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Created March 4, 2009 18:33
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Save abuiles/73932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import qualified App.Models.Bases.CommentsType as Comment -- We import the type of the comment, this file is generated by the ORM.
import App.Models.Posts -- This is the Post model We find here some basic function generated by the ORM, and We can add more.
-- In App/Models/Bases/PostFunctions.hs We can find the generated functions.
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import qualified Database.HDBC as HDBC
import Turbinado.Controller -- All Controllers must import Turbinado.Controller
-- This is a basic action, It doesn't do anything special just send us to a new view.
-- The view for this action is in /App/Views/Posts/About.hs
about :: Controller ()
about = return ()
-- Show a form where We can write a new post .
-- View : /App/Views/Posts/New.hs
new :: Controller ()
new = do setViewDataValue "save-url" ("Create") -- setViewDataValue allow the controller to send data to the view .
-- check :
-- Insert a new post in the db
create :: Controller ()
create = do body_ <- getParam_u "content" -- Attempt to get a Parameter from the Request query string in this case the parameter is called "content"
title_ <- getParam_u "title"
d <- lift getZonedTime
-- Now We are going to used the code generated by the ORM
-- "insert" is one of those function, If we are using more than one model, We have to import using qualified, in order to avoid ambiguity.
-- check App.Models.Posts.PostsFunctions and App.Models.CommentsFunctions.
id' <- insert(Posts {_id=Nothing , body = body_ , title = title_, created_at = (Just d) }) True
redirectTo $ "/Posts/Show/" ++'))
show :: Controller ()
show = do id' <-getSetting_u "id" :: Controller String
let pId = (read id' :: Integer)
p <- find pId :: Controller Posts
setViewDataValue "post-createdAt" ( p)))
setViewDataValue "post-title" (title p)
setViewDataValue "post-content" (body p)
setViewDataValue "save-comment-url" ("/Comments/Create/"++id')
comments <- findAllChildComments p :: Controller [Comment.Comments] -- This code is generated as well by the ORM, this show the relations between Posts and Comments
setViewDataValue "comments-list" $ map(\c -> ( c,Comment.body c)) comments
index :: Controller ()
index = do posts <- findAll :: Controller [Posts]
setViewDataValue "posts-list" $ map (\p -> ( p)),title p , body p, p)))) posts
edit :: Controller ()
edit = do id' <- getSetting_u "id" :: Controller String
let pId = (read id' :: Integer)
post <- find pId :: Controller Posts
setViewDataValue "post-title" (title post)
setViewDataValue "post-body" (body post )
setViewDataValue "post-update" ("/Posts/UpdateP/"++id')
updateP :: Controller ()
updateP = do id' <- getSetting_u "id" :: Controller String
let pId = (read id' :: Integer)
newBody <- getParam_u "content"
newTitle <- getParam_u "title"
post <- find pId :: Controller Posts
let edited_post = Posts{_id=(_id post) , body =newBody , title = newTitle, created_at = (created_at post) }
update edited_post
redirectTo $ "/Posts/Show/" ++ id'
remove :: Controller ()
remove = do id' <-getSetting_u "id" :: Controller String
let pId = (read id' :: Integer)
post <- find pId :: Controller Posts
mydelete post -- This function is used to delete a post from the database, due to a minor issue, this function is not generated by the ORM.
-- Check in /App/Models/Posts.hs to see how easy is interact with the database.
redirectTo$ "/Manage/Home"
search :: Controller ()
search = do sp <- getParam_u "s" :: Controller String
posts <- findAllWhere "(body||title) like ?" [toSql $ "%"++sp++"%"] -- More of the ORM's magic
setViewDataValue "posts-list" $ map (\p -> ( p)),title p , body p, p)))) posts
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