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Created October 23, 2017 16:34
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import sys
from os import walk
import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock, Process
import os
import multiprocessing
import time
# defintions
sameDs = True
# if it is same then directory1 should == directory2
directory = 'cutted_joined/'
max_distance = 10000
# TODO remove
result_file = "results/result_file_par.txt"
result_file_merged = "results/result_file_merged_par.txt"
infinity = max_distance * 100 - 1
# list of choromosoms that will be used by procedure
chrs = ["chr" + str(i + 1) for i in range(22)] + ["chrx"]
# class definitions
class Region(object):
__slots__ = ['tf', 'position', 'tssList']
def __init__(self, tf, position, tssList=set()):
# self.chrm = chrm = tf
self.position = position
self.tssList = tssList
def __str__(self):
return ( + " " + str(self.position) + " " + str(self.tssList))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class Distance(object):
__slots__ = ['distance', 'intersectTssList']
# __slots__ = ['distance', 'intersectTssList','regPre','regCurr']
def __init__(self, distance, intersectTssList=None):
self.distance = distance
self.intersectTssList = intersectTssList
# def __init__(self, distance, intersectTssList = None,regPre=None,regCurr=None):
# self.distance = distance
# self.intersectTssList = intersectTssList
# self.regPre = regPre
# self.regCurr = regCurr
def __str__(self):
return (str(self.distance) + " " + str(self.intersectTssList))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def linear_merge(list1, list2):
#return merged list, if not any of them empty otherwise return empty
list1 = iter(list1)
list2 = iter(list2)
# if one of them is empty, then return nothing, this is easy for TICA application
value1 = next(list1)
except StopIteration:
value2 = next(list2)
except StopIteration:
# #if one of them is empty, then serve the other one
# try:
# value1 = next(list1)
# except StopIteration:
# while True:
# try:
# yield next(list2)
# except StopIteration:
# return
# try:
# value2 = next(list2)
# except StopIteration:
# yield value1
# while True:
# try:
# yield next(list1)
# except StopIteration:
# return
# We'll normally exit this loop from a next() call raising StopIteration, which is
# how a generator function exits anyway.
while True:
if value1.position <= value2.position:
# Yield the lower value.
yield value1
# Grab the next value from list1.
value1 = next(list1)
except StopIteration:
# list1 is empty. Yield the last value we received from list2, then
# yield the rest of list2.
yield value2
while True:
yield next(list2)
except StopIteration:
yield value2
value2 = next(list2)
except StopIteration:
# list2 is empty.
yield value1
while True:
yield next(list1)
except StopIteration:
def linear_merge_distance(list1, list2):
listIter = iter(linear_merge(list1, list2))
# set a pre region with name NO_TF at the position -infinity
regionPre = Region("NO_TF", -infinity)
# send an infinity in the beginning
yield Distance(infinity)
while True:
regionCurr = next(listIter)
if ==
yield Distance(infinity)
yield Distance(regionCurr.position - regionPre.position, regionCurr.tssList.intersection(regionPre.tssList))
# yield Distance(regionCurr.position - regionPre.position, regionCurr.tssList.intersection(regionPre.tssList),regionPre,regionCurr)
regionPre = regionCurr
except StopIteration:
# send an infinity at the end
yield Distance(infinity)
# linear_merge_distance tests
# a = []
# b = []
# a.append(Region("asd", 1, set([1, 2])))
# a.append(Region("asd", 2, set([2, 3])))
# b.append(Region("qwe", 3, set([1, 2])))
# b.append(Region("qwe", 4))
# a.append(Region("asd", 5))
# b.append(Region("qwe", 7))
# print([i for i in linear_merge(a, b)])
# print([i for i in linear_merge_distance(a, b)])
lock = Lock()
list_of_tf = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(directory):
# list_of_tf = [
# "ARID3A",
# "ATF1",
# "ATF3",
# "ATF4",
# "BHLHE40"]
def read(tf):
print("READ", tf)
tempTf = defaultdict(list)
for line in open(directory + tf):
s = line.strip().split("\t")
tss = set() if s[3] == "-1" else set([int(t) for t in s[3].split(",")])
c = s[0].lower()
tempTf[c].append(Region(tf, int(s[1]), tss))
tempTf2 = dict()
for key in chrs:
tempTf2[key] = sorted(tempTf[key], key=lambda x: x.position)
return tempTf2
def getTfs(tf, tfs):
if not tf in tfs:
tfs[tf] = read(tf)
return tfs[tf]
def calculate_distances(inp, tfs=dict()):
(tf1, tf2) = inp
temp_count_all = defaultdict(int)
temp_count_tss = defaultdict(int)
tf1rA = getTfs(tf1, tfs)
tf2rA = getTfs(tf2, tfs)
out_file = open("results2/" + tf1 + "-" + tf2 + ".txt", "w")
for c in chrs:
tf1r = tf1rA[c]
tf2r = tf2rA[c]
distances = linear_merge_distance(tf1r, tf2r)
pre_distance = next(distances)
curr_distance = next(distances)
for postDistance in distances:
if curr_distance.distance < max_distance and curr_distance.distance < pre_distance.distance and curr_distance.distance <= postDistance.distance:
# TODO remove
out_file.write("\t".join([tf1, tf2, str(curr_distance.distance), str(int(bool(curr_distance.intersectTssList)))]) + "\n")
temp_count_all[curr_distance.distance] += 1
if curr_distance.intersectTssList:
temp_count_tss[curr_distance.distance] += 1
pre_distance = curr_distance
curr_distance = postDistance
cumulative_count_all = 0
cumulative_count_tss = 0
with lock:
for dist, count_all in sorted(temp_count_all.items()):
count_tss = temp_count_tss[dist]
cumulative_count_all += count_all
cumulative_count_tss += count_tss
out_file_merged.write("\t".join([tf1, tf2, str(dist), str(count_all), str(count_tss), str(cumulative_count_all), str(cumulative_count_tss)]) + "\n")
out_file = open(result_file, "w")
out_file_merged = open(result_file_merged, "w")
class Consumer(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(self, task_queue, result_queue):
self.task_queue = task_queue
self.result_queue = result_queue
def run(self):
tfs = dict()
proc_name =
print('%s' % (proc_name))
while True:
next_task = self.task_queue.get()
if next_task is None:
# Poison pill means shutdown
print('%s: Exiting' % proc_name)
print('%s: %s' % (proc_name, next_task))
answer = next_task(tfs)
class Task(object):
def __init__(self, tf1, tf2):
self.tf1 = tf1
self.tf2 = tf2
def __call__(self, tfs):
calculate_distances((self.tf1, self.tf2), tfs)
return '%s - %s' % (self.tf1, self.tf2)
def __str__(self):
return '%s - %s' % (self.tf1, self.tf2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
traverse = [(tf1, tf2) for tf1 in list_of_tf for tf2 in list_of_tf if tf1 < tf2]
# Establish communication queues
tasks = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
results = multiprocessing.Queue()
# Start consumers
num_consumers = min(16, int(multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
print('Creating %d consumers' % num_consumers)
consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(num_consumers)]
# consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results)]
for w in consumers:
# Enqueue jobs
for (tf1, tf2) in [(tf1, tf2) for tf1 in list_of_tf for tf2 in list_of_tf if tf1 < tf2]:
tasks.put(Task(tf1, tf2))
print("all tasks added")
# Add a poison pill for each consumer
for i in range(len(consumers)):
print("all poisons added")
count = 0
# Start printing results
while not tasks.empty():
result = results.get(timeout=1)
count += 1
print('\t\t\tA Count: ', count, ' - Result:', result)
# print ('##timeout##')
# Wait for all of the tasks to finish
# Start printing results
while not results.empty():
result = results.get()
count += 1
print('\t\t\tB Count: ', count, ' - Result:', result)
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