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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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<h1>Alessandro Caporrini, Webmaster</h1>
<p><strong>Junior Web developer:</strong> I'm able to build a Web presence from the ground up: from concept, navigation, layout to back-end programming. I'm a fast learner, hard worker and team player who is proficient in modern web languages.</p>
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<h1>Alessandro Caporrini</h1>
<h2>Web Master</h2>
<p><strong>Junior Web developer</strong> I'm able to build a Web presence from the ground up: from concept, navigation, layout to back-end programming. I'm a fast learner, hard worker and team player who is proficient in modern web languages.</p>
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<h2>Full Stack Web Developer, system administrator, tech enthusiast.</h2>
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<h3>More about me</h3>
Junior Web developer able to build a Web presence from the ground up: from concept, navigation, layout to back-end programming.
Fast learner, hard worker and team player who is proficient in modern web languages.
Strong background in Java development and object oriented programming, Linux administration and LAMP environment.
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<h1>In White B&B</h1>
<p> Wordpress based </p>
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<h1>Insight Interiors</h1>
<p> Joomla based</p>
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<h2>Products overview</h2>
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<th>Responsive website</th>
<th>Interactive website</th>
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<td>Content Development?</td>
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<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Why did you decide to become a Web Developer?
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After working many years as a Linux system administrator I fell in love with coding. I love to code, it makes me feel good, I can do that for hours!
I love to find solution to everyday problems through coding and create modern web services that people can use to improve their lives. It makes me feel like I'm creating something that has a real value.
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What kind of job are you looking for?
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I wanna face new challenges, feel that my job is important and that what I'm doing can have an impact. I wanna learn how to bring innovation and be part of the tomorrow's revolution.
I'm moving to Berlin and my biggest goal is to find an apprenticeship/intern/junior position as web developer in this amazing city.
I'm looking for chances to grove professionaly and personally working side by side with brilliant pro.
I'm a fast learner, hard worker,thech enthusiast, good team player that can also works idividually.
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Ok, but what are your programming skills?
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I've accomplished a vocational diploma in software development mainly focussed on Java,,C/C++.
I'm a Oracle certified associate Java developer.
I'm already prolificent in HTML,CSS,Javascript,Jquery and I am now expanding my knowledge about Ruby on Rails and Node.js stacks.
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title:"In White Bed & Breakfast",
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title:"Third Project",
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