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Last active October 6, 2020 05:46
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Node.js Essential Packages

Node.js Essential Packages

Adrian's collection of super useful NPM packages.



  • async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code.


  • binary - Unpack multibyte binary values from buffers and streams. Ability to specify endianness and signedness.
  • file-type - Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array.
  • safe-buffer - Safer Buffer API. Uses the built-in implementation when available.

File System

  • fs-extra - Adds file system methods that aren't included in the native fs module and adds promise support to the fs methods.
  • fs-write-stream-atomic - Writes to a tmp file and does an atomic fs.rename to move it into place when it's done.
  • graceful-fs - Normalize behavior across different platforms and environments, and make filesystem access more resilient to errors.
  • readdirp - Recursively reads the contents of a directory. Exposes a stream api.
  • walkdir - Find files. Walk a tree of any depth.
  • write-file-atomic - A fs.writeFile extension. makes operations atomic and allows you set ownership of the file.


  • bfj - Asynchronous streaming functions for large JSON data sets.
  • jsonfile - Read/write JSON files safely.
  • JSONStream - Streaming JSON.parse and JSON.stringify.


  • draftlog - Create updatable log lines into the terminal.


  • CSV

    • csv-write-stream - A CSV encoder stream that produces properly escaped CSVs.
    • csv-parser - Streaming CSV parser. Converts CSV into JSON at at rate of around 90,000 rows per second.
    • json2csv - Converts JSON into csv with column titles and proper line endings.
  • Text Extraction

    • textract - Extracts text from a multitude of document types.

Pattern Matching


Rate Limiting


  • async-retry - Minimal async retrying.
  • retry - Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations.
  • p-retry - Retry a promise-returning or async function.

Scraping / Extracting

  • node-read - Get Readable Content from any page.

Streams [docs]

CLI Development

Human Language

  • abbrev - Calculate the set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings.


  • crypto - Native crypto module. Wrapper for OpenSSL's hash, HMAC, cipher, decipher, sign and verify functions.
  • hasha - Get the hash of a buffer/string/stream/file.
  • unique-slug - Generate a unique character string suitible for use in files and URLs.



  • accepts - Higher level content negotiation based on negotiator.
  • content-type - Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231.
  • get-port - Get an available port.
  • got - A nicer interface to the built-in http module.
  • negotiator - HTTP content negotiator for Node.js.
  • qs - Securely parse and stringify querystrings.
  • raw-body - Parse request bodies.




  • ws - Blazing fast, and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server implementation.


  • airpaste - A 1-1 network pipe that auto discovers other peers using mdns.
  • bonjour - Publish services on the local network or discover existing services.
  • castnow - Commandline chromecast player.
  • chromecasts - Query local network for Chromecasts and have them play media.
  • multicast-dns - Low level multicast-dns.



Unit Testing

  • assert - Provides a simple set of assertion tests. A native Node module.
  • ava - Minimal and fast. Runs test files in parallel as separate processes. Forces atomic tests.
  • tape - Minimal, tap-producing test harness.
  • sinon - Test spies, stubs and mocks.

Integration Testing

Functional Testing

  • supertest - Useful for constructive, descriptive web server tests.

Load Testing

  • toxy - HTTP proxy to simulate server failure scenarios and unexpected network conditions.
  • skipfish
    • bombards server with valid and invalid requests.
    • improperly closes connections (catches memory leaks).
    • executes common attacks (massive dictionary of common attack vectors).
  • ab - Apache Benchmark.
  • gor - Captures and replays live HTTP traffic into a test environment.
    • replays actual requests on test server to emulate realistic traffic.
    • exposes layer of errors that can't be easily found via automated and manual testing.
      • concurrency
      • server environment-specific bugs
      • errors due to requests called in a particular order
  • wrk - Multithreaded HTTP benchmarking tool.


  • xo - Opinionated but configurable ESLint wrapper. Enforces strict and readable code.

Code Coverage


  • vtop - A graphical activity monitor for the command line.
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