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Last active December 16, 2015 14:19
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  • Save acammack/5447900 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save acammack/5447900 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
minihub: a small shell wrapper for working with github
## Usage:
# minihub checkout|fetch|pull|push username branchname
# Fetch and checkout, fetch, pull, push, or checkout a user's branch, if you
# have access
# minihub pull-request|pr username basebranch title [message]
# Submit a pull request for the current HEAD to the user's base branch. If
# successful, it will print out the URL of the new PR.
# All of these commands assume that the repository name can be found in the
# .git/description file. The username and login are set just a little ways
# below. Git and curl will prompt for your password as needed.
set -e
git_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel )
repo_name=$(cat ${git_root}/.git/description)
case $1 in
git $1$2/${repo_name}.git $3
git fetch$2/${repo_name}.git $3
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
# You can only open pull requests for commits that have been pushed,
# ie, you can't be in a detached head state
head=$(cat ${git_root}/.git/HEAD | sed -e 's|ref: refs/heads/||')
cat <<JSON |
"title": "$4",
"body": "$5",
"base": "$3",
"head": "${username}:${head}"
curl -sS -u ${login} -X POST$2/${repo_name}/pulls -d @- |\
grep html_url |\
head -1 |\
sed -e 's/.*: "\(.*\)",/\1/'
echo "I don't know how to $1"
exit $?
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