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Last active March 20, 2024 00:47
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# This script, named, generates a Markdown report of pull requests for specified GitHub users and date ranges within a GitHub project.
# It must be executed within the root directory of the project you want to analyze.
# Usage:
# ./ "user1,user2" "2024-02,2024-03"
# This command generates a report for pull requests created by user1 and user2 between February 2024 and March 2024.
# ./ "user1"
# This command generates a report for pull requests created by user1 in the current month.
# Note: If 'gh pr list' or 'gh pr view' commands return an error (e.g., no pull requests found), the script will skip the problematic user or pull request and continue.
# Example of generated report structure:
# # Pull Requests Report
# ### user1 - 2024-02
# - PR #123
# - Title: Example PR title
# - Created Date: Feb 10, 2024 10:00 AM
# - Merged Date: Feb 12, 2024 02:00 PM
# - Days Open: 2
# - Lines of Codes: +100/-50
# - URL: [](
# Please ensure 'gh' (GitHub CLI) is installed and configured properly before running this script.
# Script content continues below...
# Check if users were passed as an argument and separate them
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
IFS=',' read -r -a users <<< "$1"
echo "Error: No users specified. Please provide at least one user."
exit 1
# Check if dates were passed as an argument and separate them
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
IFS=',' read -r start_date end_date <<< "$2"
# Generate an array of months based on the given range
while [ "$current" != "$end_date" ]; do
current=$(date -d "$current-15 +1 month" +%Y-%m)
months+=("$end_date") # Ensure the end month is included in the range
# Use the current month if no range is specified
current_month=$(date "+%Y-%m")
# Create a Markdown file
echo "# Pull Requests Report" > "$output_file"
# Function to generate the PR section for a given user and month
generate_pr_section() {
local user=$1
local month=$2
echo "### ${user} - $month" >> "$output_file"
# Adjust the command based on specified users
user_filter="--author $user"
pr_numbers=$(gh pr list --state all $user_filter --search "created:$month sort:created-asc" --json number --jq '.[] | "\(.number) "')
if [ -z "$pr_numbers" ]; then
echo "Skipping $user for $month, no pull requests found or an error occurred." >&2
echo "$pr_numbers" | while read pr_number; do
pr_details=$(gh pr view "$pr_number" --json additions,deletions,url,title,createdAt,mergedAt)
if [ -z "$pr_details" ]; then
echo "Error retrieving details for PR #$pr_number, skipping." >&2
# Extract PR details and display them
title=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq -r '.title')
created_at=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq -r '.createdAt')
merged_at=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq -r '.mergedAt')
if [ "$merged_at" == "null" ]; then
days_opened=$(echo $(( ($(date +%s) - $(date -d "$created_at" +%s) )/(60*60*24) )))
days_opened=$(echo $(( ($(date -d "$merged_at" +%s) - $(date -d "$created_at" +%s) )/(60*60*24) )))
additions=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq '.additions')
deletions=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq '.deletions')
url=$(echo "$pr_details" | jq -r '.url')
echo "- PR #$pr_number" >> "$output_file"
echo " - Title: $title" >> "$output_file"
echo " - Created Date: $(LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 date -d "$created_at" +"%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p")" >> "$output_file"
if [ "$merged_at" != "null" ]; then
echo " - Merged Date: $(LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 date -d "$merged_at" +"%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p")" >> "$output_file"
echo " - Merged Date: Not merged yet" >> "$output_file"
echo " - Days Open: $days_opened" >> "$output_file"
echo " - Lines of Codes: +$additions/-$deletions" >> "$output_file"
echo " - URL: [$url]($url)" >> "$output_file"
# Generate sections for each user and month
for user in "${users[@]}"; do
for month in "${months[@]}"; do
generate_pr_section "$user" "$month"
echo "Report generated in $output_file."
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