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Created September 14, 2017 17:53
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class puphpet_php (
) {
include ::php::params
class { 'puphpet::php::settings':
version_string => $php['settings']['version'],
$version = $puphpet::php::settings::version
$base_ini = $puphpet::php::settings::base_ini
$package = $puphpet::php::settings::fpm_package
$package_devel = $puphpet::php::settings::package_devel
$service = $puphpet::php::settings::service
class { 'puphpet::php::repos':
php_version => $version,
if ! defined(Service[$service]) {
service { $service:
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
require => Package[$package]
class { 'php':
package => $package,
package_devel => $package_devel,
service => $service,
version => 'present',
service_autorestart => false,
config_file => $base_ini,
if ! defined(Package[$package_devel]) {
package { $package_devel :
ensure => present,
require => Class['php']
# config file could contain no fpm_ini key
$fpm_inis = array_true($php, 'fpm_ini') ? {
true => $php['fpm_ini'],
default => { }
$fpm_inis_merged = merge($fpm_inis, {
'pid' => $puphpet::php::settings::pid_file,
each( $fpm_inis_merged ) |$name, $value| {
puphpet::php::fpm::ini { "${name}: ${value}":
fpm_version => $version,
entry => $name,
value => $value,
php_fpm_service => $service
# config file could contain no fpm_pools key
$fpm_pools = array_true($php, 'fpm_pools') ? {
true => $php['fpm_pools'],
default => { }
each( $fpm_pools ) |$pKey, $pool_settings| {
$pool = $fpm_pools[$pKey]
# pool could contain no ini key
$ini_hash = array_true($pool, 'ini') ? {
true => $pool['ini'],
default => { }
each( $ini_hash ) |$name, $value| {
$pool_name = array_true($ini_hash, 'prefix') ? {
true => $ini_hash['prefix'],
default => $pKey
if $name != 'prefix' {
puphpet::php::fpm::pool_ini { "${pool_name}/${name}: ${value}":
fpm_version => $version,
pool_name => $pool_name,
entry => $name,
value => $value,
php_fpm_service => $service
$php_modules = $php['modules']['php'];
each( $php_modules ) |$name| {
if ! defined(Puphpet::Php::Module[$name]) {
puphpet::php::module { $name:
service_autorestart => true,
notify => Service[$service],
each( $php['modules']['pear'] ) |$name| {
if ! defined(Puphpet::Php::Pear[$name]) {
puphpet::php::pear { $name:
service_autorestart => true,
notify => Service[$service],
each( $php['modules']['pecl'] ) |$name| {
if ! defined(Puphpet::Php::Extra_repos[$name]) {
puphpet::php::extra_repos { $name:
before => Puphpet::Php::Pecl[$name],
if ! defined(Puphpet::Php::Pecl[$name]) {
puphpet::php::pecl { $name:
service_autorestart => true,
notify => Service[$service],
$php_inis = merge({
'cgi.fix_pathinfo' => 1,
}, $php['ini'])
each( $php_inis ) |$key, $value| {
if is_array($value) {
each( $php_inis[$key] ) |$inner_key, $inner_value| {
puphpet::php::ini { "${key}_${$inner_key}":
entry => "CUSTOM_${$inner_key}/${key}",
value => $inner_value,
php_version => $version,
webserver => $service,
notify => Service[$service],
} else {
puphpet::php::ini { $key:
entry => "CUSTOM/${key}",
value => $value,
php_version => $version,
webserver => $service,
if array_true($php_inis, 'session.save_path') {
$session_save_path = $php_inis['session.save_path']
# Handles URLs like tcp://
# absolute file paths won't have ":"
if ! (':' in $session_save_path) and $session_save_path != '/tmp' {
exec { "mkdir -p ${session_save_path}" :
creates => $session_save_path,
notify => Service[$service],
if ! defined(File[$session_save_path]) {
file { $session_save_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
mode => '0775',
require => Exec["mkdir -p ${session_save_path}"],
if $session_save_path != '/tmp' {
exec { 'set php session path owner/group':
creates => '/.puphpet-stuff/php-session-path-owner-group',
command => "chown www-data ${session_save_path} && \
chgrp www-data ${session_save_path} && \
touch /.puphpet-stuff/php-session-path-owner-group",
require => [
if array_true($php, 'composer') and ! defined(Class['puphpet::php::composer']) {
class { 'puphpet::php::composer':
php_package => $puphpet::php::settings::cli_package,
composer_home => $php['composer_home'],
# Usually this would go within the library that needs it (MailHog)
# but the values required are sufficiently complex that it's easier to
# add here
if array_true($mailhog, 'install')
and ! defined(Puphpet::Php::Ini['sendmail_path'])
puphpet::php::ini { 'sendmail_path':
entry => 'CUSTOM/sendmail_path',
value => "${mailhog['settings']['path']} sendmail",
php_version => $version,
webserver => $service,
notify => Service[$service],
if $version == '70' and $::osfamily == 'redhat' {
exec { 'Fix pid_file path':
command => "perl -p -i -e 's#/var/run/php-fpm/' /etc/init.d/php-fpm",
unless => "grep -x '/var/run/' /etc/init.d/php-fpm",
path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ],
notify => Service[$service],
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