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Last active October 3, 2022 22:30
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// 1st step in supply chain process
function produceItemByFarmer(
uint256 _productCode,
string memory _originFarmName,
string memory _originFarmInformation,
string memory _originFarmLatitude,
string memory _originFarmLongitude,
string memory _productNotes,
uint256 _price
onlyFarmer // check address belongs to farmerRole
address distributorID; // Empty distributorID address
address retailerID; // Empty retailerID address
address consumerID; // Empty consumerID address
Item memory newProduce; // Create a new struct Item in memory
newProduce.stockUnit = stockUnit; // Stock Keeping Unit (stockUnit)
newProduce.productCode = _productCode; // Product Codegenerated by the Farmer, goes on the package, can be verified by the Consumer
newProduce.ownerID = _msgSender(); // Metamask-Ethereum address of the current owner as the product moves through 8 stages
newProduce.originFarmerID = _msgSender(); // Metamask-Ethereum address of the Farmer
newProduce.originFarmName = _originFarmName; // Farmer Name
newProduce.originFarmInformation = _originFarmInformation; // Farmer Information
newProduce.originFarmLatitude = _originFarmLatitude; // Farm Latitude
newProduce.originFarmLongitude = _originFarmLongitude; // Farm Longitude
newProduce.productID = _productCode + stockUnit; // Product ID
newProduce.productNotes = _productNotes; // Product Notes
newProduce.productPrice = _price; // Product Price
newProduce.productDate = block.timestamp;
newProduce.productSliced = 0;
newProduce.itemState = defaultState; // Product State as represented in the enum above
newProduce.distributorID = distributorID; // Metamask-Ethereum address of the Distributor
newProduce.retailerID = retailerID; // Metamask-Ethereum address of the Retailer
newProduce.consumerID = consumerID; // Metamask-Ethereum address of the Consumer // ADDED payable
items[_productCode] = newProduce; // Add newProduce to items struct by productCode
uint256 placeholder; // Block number place holder
Txblocks memory txBlock; // create new txBlock struct
txBlock.FTD = placeholder; // assign placeholder values
txBlock.DTR = placeholder;
txBlock.RTC = placeholder;
itemsHistory[_productCode] = txBlock; // add txBlock to itemsHistory mapping by productCode
// Increment stockUnit
stockUnit = stockUnit + 1;
// Emit the appropriate event
emit ProduceByFarmer(_productCode);
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