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Created June 26, 2023 18:26
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Text box for manim
def create_textbox(string, width, height, text_color=BLACK, align=ORIGIN, color=BLUE, buff=0.2):
tex_align = {
tuple(UL): "\\raggedright",
tuple(LEFT): "\\raggedright",
tuple(DL): "\\raggedright",
tuple(UP): "\\centering",
tuple(ORIGIN): "\\centering",
tuple(DOWN): "\\centering",
tuple(UR): "\\raggedleft",
tuple(RIGHT): "\\raggedleft",
tuple(DR): "\\raggedleft",
text_width = width - 2*buff
box = Rectangle(width=width, height=height, fill_color=color, fill_opacity=0.8, stroke_color=color, stroke_opacity=1)
text_tex = f"{tex_align[tuple(align)]} {string}"
text = Tex(text_tex,
tex_environment=f"{{minipage}}{{{text_width*0.7}cm}}", color=text_color)
if text.height > height-2*buff:
new_scale = (height-2*buff)/text.height
new_text_width = text_width/new_scale
text = Tex(text_tex, tex_environment=f"{{minipage}}{{{new_text_width*0.7}cm}}", color=text_color)
result = VGroup() # create a VGroup
result.add(box, text.next_to(box.get_corner(align), -align, buff=buff)) # add both objects to the VGroup
return text, result
# Demo
class Test(Scene):
def construct(self):
for msg, align in [("Centered text", ORIGIN),
("Left-aligned text", LEFT),
("Right-aligned text", RIGHT),
("Top-aligned text", UP),
("Bottom-aligned text", DOWN),
("Top-left-aligned text", UL),
("Top-right-aligned text", UR),
("Bottom-left-aligned text", DL),
("Bottom-right-aligned text", DR)
extra_msg = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor."
text, box = create_textbox(f"{msg} {extra_msg}",
width=10, height=5, text_color=BLACK, align=align)
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