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Created June 20, 2023 07:32
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How to fix objects and transforms in a manim 3D scene
# Context:
# Although ThreeDScene has the method `self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects()`
# it doesnt work as expected if you want to have transforms that happen
# in the frame coordinates, instead of in 3D coordinates
# See
# This fix fixes the fixed objects in a different way that works under transforms
# The trick is to add a `.fixed` attribute to all mobjects that should not be
# projected by the camera
class MyCamera(ThreeDCamera):
def transform_points_pre_display(self, mobject, points):
if getattr(mobject, "fixed", False):
return points
return super().transform_points_pre_display(mobject, points)
class MyThreeDScene(ThreeDScene):
def __init__(self, camera_class=MyCamera, ambient_camera_rotation=None,
default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(camera_class=camera_class, **kwargs)
def make_fixed(*mobs):
for mob in mobs:
mob.fixed = True
for submob in mob.family_members_with_points():
submob.fixed = True
class Test(MyThreeDScene):
def construct(self):
r = Rectangle()
tex = MathTex("{{f(x,y)}} = {{ e^{-(x^2 + y^2)} }}").to_edge(UP * 1.1)
texN = MathTex( "{{f(x,y)}} = "
"{{\\int_{-2}^2 \\int_{-2}^2 f(x,y) dx dy \\approx \\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \\sum_{j=0}^{m-1} f(i^*,j^*) \\Delta a}}")
make_fixed(tex, texN)
texN.to_edge(UP * 1.1)
self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=-45 * DEGREES)
self.wait(), texN))
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