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Created August 31, 2018 12:43
cassidoo challenge 27-08-2018
Given a a 2D matrix that represents a maze (with 1s as walls and 0s as path).
Find a path from one corner to another, backtracking should be allowed.
Return an array of steps taken in order.
function included(lista, elem) {
var res=false;
var i=0;
var stringElem=JSON.stringify(elem);
while ((i<lista.length) && (!res)) {
res = JSON.stringify(lista[i++]) === stringElem;
return (res);
function way(maze, partialRes, index) {
// Precondition: maze not empty.
// Index represents the starting position
// It will find the way out, if there is one, from anywhere in the maze to
// the bottom right corner.
// This is a recursive function.
var dims = {x: maze.length, y: maze[0].length};
if ((index.x<0) || (index.x>=dims.x) || (index.y<0) || (index.y>=dims.y)) {
// out of bounds
console.log("Out of bounds");
return({isViable: false , path:[]});
else if (maze[index.x][index.y]) { // the current position is a wall, cannot go there
console.log("I hit a wall.");
return({isViable: false, path:[]});
else if ((index.x===dims.x-1) && (index.y===dims.y-1)) { // end of the maze!
console.log("¡Fin del laberinto! Yisss!");
return({isViable:true,path: partialRes.push(index)});
else if (included(partialRes,index)) { // already visited
console.log("Casilla ya visitada.");
return({isViable: false, path:[]});
else { // recursive calls
if ((index.x-1>=0) && way(maze, partialRes, {x:index.x-1, y: index.y}).isViable) {
console.log("Viable x-1");
return({isViable: true, path: partialRes});
else if ((index.x+1<dims.x) && way(maze, partialRes, {x:index.x+1, y: index.y}).isViable) {
console.log("Viable x+1");
return({isViable: true, path: partialRes});
else if ((index.y-1>=0) && way(maze, partialRes, {x: index.x, y: index.y-1}).isViable){
console.log("Viable y-1");
return({isViable: true, path: partialRes});
else if ((index.y+1<dims.y) && way(maze, partialRes, {x: index.x, y: index.y+1}).isViable) {
console.log("Viable y+1");
return({isViable: true, path: partialRes});
else {
console.log("No llego a nada: ni arriba, ni abajo, ni izquierda, ni derecha.");
return({isViable: false, partialRes});
} // function
var matriz = [[0,0,1],[1,0,1],[0,0,0]]; // good maze
if (typeof matriz !== 'undefined' && matriz.length > 0){
var resultado=way(matriz,[],{x:0,y:0});
console.log(resultado); // good maze
var matriz2 = [[0,0,1],[1,0,1],[0,0,1]]; // maze with no solution
if (typeof matriz2 !== 'undefined' && matriz2.length > 0){
var resultado=way(matriz2,[],{x:0,y:0});
console.log(resultado); // maze with no solution
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