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Created March 11, 2020 14:20
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#%% Load libraries
using CSV, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta
using LinearAlgebra
using Optim # GMM() optimization
# using FixedEffectModels
# using RegressionTables
using StatsBase # sample() for bootstrap sample
using ProgressMeter
using Latexify
#%% Read data
df ="data/PS2_data.csv", header = [:s; :p; :x; :z]);
#%% Exogenous parameters
α = -0.5
β₀ = 1.5
β₁ = 0.5
# θ = [ϕ; λ; γ₀; γ₁]
#%% Compute variables that come from the model
# u = log.(df.s) .- log.(1 .- df.s);
df = @transform(df, ξ = - β₀ .- df.x .* β₁ .- α .* df.p .- log.( (1 .- df.s) ./ df.s))
df = @transform(df, ones = ones(size(df)[1]))
#df = @transform(df, sinv = 1 .+ 1 ./ α .* (1 .- :s));
# df = @transform(df, k = 1 ./ α .* (1 .- :s))
# df = @transform(df, p₂ = df.p .+ df.k)
#ω(λ, γ₁, ϕ) = α .* (1 .- df.s) .* (2 .- df.s) / ((1 .- df.s) .* α) .+ df.p .- λ .- γ₁ .* df.z .- ϕ
#%% Define GMM functions
function GMM(θ, α, df::DataFrame, Z::Array{Symbol,1})
lengthZ = length(Z)
g = zeros(lengthZ)
N = size(df)[1]
λ_γ = θ[1]
ϕ = θ[2]
γ₁ = θ[3]
# Loop through Z
for i in 1:lengthZ
z = Z[i]
g[i] = (
1 / N .* vec(df[:, z])' *
((df.p .- λ_γ .- df.z .* γ₁ .+ 1 ./ (α .* (1 .- df.s)))
((df.p .- λ_γ .- df.z .* γ₁ .+ 1 ./ (α .* (1 .- df.s))) .* df.s .- 1 ./ (α .* (1 .- df.s)))
.- ϕ
# Return object
obj = 1 / N .* g' * g
return obj[1]
multieqGMM(θ, α, df, Z)
function multieqGMM(initial, α, df::DataFrame, Z::Array{Symbol,1})
Optim.minimizer(Optim.optimize(θ -> GMM(θ, α, df, Z), initial[1:3], LBFGS()))
#%% Run GMM to get point estimates
# Define initial parameter values:
ϕ = 0.5
λ = 1
λ_γ = 1
γ₁ = 0
θ = [λ_γ; ϕ; γ₁]
#%% Define GMM function that computes bootstrap standard errors
function bootstrapGMM(K, α, df::DataFrame, Z::Array{Symbol,1}, initial=zeros(size(Z)[1]))
coefs_data = multieqGMM(initial, α, df, Z)
coefs_bootstrap = zeros(K, 3)
@showprogress 1 for i in 1:K
sample = df[StatsBase.sample(axes(df, 1), size(df)[1];
replace = true, ordered = false), :]
coefs_bootstrap[i, :] = multieqGMM(initial, α, sample, Z)
GMMestimates = DataFrame()
GMMestimates.params = ["λ+γ₀"; "ϕ"; "γ₁"]
GMMestimates.coefs = vec(coefs_data)
GMMestimates.SE = vec(StatsBase.std(coefs_bootstrap, dims = 1))
return GMMestimates
#%% Compute estimates
# Number of bootstrap repetitions:
K = 10000
Z = [:ones, :x, :z, :ξ];
est1 = bootstrapGMM(K, α, df, Z)
Z = [:ones, :x, :z];
est2 = bootstrapGMM(K, α, df, Z)
Z = [:ones, :x, :ξ];
est3 = bootstrapGMM(K, α, df, Z)
#%% Create combined array of results to export LaTeX table
results = string.(zeros(6, 3))
for (index, est) in enumerate([est1, est2, est3])
iter = 0
for i in 1:3
for j in 2:3
iter = iter + 1
if j == 2
results[iter, index] = string.(round.(est[i, j], sigdigits = 3))
results[iter, index] = string.("(", round.(est[i, j], sigdigits = 3), ")")
# Round results and convert to string for exporting
results = hcat(["λ+γ₀"; ""; "ϕ"; ""; "γ₁"; ""], results)
latexify(results, env = :tabular, head = [""; "(1)"; "(2)"; "(3)"], fmt = FancyNumberFormatter(3))
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