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Created September 25, 2011 04:49
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Notes for the 2011-9-23 CSI 3334 lecture
% To allow combining the lecture notes from different students in a
% simple way everybody must use the same header.
% If you think the template lack a package, then contact the lecturer,
% and we will probably extend the template with your favorite package.
\newcommand{\lecture}[5] { %
\markboth{CSI 3334 -- Fall 2011}{\fheadline}%
\large \bf
CSI 3334, Data Structures
\Large \bf
Lecture \fnumber: \fheadline
\noindent Date: \fdate
Author(s): \fauthor
Lecturer: \flecturer
% \lecture{date}{lecture number}{lecture headline}{lecturer}{author}
%%%%% Edit after this row. The above should not need editing. %%%%%
%%%%% Define your own stuff here. %%%%%
\lecture{2011-08-31}{11}{Programming Assignment 2 \& Trees}{Fredrik Niemel\"a}{Adam Cammack, Michael Webbon}
What are we supposed to turn in? What is a tree?
\section{Programming Assignment 1}
This assignment was designed primarily to test your ability to use the site. Some students did not email the right address in time; their assignments will be due on the day that they get their logins, within reason.
\section{Programming Assignment 2}
Due: Monday, 3 October 2011
Implement Vector, Stack, and Queue classes. Code must be indented and use a convention of your choice. Code should be properly modularized in files and should not leak memory.
All containers will store \texttt{unsigned\_int}s. For all the containers the size is the maximum and guaranteed size of the instance. Size of zero is allowed and containers will not resize. Use \texttt{const} where appropriate. The expected interface is as follows:
\item \texttt{explicit Vector(size\_t)}
\item copy constructor
\item assignment (=) operator
\item index operator (\texttt{[]}), two versions: one \texttt{const} (for accessing) and one reference (for assignment). May throw \texttt{std::out\_of\_range} where it makes sense.
\item \texttt{explicit Vector(size\_t)}
\item copy constructor
\item assignment (=) operator
\item \texttt{void push()}, throws \texttt{std::length\_error} on overflow
\item \texttt{unsigned int pop()}, throws \texttt{std::length\_error} on underflow
\item shovel operators (see below)
\item \texttt{explicit Vector(size\_t)}
\item copy constructor
\item assignment (=) operator
\item \texttt{void push()}, throws \texttt{std::length\_error} on overflow
\item \texttt{unsigned int pop()}, throws \texttt{std::length\_error} on underflow
\item shovel operators (see below)
\item[Shovel Operators]
\item \texttt{ostream $\ll$ cont} pops off the top element and prints it
\item \texttt{istream $\gg$ cont} pushes an element on to the container
\item \texttt{cont $\ll$ uint} pushes an element on to the container
\item \texttt{cont $\gg$ uint} pops off the top element
\item[Graph] $G = \{V, E\}$ where $E\subset \{V \times V\}$
\item[Tree] Graph where every pair of nodes is connected by exactly one path
\item[Rooted Tree] What most people mean when say 'tree'. Has a root node. Nodes have child nodes.
\item[Forest] Graph where every pair of nodes is connected by at most one path (a set of trees)
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