeyTypePreAuthTx(value: Uint256): SignerKey;
static signerKeyTypeHashX(value: Uint256): SignerKey;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SignerKey;
static write(value: SignerKey, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SignerKey): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SignerKey): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SignerKey;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): SignerKey;
const Signature: VarOpaque;
const SignatureHint: Opaque;
const NodeId: typeof PublicKey;
class Curve25519Secret {
constructor(attributes: { key: Opaque });
key(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Curve25519Secret;
static write(value: Curve25519Secret, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Curve25519Secret): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Curve25519Secret): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Curve25519Secret;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Curve25519Secret;
class Curve25519Public {
constructor(attributes: { key: Opaque });
key(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Curve25519Public;
static write(value: Curve25519Public, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Curve25519Public): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Curve25519Public): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Curve25519Public;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Curve25519Public;
class HmacSha256Key {
constructor(attributes: { key: Opaque });
key(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): HmacSha256Key;
static write(value: HmacSha256Key, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: HmacSha256Key): boolean;
static toXDR(value: HmacSha256Key): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): HmacSha256Key;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): HmacSha256Key;
class HmacSha256Mac {
constructor(attributes: { mac: Opaque });
mac(value?: Opaque): Opaque;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): HmacSha256Mac;
static write(value: HmacSha256Mac, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: HmacSha256Mac): boolean;
static toXDR(value: HmacSha256Mac): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): HmacSha256Mac;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): HmacSha256Mac;
class MuxedAccountMed25519 {
constructor(attributes: { id: Uint64; ed25519: Uint256 });
id(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
ed25519(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): MuxedAccountMed25519;
static write(value: MuxedAccountMed25519, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: MuxedAccountMed25519): boolean;
static toXDR(value: MuxedAccountMed25519): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): MuxedAccountMed25519;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): MuxedAccountMed25519;
class MuxedAccount {
switch(): CryptoKeyType;
ed25519(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
med25519(value?: MuxedAccountMed25519): MuxedAccountMed25519;
value(): Uint256 | MuxedAccountMed25519;
static keyTypeEd25519(value: Uint256): MuxedAccount;
static keyTypeMuxedEd25519(value: MuxedAccountMed25519): MuxedAccount;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): MuxedAccount;
static write(value: MuxedAccount, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: MuxedAccount): boolean;
static toXDR(value: MuxedAccount): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): MuxedAccount;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): MuxedAccount;
class DecoratedSignature {
constructor(attributes: { hint: SignatureHint; signature: Signature });
hint(value?: SignatureHint): SignatureHint;
signature(value?: Signature): Signature;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): DecoratedSignature;
static write(value: DecoratedSignature, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: DecoratedSignature): boolean;
static toXDR(value: DecoratedSignature): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): DecoratedSignature;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): DecoratedSignature;
class OperationType {
readonly name:
| 'createAccount'
| 'payment'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceive'
| 'manageSellOffer'
| 'createPassiveSellOffer'
| 'setOption'
| 'changeTrust'
| 'allowTrust'
| 'accountMerge'
| 'inflation'
| 'manageDatum'
| 'bumpSequence'
| 'manageBuyOffer'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSend';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13;
static createAccount(): OperationType;
static payment(): OperationType;
static pathPaymentStrictReceive(): OperationType;
static manageSellOffer(): OperationType;
static createPassiveSellOffer(): OperationType;
static setOption(): OperationType;
static changeTrust(): OperationType;
static allowTrust(): OperationType;
static accountMerge(): OperationType;
static inflation(): OperationType;
static manageDatum(): OperationType;
static bumpSequence(): OperationType;
static manageBuyOffer(): OperationType;
static pathPaymentStrictSend(): OperationType;
class CreateAccountOp {
constructor(attributes: { destination: AccountId; startingBalance: Int64 });
destination(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
startingBalance(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): CreateAccountOp;
static write(value: CreateAccountOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: CreateAccountOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: CreateAccountOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): CreateAccountOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): CreateAccountOp;
class PaymentOp {
constructor(attributes: {
destination: MuxedAccount;
asset: Asset;
amount: Int64;
destination(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
asset(value?: Asset): Asset;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PaymentOp;
static write(value: PaymentOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PaymentOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PaymentOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PaymentOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PaymentOp;
class PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp {
constructor(attributes: {
sendAsset: Asset;
sendMax: Int64;
destination: MuxedAccount;
destAsset: Asset;
destAmount: Int64;
path: VarArray;
sendAsset(value?: Asset): Asset;
sendMax(value?: Int64): Int64;
destination(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
destAsset(value?: Asset): Asset;
destAmount(value?: Int64): Int64;
path(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp;
static write(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp;
class PathPaymentStrictSendOp {
constructor(attributes: {
sendAsset: Asset;
sendAmount: Int64;
destination: MuxedAccount;
destAsset: Asset;
destMin: Int64;
path: VarArray;
sendAsset(value?: Asset): Asset;
sendAmount(value?: Int64): Int64;
destination(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
destAsset(value?: Asset): Asset;
destMin(value?: Int64): Int64;
path(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictSendOp;
static write(value: PathPaymentStrictSendOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictSendOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictSendOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PathPaymentStrictSendOp;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictSendOp;
class ManageSellOfferOp {
constructor(attributes: {
selling: Asset;
buying: Asset;
amount: Int64;
price: Price;
offerId: Int64;
selling(value?: Asset): Asset;
buying(value?: Asset): Asset;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
price(value?: Price): Price;
offerId(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageSellOfferOp;
static write(value: ManageSellOfferOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageSellOfferOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageSellOfferOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageSellOfferOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ManageSellOfferOp;
class ManageBuyOfferOp {
constructor(attributes: {
selling: Asset;
buying: Asset;
buyAmount: Int64;
price: Price;
offerId: Int64;
selling(value?: Asset): Asset;
buying(value?: Asset): Asset;
buyAmount(value?: Int64): Int64;
price(value?: Price): Price;
offerId(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageBuyOfferOp;
static write(value: ManageBuyOfferOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageBuyOfferOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageBuyOfferOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageBuyOfferOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ManageBuyOfferOp;
class CreatePassiveSellOfferOp {
constructor(attributes: {
selling: Asset;
buying: Asset;
amount: Int64;
price: Price;
selling(value?: Asset): Asset;
buying(value?: Asset): Asset;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
price(value?: Price): Price;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): CreatePassiveSellOfferOp;
static write(value: CreatePassiveSellOfferOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: CreatePassiveSellOfferOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: CreatePassiveSellOfferOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): CreatePassiveSellOfferOp;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): CreatePassiveSellOfferOp;
class SetOptionsOp {
constructor(attributes: {
inflationDest: Option;
clearFlags: Option;
setFlags: Option;
masterWeight: Option;
lowThreshold: Option;
medThreshold: Option;
highThreshold: Option;
homeDomain: Option;
signer: Option;
inflationDest(value?: Option): Option;
clearFlags(value?: Option): Option;
setFlags(value?: Option): Option;
masterWeight(value?: Option): Option;
lowThreshold(value?: Option): Option;
medThreshold(value?: Option): Option;
highThreshold(value?: Option): Option;
homeDomain(value?: Option): Option;
signer(value?: Option): Option;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SetOptionsOp;
static write(value: SetOptionsOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SetOptionsOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SetOptionsOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SetOptionsOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): SetOptionsOp;
class ChangeTrustOp {
constructor(attributes: { line: Asset; limit: Int64 });
line(value?: Asset): Asset;
limit(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ChangeTrustOp;
static write(value: ChangeTrustOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ChangeTrustOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ChangeTrustOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ChangeTrustOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ChangeTrustOp;
class AllowTrustOpAsset {
switch(): AssetType;
assetCode4(value?: AssetCode4): AssetCode4;
assetCode12(value?: AssetCode12): AssetCode12;
value(): AssetCode4 | AssetCode12;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum4(value: AssetCode4): AllowTrustOpAsset;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum12(value: AssetCode12): AllowTrustOpAsset;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AllowTrustOpAsset;
static write(value: AllowTrustOpAsset, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AllowTrustOpAsset): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AllowTrustOpAsset): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AllowTrustOpAsset;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AllowTrustOpAsset;
class AllowTrustOp {
constructor(attributes: {
trustor: AccountId;
asset: AllowTrustOpAsset;
authorize: Uint32;
trustor(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
asset(value?: AllowTrustOpAsset): AllowTrustOpAsset;
authorize(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AllowTrustOp;
static write(value: AllowTrustOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AllowTrustOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AllowTrustOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AllowTrustOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AllowTrustOp;
class ManageDataOp {
constructor(attributes: { dataName: String64; dataValue: Option });
dataName(value?: String64): String64;
dataValue(value?: Option): Option;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageDataOp;
static write(value: ManageDataOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageDataOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageDataOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageDataOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ManageDataOp;
class BumpSequenceOp {
constructor(attributes: { bumpTo: SequenceNumber });
bumpTo(value?: SequenceNumber): SequenceNumber;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): BumpSequenceOp;
static write(value: BumpSequenceOp, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: BumpSequenceOp): boolean;
static toXDR(value: BumpSequenceOp): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): BumpSequenceOp;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): BumpSequenceOp;
class OperationBody {
switch(): OperationType;
createAccountOp(value?: CreateAccountOp): CreateAccountOp;
paymentOp(value?: PaymentOp): PaymentOp;
value?: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp;
manageSellOfferOp(value?: ManageSellOfferOp): ManageSellOfferOp;
value?: CreatePassiveSellOfferOp
): CreatePassiveSellOfferOp;
setOptionsOp(value?: SetOptionsOp): SetOptionsOp;
changeTrustOp(value?: ChangeTrustOp): ChangeTrustOp;
allowTrustOp(value?: AllowTrustOp): AllowTrustOp;
destination(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
manageDataOp(value?: ManageDataOp): ManageDataOp;
bumpSequenceOp(value?: BumpSequenceOp): BumpSequenceOp;
manageBuyOfferOp(value?: ManageBuyOfferOp): ManageBuyOfferOp;
value?: PathPaymentStrictSendOp
): PathPaymentStrictSendOp;
| CreateAccountOp
| PaymentOp
| PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp
| ManageSellOfferOp
| CreatePassiveSellOfferOp
| SetOptionsOp
| ChangeTrustOp
| AllowTrustOp
| MuxedAccount
| ManageDataOp
| BumpSequenceOp
| ManageBuyOfferOp
| PathPaymentStrictSendOp;
static createAccount(value: CreateAccountOp): OperationBody;
static payment(value: PaymentOp): OperationBody;
static pathPaymentStrictReceive(
value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp
): OperationBody;
static manageSellOffer(value: ManageSellOfferOp): OperationBody;
static createPassiveSellOffer(
value: CreatePassiveSellOfferOp
): OperationBody;
static setOption(value: SetOptionsOp): OperationBody;
static changeTrust(value: ChangeTrustOp): OperationBody;
static allowTrust(value: AllowTrustOp): OperationBody;
static accountMerge(value: MuxedAccount): OperationBody;
static manageDatum(value: ManageDataOp): OperationBody;
static bumpSequence(value: BumpSequenceOp): OperationBody;
static manageBuyOffer(value: ManageBuyOfferOp): OperationBody;
static pathPaymentStrictSend(value: PathPaymentStrictSendOp): OperationBody;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OperationBody;
static write(value: OperationBody, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OperationBody): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OperationBody): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OperationBody;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OperationBody;
class Operation {
constructor(attributes: { sourceAccount: Option; body: OperationBody });
sourceAccount(value?: Option): Option;
body(value?: OperationBody): OperationBody;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Operation;
static write(value: Operation, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Operation): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Operation): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Operation;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Operation;
class MemoType {
readonly name:
| 'memoNone'
| 'memoText'
| 'memoId'
| 'memoHash'
| 'memoReturn';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
static memoNone(): MemoType;
static memoText(): MemoType;
static memoId(): MemoType;
static memoHash(): MemoType;
static memoReturn(): MemoType;
class Memo {
switch(): MemoType;
text(value?: string | Buffer): string | Buffer;
id(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
hash(value?: Hash): Hash;
retHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
value(): string | Buffer | Uint64 | Hash | Hash;
static memoText(value: string | Buffer): Memo;
static memoId(value: Uint64): Memo;
static memoHash(value: Hash): Memo;
static memoReturn(value: Hash): Memo;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Memo;
static write(value: Memo, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Memo): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Memo): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Memo;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Memo;
class TimeBounds {
constructor(attributes: { minTime: TimePoint; maxTime: TimePoint });
minTime(value?: TimePoint): TimePoint;
maxTime(value?: TimePoint): TimePoint;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TimeBounds;
static write(value: TimeBounds, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TimeBounds): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TimeBounds): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TimeBounds;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TimeBounds;
class TransactionV0Ext {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionV0Ext;
static write(value: TransactionV0Ext, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionV0Ext): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionV0Ext): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionV0Ext;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionV0Ext;
class TransactionV0 {
constructor(attributes: {
sourceAccountEd25519: Uint256;
fee: Uint32;
seqNum: SequenceNumber;
timeBounds: Option;
memo: Memo;
operations: VarArray;
ext: TransactionV0Ext;
sourceAccountEd25519(value?: Uint256): Uint256;
fee(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
seqNum(value?: SequenceNumber): SequenceNumber;
timeBounds(value?: Option): Option;
memo(value?: Memo): Memo;
operations(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
ext(value?: TransactionV0Ext): TransactionV0Ext;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionV0;
static write(value: TransactionV0, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionV0): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionV0): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionV0;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionV0;
class TransactionV0Envelope {
constructor(attributes: { tx: TransactionV0; signatures: VarArray });
tx(value?: TransactionV0): TransactionV0;
signatures(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionV0Envelope;
static write(value: TransactionV0Envelope, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionV0Envelope): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionV0Envelope): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionV0Envelope;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionV0Envelope;
class TransactionExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionExt;
static write(value: TransactionExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionExt;
class Transaction {
constructor(attributes: {
sourceAccount: MuxedAccount;
fee: Uint32;
seqNum: SequenceNumber;
timeBounds: Option;
memo: Memo;
operations: VarArray;
ext: TransactionExt;
sourceAccount(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
fee(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
seqNum(value?: SequenceNumber): SequenceNumber;
timeBounds(value?: Option): Option;
memo(value?: Memo): Memo;
operations(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
ext(value?: TransactionExt): TransactionExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Transaction;
static write(value: Transaction, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Transaction): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Transaction): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Transaction;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Transaction;
class TransactionV1Envelope {
constructor(attributes: { tx: Transaction; signatures: VarArray });
tx(value?: Transaction): Transaction;
signatures(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionV1Envelope;
static write(value: TransactionV1Envelope, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionV1Envelope): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionV1Envelope): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionV1Envelope;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionV1Envelope;
class FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx {
switch(): EnvelopeType;
v1(value?: TransactionV1Envelope): TransactionV1Envelope;
value(): TransactionV1Envelope;
static envelopeTypeTx(
value: TransactionV1Envelope
): FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
static write(value: FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx): boolean;
static toXDR(value: FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
class FeeBumpTransactionExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): FeeBumpTransactionExt;
static write(value: FeeBumpTransactionExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: FeeBumpTransactionExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: FeeBumpTransactionExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): FeeBumpTransactionExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): FeeBumpTransactionExt;
class FeeBumpTransaction {
constructor(attributes: {
feeSource: MuxedAccount;
fee: Int64;
innerTx: FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
ext: FeeBumpTransactionExt;
feeSource(value?: MuxedAccount): MuxedAccount;
fee(value?: Int64): Int64;
innerTx(value?: FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx): FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx;
ext(value?: FeeBumpTransactionExt): FeeBumpTransactionExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): FeeBumpTransaction;
static write(value: FeeBumpTransaction, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: FeeBumpTransaction): boolean;
static toXDR(value: FeeBumpTransaction): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): FeeBumpTransaction;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): FeeBumpTransaction;
class FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope {
constructor(attributes: { tx: FeeBumpTransaction; signatures: VarArray });
tx(value?: FeeBumpTransaction): FeeBumpTransaction;
signatures(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope;
static write(value: FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope): boolean;
static toXDR(value: FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope;
class TransactionEnvelope {
switch(): EnvelopeType;
v0(value?: TransactionV0Envelope): TransactionV0Envelope;
v1(value?: TransactionV1Envelope): TransactionV1Envelope;
feeBump(value?: FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope): FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope;
| TransactionV0Envelope
| TransactionV1Envelope
| FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope;
static envelopeTypeTxV0(value: TransactionV0Envelope): TransactionEnvelope;
static envelopeTypeTx(value: TransactionV1Envelope): TransactionEnvelope;
static envelopeTypeTxFeeBump(
value: FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope
): TransactionEnvelope;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionEnvelope;
static write(value: TransactionEnvelope, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionEnvelope): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionEnvelope): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionEnvelope;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionEnvelope;
class TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction {
switch(): EnvelopeType;
tx(value?: Transaction): Transaction;
feeBump(value?: FeeBumpTransaction): FeeBumpTransaction;
value(): Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction;
static envelopeTypeTx(
value: Transaction
): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
static envelopeTypeTxFeeBump(
value: FeeBumpTransaction
): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
static write(
value: TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction,
io: Buffer
): void;
static isValid(
value: TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction
): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
class TransactionSignaturePayload {
constructor(attributes: {
networkId: Hash;
taggedTransaction: TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
networkId(value?: Hash): Hash;
value?: TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction
): TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionSignaturePayload;
static write(value: TransactionSignaturePayload, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionSignaturePayload): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionSignaturePayload): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionSignaturePayload;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionSignaturePayload;
class ClaimOfferAtom {
constructor(attributes: {
sellerId: AccountId;
offerId: Int64;
assetSold: Asset;
amountSold: Int64;
assetBought: Asset;
amountBought: Int64;
sellerId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
offerId(value?: Int64): Int64;
assetSold(value?: Asset): Asset;
amountSold(value?: Int64): Int64;
assetBought(value?: Asset): Asset;
amountBought(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ClaimOfferAtom;
static write(value: ClaimOfferAtom, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ClaimOfferAtom): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ClaimOfferAtom): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ClaimOfferAtom;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ClaimOfferAtom;
class CreateAccountResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'createAccountSuccess'
| 'createAccountMalformed'
| 'createAccountUnderfunded'
| 'createAccountLowReserve'
| 'createAccountAlreadyExist';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4;
static createAccountSuccess(): CreateAccountResultCode;
static createAccountMalformed(): CreateAccountResultCode;
static createAccountUnderfunded(): CreateAccountResultCode;
static createAccountLowReserve(): CreateAccountResultCode;
static createAccountAlreadyExist(): CreateAccountResultCode;
class CreateAccountResult {
switch(): CreateAccountResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): CreateAccountResult;
static write(value: CreateAccountResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: CreateAccountResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: CreateAccountResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): CreateAccountResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): CreateAccountResult;
class PaymentResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'paymentSuccess'
| 'paymentMalformed'
| 'paymentUnderfunded'
| 'paymentSrcNoTrust'
| 'paymentSrcNotAuthorized'
| 'paymentNoDestination'
| 'paymentNoTrust'
| 'paymentNotAuthorized'
| 'paymentLineFull'
| 'paymentNoIssuer';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6 | -7 | -8 | -9;
static paymentSuccess(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentMalformed(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentUnderfunded(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentSrcNoTrust(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentSrcNotAuthorized(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentNoDestination(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentNoTrust(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentNotAuthorized(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentLineFull(): PaymentResultCode;
static paymentNoIssuer(): PaymentResultCode;
class PaymentResult {
switch(): PaymentResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PaymentResult;
static write(value: PaymentResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PaymentResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PaymentResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PaymentResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): PaymentResult;
class PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveSuccess'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveMalformed'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveUnderfunded'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveSrcNoTrust'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveSrcNotAuthorized'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoDestination'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoTrust'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveNotAuthorized'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveLineFull'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoIssuer'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveTooFewOffer'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveOfferCrossSelf'
| 'pathPaymentStrictReceiveOverSendmax';
readonly value:
| 0
| -1
| -2
| -3
| -4
| -5
| -6
| -7
| -8
| -9
| -10
| -11
| -12;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveSuccess(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveMalformed(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveUnderfunded(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveSrcNoTrust(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveSrcNotAuthorized(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoDestination(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoTrust(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveNotAuthorized(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveLineFull(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoIssuer(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveTooFewOffer(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveOfferCrossSelf(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveOverSendmax(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
class SimplePaymentResult {
constructor(attributes: {
destination: AccountId;
asset: Asset;
amount: Int64;
destination(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
asset(value?: Asset): Asset;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SimplePaymentResult;
static write(value: SimplePaymentResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SimplePaymentResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SimplePaymentResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SimplePaymentResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): SimplePaymentResult;
class PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess {
constructor(attributes: { offers: VarArray; last: SimplePaymentResult });
offers(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
last(value?: SimplePaymentResult): SimplePaymentResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess;
static write(
value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess,
io: Buffer
): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess;
class PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult {
switch(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode;
value?: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess;
noIssuer(value?: Asset): Asset;
value(): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess | Asset;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveSuccess(
value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
static pathPaymentStrictReceiveNoIssuer(
value: Asset
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
static write(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
class PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendSuccess'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendMalformed'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendUnderfunded'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendSrcNoTrust'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendSrcNotAuthorized'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendNoDestination'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendNoTrust'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendNotAuthorized'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendLineFull'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendNoIssuer'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendTooFewOffer'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendOfferCrossSelf'
| 'pathPaymentStrictSendUnderDestmin';
readonly value:
| 0
| -1
| -2
| -3
| -4
| -5
| -6
| -7
| -8
| -9
| -10
| -11
| -12;
static pathPaymentStrictSendSuccess(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendMalformed(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendUnderfunded(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendSrcNoTrust(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendSrcNotAuthorized(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendNoDestination(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendNoTrust(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendNotAuthorized(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendLineFull(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendNoIssuer(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendTooFewOffer(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendOfferCrossSelf(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
static pathPaymentStrictSendUnderDestmin(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
class PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess {
constructor(attributes: { offers: VarArray; last: SimplePaymentResult });
offers(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
last(value?: SimplePaymentResult): SimplePaymentResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess;
static write(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess;
class PathPaymentStrictSendResult {
switch(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode;
value?: PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess
): PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess;
noIssuer(value?: Asset): Asset;
value(): PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess | Asset;
static pathPaymentStrictSendSuccess(
value: PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess
): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
static pathPaymentStrictSendNoIssuer(
value: Asset
): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
static write(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: PathPaymentStrictSendResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
class ManageSellOfferResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'manageSellOfferSuccess'
| 'manageSellOfferMalformed'
| 'manageSellOfferSellNoTrust'
| 'manageSellOfferBuyNoTrust'
| 'manageSellOfferSellNotAuthorized'
| 'manageSellOfferBuyNotAuthorized'
| 'manageSellOfferLineFull'
| 'manageSellOfferUnderfunded'
| 'manageSellOfferCrossSelf'
| 'manageSellOfferSellNoIssuer'
| 'manageSellOfferBuyNoIssuer'
| 'manageSellOfferNotFound'
| 'manageSellOfferLowReserve';
readonly value:
| 0
| -1
| -2
| -3
| -4
| -5
| -6
| -7
| -8
| -9
| -10
| -11
| -12;
static manageSellOfferSuccess(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferMalformed(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferSellNoTrust(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferBuyNoTrust(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferSellNotAuthorized(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferBuyNotAuthorized(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferLineFull(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferUnderfunded(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferCrossSelf(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferSellNoIssuer(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferBuyNoIssuer(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferNotFound(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
static manageSellOfferLowReserve(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
class ManageOfferEffect {
readonly name:
| 'manageOfferCreated'
| 'manageOfferUpdated'
| 'manageOfferDeleted';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2;
static manageOfferCreated(): ManageOfferEffect;
static manageOfferUpdated(): ManageOfferEffect;
static manageOfferDeleted(): ManageOfferEffect;
class ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer {
switch(): ManageOfferEffect;
offer(value?: OfferEntry): OfferEntry;
value(): OfferEntry;
static manageOfferCreated(value: OfferEntry): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
static manageOfferUpdated(value: OfferEntry): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
static write(value: ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
class ManageOfferSuccessResult {
constructor(attributes: {
offersClaimed: VarArray;
offer: ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
offersClaimed(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
offer(value?: ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer): ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
static write(value: ManageOfferSuccessResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageOfferSuccessResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageOfferSuccessResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
class ManageSellOfferResult {
switch(): ManageSellOfferResultCode;
success(value?: ManageOfferSuccessResult): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
value(): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
static manageSellOfferSuccess(
value: ManageOfferSuccessResult
): ManageSellOfferResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageSellOfferResult;
static write(value: ManageSellOfferResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageSellOfferResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageSellOfferResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageSellOfferResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ManageSellOfferResult;
class ManageBuyOfferResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'manageBuyOfferSuccess'
| 'manageBuyOfferMalformed'
| 'manageBuyOfferSellNoTrust'
| 'manageBuyOfferBuyNoTrust'
| 'manageBuyOfferSellNotAuthorized'
| 'manageBuyOfferBuyNotAuthorized'
| 'manageBuyOfferLineFull'
| 'manageBuyOfferUnderfunded'
| 'manageBuyOfferCrossSelf'
| 'manageBuyOfferSellNoIssuer'
| 'manageBuyOfferBuyNoIssuer'
| 'manageBuyOfferNotFound'
| 'manageBuyOfferLowReserve';
readonly value:
| 0
| -1
| -2
| -3
| -4
| -5
| -6
| -7
| -8
| -9
| -10
| -11
| -12;
static manageBuyOfferSuccess(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferMalformed(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferSellNoTrust(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferBuyNoTrust(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferSellNotAuthorized(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferBuyNotAuthorized(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferLineFull(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferUnderfunded(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferCrossSelf(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferSellNoIssuer(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferBuyNoIssuer(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferNotFound(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
static manageBuyOfferLowReserve(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
class ManageBuyOfferResult {
switch(): ManageBuyOfferResultCode;
success(value?: ManageOfferSuccessResult): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
value(): ManageOfferSuccessResult;
static manageBuyOfferSuccess(
value: ManageOfferSuccessResult
): ManageBuyOfferResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageBuyOfferResult;
static write(value: ManageBuyOfferResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageBuyOfferResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageBuyOfferResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageBuyOfferResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ManageBuyOfferResult;
class SetOptionsResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'setOptionsSuccess'
| 'setOptionsLowReserve'
| 'setOptionsTooManySigner'
| 'setOptionsBadFlag'
| 'setOptionsInvalidInflation'
| 'setOptionsCantChange'
| 'setOptionsUnknownFlag'
| 'setOptionsThresholdOutOfRange'
| 'setOptionsBadSigner'
| 'setOptionsInvalidHomeDomain';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6 | -7 | -8 | -9;
static setOptionsSuccess(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsLowReserve(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsTooManySigner(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsBadFlag(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsInvalidInflation(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsCantChange(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsUnknownFlag(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsThresholdOutOfRange(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsBadSigner(): SetOptionsResultCode;
static setOptionsInvalidHomeDomain(): SetOptionsResultCode;
class SetOptionsResult {
switch(): SetOptionsResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): SetOptionsResult;
static write(value: SetOptionsResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: SetOptionsResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: SetOptionsResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): SetOptionsResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): SetOptionsResult;
class ChangeTrustResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'changeTrustSuccess'
| 'changeTrustMalformed'
| 'changeTrustNoIssuer'
| 'changeTrustInvalidLimit'
| 'changeTrustLowReserve'
| 'changeTrustSelfNotAllowed';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5;
static changeTrustSuccess(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
static changeTrustMalformed(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
static changeTrustNoIssuer(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
static changeTrustInvalidLimit(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
static changeTrustLowReserve(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
static changeTrustSelfNotAllowed(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
class ChangeTrustResult {
switch(): ChangeTrustResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ChangeTrustResult;
static write(value: ChangeTrustResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ChangeTrustResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ChangeTrustResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ChangeTrustResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ChangeTrustResult;
class AllowTrustResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'allowTrustSuccess'
| 'allowTrustMalformed'
| 'allowTrustNoTrustLine'
| 'allowTrustTrustNotRequired'
| 'allowTrustCantRevoke'
| 'allowTrustSelfNotAllowed';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5;
static allowTrustSuccess(): AllowTrustResultCode;
static allowTrustMalformed(): AllowTrustResultCode;
static allowTrustNoTrustLine(): AllowTrustResultCode;
static allowTrustTrustNotRequired(): AllowTrustResultCode;
static allowTrustCantRevoke(): AllowTrustResultCode;
static allowTrustSelfNotAllowed(): AllowTrustResultCode;
class AllowTrustResult {
switch(): AllowTrustResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AllowTrustResult;
static write(value: AllowTrustResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AllowTrustResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AllowTrustResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AllowTrustResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AllowTrustResult;
class AccountMergeResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'accountMergeSuccess'
| 'accountMergeMalformed'
| 'accountMergeNoAccount'
| 'accountMergeImmutableSet'
| 'accountMergeHasSubEntry'
| 'accountMergeSeqnumTooFar'
| 'accountMergeDestFull';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6;
static accountMergeSuccess(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeMalformed(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeNoAccount(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeImmutableSet(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeHasSubEntry(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeSeqnumTooFar(): AccountMergeResultCode;
static accountMergeDestFull(): AccountMergeResultCode;
class AccountMergeResult {
switch(): AccountMergeResultCode;
sourceAccountBalance(value?: Int64): Int64;
value(): Int64;
static accountMergeSuccess(value: Int64): AccountMergeResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AccountMergeResult;
static write(value: AccountMergeResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AccountMergeResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AccountMergeResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AccountMergeResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AccountMergeResult;
class InflationResultCode {
readonly name: 'inflationSuccess' | 'inflationNotTime';
readonly value: 0 | -1;
static inflationSuccess(): InflationResultCode;
static inflationNotTime(): InflationResultCode;
class InflationPayout {
constructor(attributes: { destination: AccountId; amount: Int64 });
destination(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InflationPayout;
static write(value: InflationPayout, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InflationPayout): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InflationPayout): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InflationPayout;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): InflationPayout;
class InflationResult {
switch(): InflationResultCode;
payouts(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
value(): VarArray;
static inflationSuccess(value: VarArray): InflationResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InflationResult;
static write(value: InflationResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InflationResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InflationResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InflationResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): InflationResult;
class ManageDataResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'manageDataSuccess'
| 'manageDataNotSupportedYet'
| 'manageDataNameNotFound'
| 'manageDataLowReserve'
| 'manageDataInvalidName';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4;
static manageDataSuccess(): ManageDataResultCode;
static manageDataNotSupportedYet(): ManageDataResultCode;
static manageDataNameNotFound(): ManageDataResultCode;
static manageDataLowReserve(): ManageDataResultCode;
static manageDataInvalidName(): ManageDataResultCode;
class ManageDataResult {
switch(): ManageDataResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ManageDataResult;
static write(value: ManageDataResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ManageDataResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ManageDataResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ManageDataResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ManageDataResult;
class BumpSequenceResultCode {
readonly name: 'bumpSequenceSuccess' | 'bumpSequenceBadSeq';
readonly value: 0 | -1;
static bumpSequenceSuccess(): BumpSequenceResultCode;
static bumpSequenceBadSeq(): BumpSequenceResultCode;
class BumpSequenceResult {
switch(): BumpSequenceResultCode;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): BumpSequenceResult;
static write(value: BumpSequenceResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: BumpSequenceResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: BumpSequenceResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): BumpSequenceResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): BumpSequenceResult;
class OperationResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'opInner'
| 'opBadAuth'
| 'opNoAccount'
| 'opNotSupported'
| 'opTooManySubentry'
| 'opExceededWorkLimit';
readonly value: 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5;
static opInner(): OperationResultCode;
static opBadAuth(): OperationResultCode;
static opNoAccount(): OperationResultCode;
static opNotSupported(): OperationResultCode;
static opTooManySubentry(): OperationResultCode;
static opExceededWorkLimit(): OperationResultCode;
class OperationResultTr {
switch(): OperationType;
createAccountResult(value?: CreateAccountResult): CreateAccountResult;
paymentResult(value?: PaymentResult): PaymentResult;
value?: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult
): PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult;
manageSellOfferResult(value?: ManageSellOfferResult): ManageSellOfferResult;
value?: ManageSellOfferResult
): ManageSellOfferResult;
setOptionsResult(value?: SetOptionsResult): SetOptionsResult;
changeTrustResult(value?: ChangeTrustResult): ChangeTrustResult;
allowTrustResult(value?: AllowTrustResult): AllowTrustResult;
accountMergeResult(value?: AccountMergeResult): AccountMergeResult;
inflationResult(value?: InflationResult): InflationResult;
manageDataResult(value?: ManageDataResult): ManageDataResult;
bumpSeqResult(value?: BumpSequenceResult): BumpSequenceResult;
manageBuyOfferResult(value?: ManageBuyOfferResult): ManageBuyOfferResult;
value?: PathPaymentStrictSendResult
): PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
| CreateAccountResult
| PaymentResult
| PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult
| ManageSellOfferResult
| ManageSellOfferResult
| SetOptionsResult
| ChangeTrustResult
| AllowTrustResult
| AccountMergeResult
| InflationResult
| ManageDataResult
| BumpSequenceResult
| ManageBuyOfferResult
| PathPaymentStrictSendResult;
static createAccount(value: CreateAccountResult): OperationResultTr;
static payment(value: PaymentResult): OperationResultTr;
static pathPaymentStrictReceive(
value: PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult
): OperationResultTr;
static manageSellOffer(value: ManageSellOfferResult): OperationResultTr;
static createPassiveSellOffer(
value: ManageSellOfferResult
): OperationResultTr;
static setOption(value: SetOptionsResult): OperationResultTr;
static changeTrust(value: ChangeTrustResult): OperationResultTr;
static allowTrust(value: AllowTrustResult): OperationResultTr;
static accountMerge(value: AccountMergeResult): OperationResultTr;
static inflation(value: InflationResult): OperationResultTr;
static manageDatum(value: ManageDataResult): OperationResultTr;
static bumpSequence(value: BumpSequenceResult): OperationResultTr;
static manageBuyOffer(value: ManageBuyOfferResult): OperationResultTr;
static pathPaymentStrictSend(
value: PathPaymentStrictSendResult
): OperationResultTr;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OperationResultTr;
static write(value: OperationResultTr, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OperationResultTr): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OperationResultTr): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OperationResultTr;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OperationResultTr;
class OperationResult {
switch(): OperationResultCode;
tr(value?: OperationResultTr): OperationResultTr;
value(): OperationResultTr;
static opInner(value: OperationResultTr): OperationResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OperationResult;
static write(value: OperationResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OperationResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OperationResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OperationResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OperationResult;
class TransactionResultCode {
readonly name:
| 'txFeeBumpInnerSuccess'
| 'txSuccess'
| 'txFailed'
| 'txTooEarly'
| 'txTooLate'
| 'txMissingOperation'
| 'txBadSeq'
| 'txBadAuth'
| 'txInsufficientBalance'
| 'txNoAccount'
| 'txInsufficientFee'
| 'txBadAuthExtra'
| 'txInternalError'
| 'txNotSupported'
| 'txFeeBumpInnerFailed';
readonly value:
| 1
| 0
| -1
| -2
| -3
| -4
| -5
| -6
| -7
| -8
| -9
| -10
| -11
| -12
| -13;
static txFeeBumpInnerSuccess(): TransactionResultCode;
static txSuccess(): TransactionResultCode;
static txFailed(): TransactionResultCode;
static txTooEarly(): TransactionResultCode;
static txTooLate(): TransactionResultCode;
static txMissingOperation(): TransactionResultCode;
static txBadSeq(): TransactionResultCode;
static txBadAuth(): TransactionResultCode;
static txInsufficientBalance(): TransactionResultCode;
static txNoAccount(): TransactionResultCode;
static txInsufficientFee(): TransactionResultCode;
static txBadAuthExtra(): TransactionResultCode;
static txInternalError(): TransactionResultCode;
static txNotSupported(): TransactionResultCode;
static txFeeBumpInnerFailed(): TransactionResultCode;
class InnerTransactionResultResult {
switch(): TransactionResultCode;
results(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
value(): VarArray;
static txSuccess(value: VarArray): InnerTransactionResultResult;
static txFailed(value: VarArray): InnerTransactionResultResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InnerTransactionResultResult;
static write(value: InnerTransactionResultResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InnerTransactionResultResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InnerTransactionResultResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InnerTransactionResultResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): InnerTransactionResultResult;
class InnerTransactionResultExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InnerTransactionResultExt;
static write(value: InnerTransactionResultExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InnerTransactionResultExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InnerTransactionResultExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InnerTransactionResultExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): InnerTransactionResultExt;
class InnerTransactionResult {
constructor(attributes: {
feeCharged: Int64;
result: InnerTransactionResultResult;
ext: InnerTransactionResultExt;
feeCharged(value?: Int64): Int64;
result(value?: InnerTransactionResultResult): InnerTransactionResultResult;
ext(value?: InnerTransactionResultExt): InnerTransactionResultExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InnerTransactionResult;
static write(value: InnerTransactionResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InnerTransactionResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InnerTransactionResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InnerTransactionResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): InnerTransactionResult;
class InnerTransactionResultPair {
constructor(attributes: {
transactionHash: Hash;
result: InnerTransactionResult;
transactionHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
result(value?: InnerTransactionResult): InnerTransactionResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): InnerTransactionResultPair;
static write(value: InnerTransactionResultPair, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: InnerTransactionResultPair): boolean;
static toXDR(value: InnerTransactionResultPair): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): InnerTransactionResultPair;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): InnerTransactionResultPair;
class TransactionResultResult {
switch(): TransactionResultCode;
value?: InnerTransactionResultPair
): InnerTransactionResultPair;
results(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
value(): InnerTransactionResultPair | VarArray;
static txFeeBumpInnerSuccess(
value: InnerTransactionResultPair
): TransactionResultResult;
static txFeeBumpInnerFailed(
value: InnerTransactionResultPair
): TransactionResultResult;
static txSuccess(value: VarArray): TransactionResultResult;
static txFailed(value: VarArray): TransactionResultResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResultResult;
static write(value: TransactionResultResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResultResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResultResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResultResult;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionResultResult;
class TransactionResultExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResultExt;
static write(value: TransactionResultExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResultExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResultExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResultExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionResultExt;
class TransactionResult {
constructor(attributes: {
feeCharged: Int64;
result: TransactionResultResult;
ext: TransactionResultExt;
feeCharged(value?: Int64): Int64;
result(value?: TransactionResultResult): TransactionResultResult;
ext(value?: TransactionResultExt): TransactionResultExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResult;
static write(value: TransactionResult, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResult): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResult): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResult;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionResult;
const Value: VarOpaque;
class ScpBallot {
constructor(attributes: { counter: Uint32; value: Value });
counter(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
value(value?: Value): Value;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpBallot;
static write(value: ScpBallot, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpBallot): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpBallot): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpBallot;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpBallot;
class ScpStatementType {
readonly name:
| 'scpStPrepare'
| 'scpStConfirm'
| 'scpStExternalize'
| 'scpStNominate';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
static scpStPrepare(): ScpStatementType;
static scpStConfirm(): ScpStatementType;
static scpStExternalize(): ScpStatementType;
static scpStNominate(): ScpStatementType;
class ScpNomination {
constructor(attributes: {
quorumSetHash: Hash;
votes: VarArray;
accepted: VarArray;
quorumSetHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
votes(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
accepted(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpNomination;
static write(value: ScpNomination, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpNomination): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpNomination): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpNomination;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpNomination;
class ScpStatementPrepare {
constructor(attributes: {
quorumSetHash: Hash;
ballot: ScpBallot;
prepared: Option;
preparedPrime: Option;
nC: Uint32;
nH: Uint32;
quorumSetHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
ballot(value?: ScpBallot): ScpBallot;
prepared(value?: Option): Option;
preparedPrime(value?: Option): Option;
nC(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
nH(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpStatementPrepare;
static write(value: ScpStatementPrepare, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpStatementPrepare): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpStatementPrepare): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpStatementPrepare;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ScpStatementPrepare;
class ScpStatementConfirm {
constructor(attributes: {
ballot: ScpBallot;
nPrepared: Uint32;
nCommit: Uint32;
nH: Uint32;
quorumSetHash: Hash;
ballot(value?: ScpBallot): ScpBallot;
nPrepared(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
nCommit(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
nH(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
quorumSetHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpStatementConfirm;
static write(value: ScpStatementConfirm, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpStatementConfirm): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpStatementConfirm): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpStatementConfirm;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ScpStatementConfirm;
class ScpStatementExternalize {
constructor(attributes: {
commit: ScpBallot;
nH: Uint32;
commitQuorumSetHash: Hash;
commit(value?: ScpBallot): ScpBallot;
nH(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
commitQuorumSetHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpStatementExternalize;
static write(value: ScpStatementExternalize, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpStatementExternalize): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpStatementExternalize): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpStatementExternalize;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ScpStatementExternalize;
class ScpStatementPledges {
switch(): ScpStatementType;
prepare(value?: ScpStatementPrepare): ScpStatementPrepare;
confirm(value?: ScpStatementConfirm): ScpStatementConfirm;
externalize(value?: ScpStatementExternalize): ScpStatementExternalize;
nominate(value?: ScpNomination): ScpNomination;
| ScpStatementPrepare
| ScpStatementConfirm
| ScpStatementExternalize
| ScpNomination;
static scpStPrepare(value: ScpStatementPrepare): ScpStatementPledges;
static scpStConfirm(value: ScpStatementConfirm): ScpStatementPledges;
static scpStExternalize(
value: ScpStatementExternalize
): ScpStatementPledges;
static scpStNominate(value: ScpNomination): ScpStatementPledges;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpStatementPledges;
static write(value: ScpStatementPledges, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpStatementPledges): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpStatementPledges): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpStatementPledges;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): ScpStatementPledges;
class ScpStatement {
constructor(attributes: {
nodeId: NodeId;
slotIndex: Uint64;
pledges: ScpStatementPledges;
nodeId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
slotIndex(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
pledges(value?: ScpStatementPledges): ScpStatementPledges;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpStatement;
static write(value: ScpStatement, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpStatement): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpStatement): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpStatement;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpStatement;
class ScpEnvelope {
constructor(attributes: { statement: ScpStatement; signature: Signature });
statement(value?: ScpStatement): ScpStatement;
signature(value?: Signature): Signature;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpEnvelope;
static write(value: ScpEnvelope, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpEnvelope): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpEnvelope): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpEnvelope;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpEnvelope;
class ScpQuorumSet {
constructor(attributes: {
threshold: Uint32;
validators: VarArray;
innerSets: VarArray;
threshold(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
validators(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
innerSets(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpQuorumSet;
static write(value: ScpQuorumSet, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpQuorumSet): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpQuorumSet): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpQuorumSet;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpQuorumSet;
const AccountId: typeof PublicKey;
const Thresholds: Opaque;
const String32: XDRString;
const String64: XDRString;
const SequenceNumber: typeof Int64;
const TimePoint: typeof Uint64;
const DataValue: VarOpaque;
const AssetCode4: Opaque;
const AssetCode12: Opaque;
class AssetType {
readonly name:
| 'assetTypeNative'
| 'assetTypeCreditAlphanum4'
| 'assetTypeCreditAlphanum12';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2;
static assetTypeNative(): AssetType;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum4(): AssetType;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum12(): AssetType;
class AssetAlphaNum4 {
constructor(attributes: { assetCode: AssetCode4; issuer: AccountId });
assetCode(value?: AssetCode4): AssetCode4;
issuer(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AssetAlphaNum4;
static write(value: AssetAlphaNum4, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AssetAlphaNum4): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AssetAlphaNum4): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AssetAlphaNum4;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AssetAlphaNum4;
class AssetAlphaNum12 {
constructor(attributes: { assetCode: AssetCode12; issuer: AccountId });
assetCode(value?: AssetCode12): AssetCode12;
issuer(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AssetAlphaNum12;
static write(value: AssetAlphaNum12, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AssetAlphaNum12): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AssetAlphaNum12): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AssetAlphaNum12;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AssetAlphaNum12;
class Asset {
switch(): AssetType;
alphaNum4(value?: AssetAlphaNum4): AssetAlphaNum4;
alphaNum12(value?: AssetAlphaNum12): AssetAlphaNum12;
value(): AssetAlphaNum4 | AssetAlphaNum12;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum4(value: AssetAlphaNum4): Asset;
static assetTypeCreditAlphanum12(value: AssetAlphaNum12): Asset;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Asset;
static write(value: Asset, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Asset): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Asset): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Asset;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Asset;
class Price {
constructor(attributes: { n: Int32; d: Int32 });
n(value?: Int32): Int32;
d(value?: Int32): Int32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Price;
static write(value: Price, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Price): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Price): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Price;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Price;
class Liabilities {
constructor(attributes: { buying: Int64; selling: Int64 });
buying(value?: Int64): Int64;
selling(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Liabilities;
static write(value: Liabilities, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Liabilities): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Liabilities): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Liabilities;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Liabilities;
class ThresholdIndices {
readonly name:
| 'thresholdMasterWeight'
| 'thresholdLow'
| 'thresholdMed'
| 'thresholdHigh';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
static thresholdMasterWeight(): ThresholdIndices;
static thresholdLow(): ThresholdIndices;
static thresholdMed(): ThresholdIndices;
static thresholdHigh(): ThresholdIndices;
class LedgerEntryType {
readonly name: 'account' | 'trustline' | 'offer' | 'datum';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
static account(): LedgerEntryType;
static trustline(): LedgerEntryType;
static offer(): LedgerEntryType;
static datum(): LedgerEntryType;
class Signer {
constructor(attributes: { key: SignerKey; weight: Uint32 });
key(value?: SignerKey): SignerKey;
weight(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): Signer;
static write(value: Signer, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: Signer): boolean;
static toXDR(value: Signer): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): Signer;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): Signer;
class AccountFlags {
readonly name:
| 'authRequiredFlag'
| 'authRevocableFlag'
| 'authImmutableFlag';
readonly value: 1 | 2 | 4;
static authRequiredFlag(): AccountFlags;
static authRevocableFlag(): AccountFlags;
static authImmutableFlag(): AccountFlags;
class AccountEntryV1Ext {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AccountEntryV1Ext;
static write(value: AccountEntryV1Ext, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AccountEntryV1Ext): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AccountEntryV1Ext): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AccountEntryV1Ext;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AccountEntryV1Ext;
class AccountEntryV1 {
constructor(attributes: {
liabilities: Liabilities;
ext: AccountEntryV1Ext;
liabilities(value?: Liabilities): Liabilities;
ext(value?: AccountEntryV1Ext): AccountEntryV1Ext;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AccountEntryV1;
static write(value: AccountEntryV1, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AccountEntryV1): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AccountEntryV1): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AccountEntryV1;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AccountEntryV1;
class AccountEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
v1(value?: AccountEntryV1): AccountEntryV1;
value(): AccountEntryV1;
static 1(value: AccountEntryV1): AccountEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AccountEntryExt;
static write(value: AccountEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AccountEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AccountEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AccountEntryExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AccountEntryExt;
class AccountEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
accountId: AccountId;
balance: Int64;
seqNum: SequenceNumber;
numSubEntries: Uint32;
inflationDest: Option;
flags: Uint32;
homeDomain: String32;
thresholds: Thresholds;
signers: VarArray;
ext: AccountEntryExt;
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
balance(value?: Int64): Int64;
seqNum(value?: SequenceNumber): SequenceNumber;
numSubEntries(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
inflationDest(value?: Option): Option;
flags(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
homeDomain(value?: String32): String32;
thresholds(value?: Thresholds): Thresholds;
signers(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
ext(value?: AccountEntryExt): AccountEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): AccountEntry;
static write(value: AccountEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: AccountEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: AccountEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): AccountEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): AccountEntry;
class TrustLineFlags {
readonly name: 'authorizedFlag' | 'authorizedToMaintainLiabilitiesFlag';
readonly value: 1 | 2;
static authorizedFlag(): TrustLineFlags;
static authorizedToMaintainLiabilitiesFlag(): TrustLineFlags;
class TrustLineEntryV1Ext {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TrustLineEntryV1Ext;
static write(value: TrustLineEntryV1Ext, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TrustLineEntryV1Ext): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TrustLineEntryV1Ext): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TrustLineEntryV1Ext;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TrustLineEntryV1Ext;
class TrustLineEntryV1 {
constructor(attributes: {
liabilities: Liabilities;
ext: TrustLineEntryV1Ext;
liabilities(value?: Liabilities): Liabilities;
ext(value?: TrustLineEntryV1Ext): TrustLineEntryV1Ext;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TrustLineEntryV1;
static write(value: TrustLineEntryV1, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TrustLineEntryV1): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TrustLineEntryV1): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TrustLineEntryV1;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TrustLineEntryV1;
class TrustLineEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
v1(value?: TrustLineEntryV1): TrustLineEntryV1;
value(): TrustLineEntryV1;
static 1(value: TrustLineEntryV1): TrustLineEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TrustLineEntryExt;
static write(value: TrustLineEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TrustLineEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TrustLineEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TrustLineEntryExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TrustLineEntryExt;
class TrustLineEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
accountId: AccountId;
asset: Asset;
balance: Int64;
limit: Int64;
flags: Uint32;
ext: TrustLineEntryExt;
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
asset(value?: Asset): Asset;
balance(value?: Int64): Int64;
limit(value?: Int64): Int64;
flags(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
ext(value?: TrustLineEntryExt): TrustLineEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TrustLineEntry;
static write(value: TrustLineEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TrustLineEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TrustLineEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TrustLineEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TrustLineEntry;
class OfferEntryFlags {
readonly name: 'passiveFlag';
readonly value: 1;
static passiveFlag(): OfferEntryFlags;
class OfferEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OfferEntryExt;
static write(value: OfferEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OfferEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OfferEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OfferEntryExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OfferEntryExt;
class OfferEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
sellerId: AccountId;
offerId: Int64;
selling: Asset;
buying: Asset;
amount: Int64;
price: Price;
flags: Uint32;
ext: OfferEntryExt;
sellerId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
offerId(value?: Int64): Int64;
selling(value?: Asset): Asset;
buying(value?: Asset): Asset;
amount(value?: Int64): Int64;
price(value?: Price): Price;
flags(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
ext(value?: OfferEntryExt): OfferEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OfferEntry;
static write(value: OfferEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OfferEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OfferEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OfferEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OfferEntry;
class DataEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): DataEntryExt;
static write(value: DataEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: DataEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: DataEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): DataEntryExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): DataEntryExt;
class DataEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
accountId: AccountId;
dataName: String64;
dataValue: DataValue;
ext: DataEntryExt;
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
dataName(value?: String64): String64;
dataValue(value?: DataValue): DataValue;
ext(value?: DataEntryExt): DataEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): DataEntry;
static write(value: DataEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: DataEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: DataEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): DataEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): DataEntry;
class LedgerEntryData {
switch(): LedgerEntryType;
account(value?: AccountEntry): AccountEntry;
trustLine(value?: TrustLineEntry): TrustLineEntry;
offer(value?: OfferEntry): OfferEntry;
data(value?: DataEntry): DataEntry;
value(): AccountEntry | TrustLineEntry | OfferEntry | DataEntry;
static account(value: AccountEntry): LedgerEntryData;
static trustline(value: TrustLineEntry): LedgerEntryData;
static offer(value: OfferEntry): LedgerEntryData;
static datum(value: DataEntry): LedgerEntryData;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerEntryData;
static write(value: LedgerEntryData, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerEntryData): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerEntryData): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerEntryData;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerEntryData;
class LedgerEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerEntryExt;
static write(value: LedgerEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerEntryExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerEntryExt;
class LedgerEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
lastModifiedLedgerSeq: Uint32;
data: LedgerEntryData;
ext: LedgerEntryExt;
lastModifiedLedgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
data(value?: LedgerEntryData): LedgerEntryData;
ext(value?: LedgerEntryExt): LedgerEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerEntry;
static write(value: LedgerEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerEntry;
class EnvelopeType {
readonly name:
| 'envelopeTypeTxV0'
| 'envelopeTypeScp'
| 'envelopeTypeTx'
| 'envelopeTypeAuth'
| 'envelopeTypeScpvalue'
| 'envelopeTypeTxFeeBump';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
static envelopeTypeTxV0(): EnvelopeType;
static envelopeTypeScp(): EnvelopeType;
static envelopeTypeTx(): EnvelopeType;
static envelopeTypeAuth(): EnvelopeType;
static envelopeTypeScpvalue(): EnvelopeType;
static envelopeTypeTxFeeBump(): EnvelopeType;
const UpgradeType: VarOpaque;
class StellarValueType {
readonly name: 'stellarValueBasic' | 'stellarValueSigned';
readonly value: 0 | 1;
static stellarValueBasic(): StellarValueType;
static stellarValueSigned(): StellarValueType;
class LedgerCloseValueSignature {
constructor(attributes: { nodeId: NodeId; signature: Signature });
nodeId(value?: NodeId): NodeId;
signature(value?: Signature): Signature;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerCloseValueSignature;
static write(value: LedgerCloseValueSignature, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerCloseValueSignature): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerCloseValueSignature): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerCloseValueSignature;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): LedgerCloseValueSignature;
class StellarValueExt {
switch(): StellarValueType;
value?: LedgerCloseValueSignature
): LedgerCloseValueSignature;
value(): LedgerCloseValueSignature;
static stellarValueSigned(
value: LedgerCloseValueSignature
): StellarValueExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): StellarValueExt;
static write(value: StellarValueExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: StellarValueExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: StellarValueExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): StellarValueExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): StellarValueExt;
class StellarValue {
constructor(attributes: {
txSetHash: Hash;
closeTime: TimePoint;
upgrades: VarArray;
ext: StellarValueExt;
txSetHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
closeTime(value?: TimePoint): TimePoint;
upgrades(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
ext(value?: StellarValueExt): StellarValueExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): StellarValue;
static write(value: StellarValue, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: StellarValue): boolean;
static toXDR(value: StellarValue): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): StellarValue;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): StellarValue;
class LedgerHeaderExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerHeaderExt;
static write(value: LedgerHeaderExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerHeaderExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerHeaderExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerHeaderExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerHeaderExt;
class LedgerHeader {
constructor(attributes: {
ledgerVersion: Uint32;
previousLedgerHash: Hash;
scpValue: StellarValue;
txSetResultHash: Hash;
bucketListHash: Hash;
ledgerSeq: Uint32;
totalCoins: Int64;
feePool: Int64;
inflationSeq: Uint32;
idPool: Uint64;
baseFee: Uint32;
baseReserve: Uint32;
maxTxSetSize: Uint32;
skipList: XDRArray;
ext: LedgerHeaderExt;
ledgerVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
previousLedgerHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
scpValue(value?: StellarValue): StellarValue;
txSetResultHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
bucketListHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
ledgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
totalCoins(value?: Int64): Int64;
feePool(value?: Int64): Int64;
inflationSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
idPool(value?: Uint64): Uint64;
baseFee(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
baseReserve(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
maxTxSetSize(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
skipList(value?: XDRArray): XDRArray;
ext(value?: LedgerHeaderExt): LedgerHeaderExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerHeader;
static write(value: LedgerHeader, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerHeader): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerHeader): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerHeader;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerHeader;
class LedgerUpgradeType {
readonly name:
| 'ledgerUpgradeVersion'
| 'ledgerUpgradeBaseFee'
| 'ledgerUpgradeMaxTxSetSize'
| 'ledgerUpgradeBaseReserve';
readonly value: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
static ledgerUpgradeVersion(): LedgerUpgradeType;
static ledgerUpgradeBaseFee(): LedgerUpgradeType;
static ledgerUpgradeMaxTxSetSize(): LedgerUpgradeType;
static ledgerUpgradeBaseReserve(): LedgerUpgradeType;
class LedgerUpgrade {
switch(): LedgerUpgradeType;
newLedgerVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
newBaseFee(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
newMaxTxSetSize(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
newBaseReserve(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
value(): Uint32 | Uint32 | Uint32 | Uint32;
static ledgerUpgradeVersion(value: Uint32): LedgerUpgrade;
static ledgerUpgradeBaseFee(value: Uint32): LedgerUpgrade;
static ledgerUpgradeMaxTxSetSize(value: Uint32): LedgerUpgrade;
static ledgerUpgradeBaseReserve(value: Uint32): LedgerUpgrade;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerUpgrade;
static write(value: LedgerUpgrade, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerUpgrade): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerUpgrade): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerUpgrade;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerUpgrade;
class LedgerKeyAccount {
constructor(attributes: { accountId: AccountId });
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerKeyAccount;
static write(value: LedgerKeyAccount, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerKeyAccount): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerKeyAccount): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerKeyAccount;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerKeyAccount;
class LedgerKeyTrustLine {
constructor(attributes: { accountId: AccountId; asset: Asset });
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
asset(value?: Asset): Asset;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerKeyTrustLine;
static write(value: LedgerKeyTrustLine, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerKeyTrustLine): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerKeyTrustLine): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerKeyTrustLine;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerKeyTrustLine;
class LedgerKeyOffer {
constructor(attributes: { sellerId: AccountId; offerId: Int64 });
sellerId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
offerId(value?: Int64): Int64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerKeyOffer;
static write(value: LedgerKeyOffer, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerKeyOffer): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerKeyOffer): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerKeyOffer;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerKeyOffer;
class LedgerKeyData {
constructor(attributes: { accountId: AccountId; dataName: String64 });
accountId(value?: AccountId): AccountId;
dataName(value?: String64): String64;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerKeyData;
static write(value: LedgerKeyData, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerKeyData): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerKeyData): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerKeyData;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerKeyData;
class LedgerKey {
switch(): LedgerEntryType;
account(value?: LedgerKeyAccount): LedgerKeyAccount;
trustLine(value?: LedgerKeyTrustLine): LedgerKeyTrustLine;
offer(value?: LedgerKeyOffer): LedgerKeyOffer;
data(value?: LedgerKeyData): LedgerKeyData;
| LedgerKeyAccount
| LedgerKeyTrustLine
| LedgerKeyOffer
| LedgerKeyData;
static account(value: LedgerKeyAccount): LedgerKey;
static trustline(value: LedgerKeyTrustLine): LedgerKey;
static offer(value: LedgerKeyOffer): LedgerKey;
static datum(value: LedgerKeyData): LedgerKey;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerKey;
static write(value: LedgerKey, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerKey): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerKey): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerKey;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerKey;
class BucketEntryType {
readonly name: 'metaentry' | 'liveentry' | 'deadentry' | 'initentry';
readonly value: -1 | 0 | 1 | 2;
static metaentry(): BucketEntryType;
static liveentry(): BucketEntryType;
static deadentry(): BucketEntryType;
static initentry(): BucketEntryType;
class BucketMetadataExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): BucketMetadataExt;
static write(value: BucketMetadataExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: BucketMetadataExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: BucketMetadataExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): BucketMetadataExt;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): BucketMetadataExt;
class BucketMetadata {
constructor(attributes: { ledgerVersion: Uint32; ext: BucketMetadataExt });
ledgerVersion(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
ext(value?: BucketMetadataExt): BucketMetadataExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): BucketMetadata;
static write(value: BucketMetadata, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: BucketMetadata): boolean;
static toXDR(value: BucketMetadata): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): BucketMetadata;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): BucketMetadata;
class BucketEntry {
switch(): BucketEntryType;
liveEntry(value?: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntry;
deadEntry(value?: LedgerKey): LedgerKey;
metaEntry(value?: BucketMetadata): BucketMetadata;
value(): LedgerEntry | LedgerKey | BucketMetadata;
static liveentry(value: LedgerEntry): BucketEntry;
static initentry(value: LedgerEntry): BucketEntry;
static deadentry(value: LedgerKey): BucketEntry;
static metaentry(value: BucketMetadata): BucketEntry;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): BucketEntry;
static write(value: BucketEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: BucketEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: BucketEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): BucketEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): BucketEntry;
class TransactionSet {
constructor(attributes: { previousLedgerHash: Hash; txes: VarArray });
previousLedgerHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
txes(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionSet;
static write(value: TransactionSet, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionSet): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionSet): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionSet;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionSet;
class TransactionResultPair {
constructor(attributes: {
transactionHash: Hash;
result: TransactionResult;
transactionHash(value?: Hash): Hash;
result(value?: TransactionResult): TransactionResult;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResultPair;
static write(value: TransactionResultPair, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResultPair): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResultPair): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResultPair;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionResultPair;
class TransactionResultSet {
constructor(attributes: { results: VarArray });
results(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResultSet;
static write(value: TransactionResultSet, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResultSet): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResultSet): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResultSet;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionResultSet;
class TransactionHistoryEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionHistoryEntryExt;
static write(value: TransactionHistoryEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionHistoryEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionHistoryEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionHistoryEntryExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionHistoryEntryExt;
class TransactionHistoryEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
ledgerSeq: Uint32;
txSet: TransactionSet;
ext: TransactionHistoryEntryExt;
ledgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
txSet(value?: TransactionSet): TransactionSet;
ext(value?: TransactionHistoryEntryExt): TransactionHistoryEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionHistoryEntry;
static write(value: TransactionHistoryEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionHistoryEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionHistoryEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionHistoryEntry;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionHistoryEntry;
class TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt;
static write(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt;
class TransactionHistoryResultEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
ledgerSeq: Uint32;
txResultSet: TransactionResultSet;
ext: TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt;
ledgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
txResultSet(value?: TransactionResultSet): TransactionResultSet;
value?: TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt
): TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionHistoryResultEntry;
static write(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionHistoryResultEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(
input: Buffer,
format?: 'raw'
): TransactionHistoryResultEntry;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionHistoryResultEntry;
class LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt {
switch(): SignedInt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt;
static write(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt;
class LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry {
constructor(attributes: {
hash: Hash;
header: LedgerHeader;
ext: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt;
hash(value?: Hash): Hash;
header(value?: LedgerHeader): LedgerHeader;
ext(value?: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry;
static write(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry;
class LedgerScpMessages {
constructor(attributes: { ledgerSeq: Uint32; messages: VarArray });
ledgerSeq(value?: Uint32): Uint32;
messages(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerScpMessages;
static write(value: LedgerScpMessages, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerScpMessages): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerScpMessages): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerScpMessages;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerScpMessages;
class ScpHistoryEntryV0 {
constructor(attributes: {
quorumSets: VarArray;
ledgerMessages: LedgerScpMessages;
quorumSets(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
ledgerMessages(value?: LedgerScpMessages): LedgerScpMessages;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpHistoryEntryV0;
static write(value: ScpHistoryEntryV0, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpHistoryEntryV0): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpHistoryEntryV0): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpHistoryEntryV0;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpHistoryEntryV0;
class ScpHistoryEntry {
switch(): SignedInt;
v0(value?: ScpHistoryEntryV0): ScpHistoryEntryV0;
value(): ScpHistoryEntryV0;
static 0(value: ScpHistoryEntryV0): ScpHistoryEntry;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): ScpHistoryEntry;
static write(value: ScpHistoryEntry, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: ScpHistoryEntry): boolean;
static toXDR(value: ScpHistoryEntry): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): ScpHistoryEntry;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): ScpHistoryEntry;
class LedgerEntryChangeType {
readonly name:
| 'ledgerEntryCreated'
| 'ledgerEntryUpdated'
| 'ledgerEntryRemoved'
| 'ledgerEntryState';
readonly value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
static ledgerEntryCreated(): LedgerEntryChangeType;
static ledgerEntryUpdated(): LedgerEntryChangeType;
static ledgerEntryRemoved(): LedgerEntryChangeType;
static ledgerEntryState(): LedgerEntryChangeType;
class LedgerEntryChange {
switch(): LedgerEntryChangeType;
created(value?: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntry;
updated(value?: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntry;
removed(value?: LedgerKey): LedgerKey;
state(value?: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntry;
value(): LedgerEntry | LedgerEntry | LedgerKey | LedgerEntry;
static ledgerEntryCreated(value: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntryChange;
static ledgerEntryUpdated(value: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntryChange;
static ledgerEntryRemoved(value: LedgerKey): LedgerEntryChange;
static ledgerEntryState(value: LedgerEntry): LedgerEntryChange;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerEntryChange;
static write(value: LedgerEntryChange, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerEntryChange): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerEntryChange): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerEntryChange;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerEntryChange;
const LedgerEntryChanges: VarArray;
class OperationMeta {
constructor(attributes: { changes: LedgerEntryChanges });
changes(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): OperationMeta;
static write(value: OperationMeta, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: OperationMeta): boolean;
static toXDR(value: OperationMeta): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): OperationMeta;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): OperationMeta;
class TransactionMetaV1 {
constructor(attributes: {
txChanges: LedgerEntryChanges;
operations: VarArray;
txChanges(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
operations(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionMetaV1;
static write(value: TransactionMetaV1, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionMetaV1): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionMetaV1): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionMetaV1;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionMetaV1;
class TransactionMetaV2 {
constructor(attributes: {
txChangesBefore: LedgerEntryChanges;
operations: VarArray;
txChangesAfter: LedgerEntryChanges;
txChangesBefore(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
operations(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
txChangesAfter(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionMetaV2;
static write(value: TransactionMetaV2, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionMetaV2): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionMetaV2): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionMetaV2;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionMetaV2;
class TransactionMeta {
switch(): SignedInt;
operations(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
v1(value?: TransactionMetaV1): TransactionMetaV1;
v2(value?: TransactionMetaV2): TransactionMetaV2;
value(): VarArray | TransactionMetaV1 | TransactionMetaV2;
static 0(value: VarArray): TransactionMeta;
static 1(value: TransactionMetaV1): TransactionMeta;
static 2(value: TransactionMetaV2): TransactionMeta;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionMeta;
static write(value: TransactionMeta, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionMeta): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionMeta): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionMeta;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): TransactionMeta;
class TransactionResultMeta {
constructor(attributes: {
result: TransactionResultPair;
feeProcessing: LedgerEntryChanges;
txApplyProcessing: TransactionMeta;
result(value?: TransactionResultPair): TransactionResultPair;
feeProcessing(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
txApplyProcessing(value?: TransactionMeta): TransactionMeta;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): TransactionResultMeta;
static write(value: TransactionResultMeta, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: TransactionResultMeta): boolean;
static toXDR(value: TransactionResultMeta): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): TransactionResultMeta;
static fromXDR(
input: string,
format: 'hex' | 'base64'
): TransactionResultMeta;
class UpgradeEntryMeta {
constructor(attributes: {
upgrade: LedgerUpgrade;
changes: LedgerEntryChanges;
upgrade(value?: LedgerUpgrade): LedgerUpgrade;
changes(value?: LedgerEntryChanges): LedgerEntryChanges;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): UpgradeEntryMeta;
static write(value: UpgradeEntryMeta, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: UpgradeEntryMeta): boolean;
static toXDR(value: UpgradeEntryMeta): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): UpgradeEntryMeta;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): UpgradeEntryMeta;
class LedgerCloseMetaV0 {
constructor(attributes: {
ledgerHeader: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry;
txSet: TransactionSet;
txProcessing: VarArray;
upgradesProcessing: VarArray;
scpInfo: VarArray;
ledgerHeader(value?: LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry): LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry;
txSet(value?: TransactionSet): TransactionSet;
txProcessing(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
upgradesProcessing(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
scpInfo(value?: VarArray): VarArray;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerCloseMetaV0;
static write(value: LedgerCloseMetaV0, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerCloseMetaV0): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerCloseMetaV0): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerCloseMetaV0;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerCloseMetaV0;
class LedgerCloseMeta {
switch(): SignedInt;
v0(value?: LedgerCloseMetaV0): LedgerCloseMetaV0;
value(): LedgerCloseMetaV0;
static 0(value: LedgerCloseMetaV0): LedgerCloseMeta;
toXDR(format?: 'raw'): Buffer;
toXDR(format: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
static read(io: Buffer): LedgerCloseMeta;
static write(value: LedgerCloseMeta, io: Buffer): void;
static isValid(value: LedgerCloseMeta): boolean;
static toXDR(value: LedgerCloseMeta): Buffer;
static fromXDR(input: Buffer, format?: 'raw'): LedgerCloseMeta;
static fromXDR(input: string, format: 'hex' | 'base64'): LedgerCloseMeta;
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