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Created January 2, 2023 15:16
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pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
// NOTE: This contract is just a suggestion and should not be used as-is.
// It is important to thoroughly review and test any smart contract before using it.
contract MedicalRecord {
// The address of the owner of the contract.
address private owner;
// The medical records that are being stored.
mapping(bytes32 => Record) private records;
// The authorized users who are allowed to access the records.
mapping(address => bool) private authorizedUsers;
// The restrictions on access to each record.
mapping(bytes32 => Restrictions) private accessRestrictions;
// The data for a single medical record.
struct Record {
bytes data;
uint256 timestamp;
// The restrictions on access to a single record.
struct Restrictions {
// The users who are allowed to access the record.
mapping(address => bool) authorizedUsers;
// The minimum role required to access the record.
uint8 minRole;
// The expiration date for the record.
uint256 expirationDate;
// The roles that a user can have.
enum Roles {
// The role of each user.
mapping(address => Roles) private userRoles;
// The constructor sets the owner of the contract.
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
// Only the owner can authorize a user to access records.
function authorizeUser(address user) public onlyOwner {
authorizedUsers[user] = true;
// Only the owner can remove a user's authorization to access records.
function removeAuthorization(address user) public onlyOwner {
authorizedUsers[user] = false;
// Only the owner can set the role of a user.
function setUserRole(address user, Roles role) public onlyOwner {
userRoles[user] = role;
// Only authorized users can access a record if the current time is before the record's expiration date
// and the user's role is equal to or higher than the minimum role required to access the record.
function getRecord(bytes32 key) public view onlyAuthorized returns (bytes memory) {
Record storage record = records[key];
Restrictions storage restrictions = accessRestrictions[key];
require(block.timestamp < restrictions.expirationDate, "This record has expired.");
require(uint8(userRoles[msg.sender]) >= restrictions.minRole, "Your role is not high enough to access this record.");
require(restrictions.authorizedUsers[msg.sender], "You are not authorized to access this record.");
// Only the owner can add or update a record.
function setRecord(bytes32 key, bytes memory data, uint256 expirationDate, uint8 minRole, address[] memory authorizedUsers) public onlyOwner {
Record storage record = records[key]; = data;
record.timestamp = block.timestamp;
Restrictions storage restrictions = accessRestrictions[key];
restrictions.expirationDate = expirationDate;
restrictions.minRole = minRole;
for (uint i = 0; i < authorizedUsers.length; i++) {
restrictions.authorizedUsers[authorizedUsers[i]] = true;
// Only the owner can delete a record.
function deleteRecord(bytes32 key) public onlyOwner {
delete records[key];
delete accessRestrictions[key];
// Only the owner can call these functions.
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can perform this action.");
// Only authorized users can call these functions.
modifier onlyAuthorized {
require(authorizedUsers[msg.sender], "You are not authorized to perform this action.");
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